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Starting Items feature + Interactive map 7.389(b) update

True Fighters 2024

Minor South American online event hosted by Pixel Studio

Average wards destroyed per game by Dire: 5.9474

South America
Overview | Records | Heroes | Players | Teams | Participants | Matches
Players | Teams
This page contains all basic data about league participants (players or teams) as cards. To find match with specific player or team use document inner search (usually Ctrl+F).
Hk.Gardιck 鬼 - (125995177)
Matches: 15 (10 - 5)
Winrate: 66.67%
GPM: 332.7
XPM: 465.5
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: South America (15)
rattletrap Clockwerk: 5 - 100.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 3 - 66.67%
undying Undying: 2 - 50.00%
lich Lich: 1 - 100.00%
Support Safelane: 10 - 60.00%
Support Offlane: 5 - 80.00%
Hk.Lumière - (191290281)
Matches: 15 (10 - 5)
Winrate: 66.67%
GPM: 749.2
XPM: 872.7
Hero Pool: 10
Regions: South America (15)
morphling Morphling: 4 - 100.00%
monkey_king Monkey King: 2 - 100.00%
nevermore Shadow Fiend: 2 - 100.00%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 1 - 100.00%
Core Safelane: 15 - 66.67%
Hk.PiPi - (399920568)
Matches: 15 (10 - 5)
Winrate: 66.67%
GPM: 568.3
XPM: 697.5
Hero Pool: 7
Regions: South America (15)
earth_spirit Earth Spirit: 4 - 100.00%
tiny Tiny: 5 - 40.00%
void_spirit Void Spirit: 2 - 100.00%
earthshaker Earthshaker: 1 - 100.00%
Core Midlane: 15 - 66.67%
Hk.Genek - (392385140)
Matches: 15 (10 - 5)
Winrate: 66.67%
GPM: 365.1
XPM: 459.9
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: South America (15)
snapfire Snapfire: 3 - 100.00%
gyrocopter Gyrocopter: 3 - 66.67%
muerta Muerta: 3 - 33.33%
shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 2 - 50.00%
Support Offlane: 14 - 71.43%
Core Offlane: 1 - 0.00%
FSN.!!!! - (252737052)
Matches: 13 (10 - 3)
Winrate: 76.92%
GPM: 609.8
XPM: 726.4
Hero Pool: 7
Regions: South America (13)
doom_bringer Doom: 4 - 75.00%
brewmaster Brewmaster: 2 - 100.00%
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 2 - 100.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 2 - 50.00%
Core Offlane: 13 - 76.92%
FSN.Michael~ - (248180032)
Matches: 13 (10 - 3)
Winrate: 76.92%
GPM: 368.5
XPM: 543.7
Hero Pool: 5
Regions: South America (13)
batrider Batrider: 5 - 100.00%
muerta Muerta: 2 - 100.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 2 - 50.00%
shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 2 - 50.00%
Support Offlane: 13 - 76.92%
FSN.Prada - (100758751)
Matches: 13 (10 - 3)
Winrate: 76.92%
GPM: 349.5
XPM: 528.9
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: South America (13)
ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 4 - 75.00%
batrider Batrider: 3 - 66.67%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 2 - 100.00%
chen Chen: 2 - 100.00%
Support Safelane: 11 - 81.82%
Support Offlane: 2 - 50.00%
FSN.Kōtarō.sr4ever - (185202677)
Matches: 13 (10 - 3)
Winrate: 76.92%
GPM: 741.6
XPM: 876.4
Hero Pool: 9
Regions: South America (13)
gyrocopter Gyrocopter: 3 - 100.00%
ursa Ursa: 2 - 50.00%
muerta Muerta: 1 - 100.00%
drow_ranger Drow Ranger: 1 - 100.00%
Core Safelane: 13 - 76.92%
FSN.Leostyle^^! - (59463394)
Matches: 13 (10 - 3)
Winrate: 76.92%
GPM: 619.8
XPM: 795.1
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: South America (13)
nevermore Shadow Fiend: 3 - 100.00%
puck Puck: 3 - 66.67%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 2 - 50.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 1 - 100.00%
Core Midlane: 13 - 76.92%
Hk.Vitaly 誇り - (138177198)
Matches: 13 (8 - 5)
Winrate: 61.54%
GPM: 598.2
XPM: 699.1
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: South America (13)
brewmaster Brewmaster: 2 - 100.00%
lycan Lycan: 3 - 33.33%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 2 - 50.00%
night_stalker Night Stalker: 2 - 50.00%
Core Offlane: 13 - 61.54%
PRRN.kendallx - (169359999)
Matches: 12 (6 - 6)
Winrate: 50.00%
GPM: 539.6
XPM: 643.0
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: South America (12)
abyssal_underlord Underlord: 2 - 100.00%
terrorblade Terrorblade: 2 - 100.00%
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 1 - 100.00%
enigma Enigma: 1 - 100.00%
Core Offlane: 12 - 50.00%
PRRN.Mjz - (186837494)
Matches: 12 (6 - 6)
Winrate: 50.00%
GPM: 331.8
XPM: 455.2
