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AD2L Season 32

American Amateur league meant to bring high quality events to amateur players

Всего убито курьеров: 1411

Сводка | Сетка | Профили ☰ | Карточки
МатчСилы СветаСилы ТьмыДлительностьВсего убийствЗавершён
6122014313The Big Bad (tbb)Golf Monday? (Golf?)34:554901:02:33 6.08.2021
6153694425Glebby 2.0 (Glebby)Golf Monday? (Golf?)50:328702:40:19 27.08.2021
6078472890Golf Monday? (Golf?)Sniper Monkeys (Sniper)38:037002:49:52 8.07.2021
6090374098Golf Monday? (Golf?)Midnight Space Rats of the Third Regiment (MID)1:11:537301:01:07 16.07.2021
6090434523Golf Monday? (Golf?)Midnight Space Rats of the Third Regiment (MID)36:095902:34:56 16.07.2021
6100919877Golf Monday? (Golf?)WSS.Satyrs (WSS.STYR)39:124101:09:56 23.07.2021
6100954171Golf Monday? (Golf?)WSS.Satyrs (WSS.STYR)48:227302:06:57 23.07.2021
6111535409Golf Monday? (Golf?)GRIN Ethereal (Grin)33:485701:10:19 30.07.2021
6111571711Golf Monday? (Golf?)GRIN Ethereal (Grin)43:149202:10:11 30.07.2021
6122048721Golf Monday? (Golf?)The Big Bad (tbb)32:325702:00:02 6.08.2021
6132709893Golf Monday? (Golf?)Pot Of Lust (Lust)36:334802:39:17 13.08.2021
6144604809Golf Monday? (Golf?)Pot of Vainglory (PoV)34:146612:14:48 21.08.2021
6153639241Golf Monday? (Golf?)Glebby 2.0 (Glebby)52:569001:13:06 27.08.2021