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AD2L Season 34

American Amateur league meant to bring high quality events to amateur players

Частота побед Сил Света: 46.0899

Сводка | Сетка | Профили ☰ | Карточки
МатчСилы СветаСилы ТьмыДлительностьВсего убийствЗавершён
6448728134Rats and Bunnies (RnB)Golf Monday? (Golf?)26:184102:06:47 25.02.2022
6459340299RockSquad (RS)Golf Monday? (Golf?)32:154502:04:36 4.03.2022
6459375281RockSquad (RS)Golf Monday? (Golf?)27:044703:02:16 4.03.2022
6465923158Waist of Time (WoT)Golf Monday? (Golf?)32:313703:02:36 8.03.2022
6481202746Team.Vicious (Vx)Golf Monday? (Golf?)28:524601:03:59 18.03.2022
6481232086Team.Vicious (Vx)Golf Monday? (Golf?)46:266001:54:29 18.03.2022
6492188726beignet boys (#bb)Golf Monday? (Golf?)43:215001:05:49 25.03.2022
6503174432Boots of Midas (BoM)Golf Monday? (Golf?)32:185402:27:48 1.04.2022
6520533351Waist of Time (WoT)Golf Monday? (Golf?)39:025901:03:29 12.04.2022
6520571309Waist of Time (WoT)Golf Monday? (Golf?)54:306202:10:05 12.04.2022
6545917611beignet boys (#bb)Golf Monday? (Golf?)59:277601:07:03 29.04.2022
6545965057beignet boys (#bb)Golf Monday? (Golf?)1:05:139402:31:22 29.04.2022
6546024691beignet boys (#bb)Golf Monday? (Golf?)41:526404:05:39 29.04.2022
6570595765Pot Of Wrath (Wrath)Golf Monday? (Golf?)45:295211:18:19 14.05.2022
6436967907Golf Monday? (Golf?)Helmets On ([HO])29:394202:03:39 18.02.2022
6437001603Golf Monday? (Golf?)Helmets On ([HO])38:105902:54:46 18.02.2022
6448690404Golf Monday? (Golf?)Rats and Bunnies (RnB)41:388201:02:25 25.02.2022
6503143960Golf Monday? (Golf?)Boots of Midas (BoM)23:502001:37:42 1.04.2022
6570541682Golf Monday? (Golf?)Pot Of Wrath (Wrath)41:564310:04:15 14.05.2022
6570635972Golf Monday? (Golf?)Pot Of Wrath (Wrath)36:425612:26:17 15.05.2022
6570675742Golf Monday? (Golf?)Pot Of Wrath (Wrath)37:185901:33:27 15.05.2022
6570719661Golf Monday? (Golf?)Pot Of Wrath (Wrath)40:234302:33:28 15.05.2022