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: South America (12)
pugna Pugna: 3 - 66.67%
elder_titan Elder Titan: 3 - 66.67%
phoenix Phoenix: 1 - 100.00%
enchantress Enchantress: 1 - 100.00%
Support Safelane: 10 - 50.00%
Support Offlane: 2 - 50.00%
PRRN.n1ght - (85696663)
Matches: 12 (6 - 6)
Winrate: 50.00%
GPM: 353.4
XPM: 513.2
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: South America (12)
muerta Muerta: 3 - 66.67%
tusk Tusk: 3 - 66.67%
rubick Rubick: 1 - 100.00%
magnataur Magnus: 1 - 100.00%
Support Offlane: 8 - 62.50%
Core Offlane: 4 - 25.00%
PRRN.SLATEM$ - (383867949)
Matches: 12 (6 - 6)
Winrate: 50.00%
GPM: 567.2
XPM: 724.2
Hero Pool: 7
Regions: South America (12)
earth_spirit Earth Spirit: 4 - 75.00%
tiny Tiny: 2 - 50.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 1 - 100.00%
monkey_king Monkey King: 1 - 100.00%
Core Midlane: 12 - 50.00%
PRRN.Wits - (363758022)
Matches: 12 (6 - 6)
Winrate: 50.00%
GPM: 735.4
XPM: 868.4
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: South America (12)
morphling Morphling: 2 - 100.00%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 2 - 50.00%
medusa Medusa: 2 - 50.00%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 1 - 100.00%
Core Safelane: 12 - 50.00%
NNI.ArzenT - (148480336)
Matches: 12 (5 - 7)
Winrate: 41.67%
GPM: 494.2
XPM: 641.7
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: South America (12)
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 2 - 100.00%
tidehunter Tidehunter: 2 - 50.00%
weaver Weaver: 2 - 50.00%
doom_bringer Doom: 2 - 50.00%
Core Offlane: 12 - 41.67%
NNI.wonderk1d^^< - (1673586483)
Matches: 12 (5 - 7)
Winrate: 41.67%
GPM: 645.7
XPM: 815.9
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: South America (12)
lina Lina: 7 - 42.86%
queenofpain Queen of Pain: 1 - 100.00%
invoker Invoker: 1 - 100.00%
sniper Sniper: 1 - 0.00%
Core Midlane: 12 - 41.67%
NNI.ZXCZXCZXC - (121591254)
Matches: 12 (5 - 7)
Winrate: 41.67%
GPM: 340.2
XPM: 448.5
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: South America (12)
tusk Tusk: 5 - 40.00%
shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 2 - 100.00%
muerta Muerta: 1 - 100.00%
dark_willow Dark Willow: 2 - 0.00%
Support Offlane: 12 - 41.67%
NNI.Yor - (185001854)
Matches: 12 (5 - 7)
Winrate: 41.67%
GPM: 319.2
XPM: 426.4
Hero Pool: 9
Regions: South America (12)
elder_titan Elder Titan: 3 - 66.67%
tusk Tusk: 2 - 50.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 1 - 100.00%
dark_willow Dark Willow: 1 - 100.00%
Support Safelane: 8 - 62.50%
Support Offlane: 3 - 0.00%
Core Safelane: 1 - 0.00%
NNI.JP - (370600515)
Matches: 12 (5 - 7)
Winrate: 41.67%
GPM: 731.0
XPM: 865.1
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: South America (12)
gyrocopter Gyrocopter: 5 - 40.00%
bristleback Bristleback: 2 - 50.00%
sven Sven: 1 - 100.00%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 1 - 100.00%
Core Safelane: 12 - 41.67%
Waska.DarkMago♡ - (352545711)
Matches: 7 (3 - 4)
Winrate: 42.86%
GPM: 573.9
XPM: 775.3
Hero Pool: 5
Regions: South America (7)
earthshaker Earthshaker: 2 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny: 1 - 100.00%
earth_spirit Earth Spirit: 1 - 100.00%
mars Mars: 2 - 0.00%
Core Midlane: 7 - 42.86%
Waska.Matthew - (155332459)
Matches: 7 (3 - 4)
Winrate: 42.86%
GPM: 323.0
XPM: 495.0
Hero Pool: 4
Regions: South America (7)
shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 2 - 100.00%
muerta Muerta: 3 - 33.33%
lion Lion: 1 - 0.00%
snapfire Snapfire: 1 - 0.00%
Support Offlane: 7 - 42.86%
Waska.blas - (191248125)
Matches: 7 (3 - 4)
Winrate: 42.86%
GPM: 776.9
XPM: 903.9
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: South America (7)
terrorblade Terrorblade: 2 - 50.00%
earthshaker Earthshaker: 1 - 100.00%
life_stealer Lifestealer: 1 - 100.00%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 1 - 0.00%
Core Safelane: 7 - 42.86%
Waska.Sacred - (408729743)
Matches: 7 (3 - 4)
Winrate: 42.86%
GPM: 536.4
XPM: 699.7
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: South America (7)
doom_bringer Doom: 2 - 100.00%
tidehunter Tidehunter: 1 - 100.00%
enigma Enigma: 1 - 0.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 1 - 0.00%
Core Offlane: 7 - 42.86%
Waska.Tiger - (177953305)
Matches: 7 (3 - 4)
Winrate: 42.86%
GPM: 370.7
XPM: 538.9
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: South America (7)
tusk Tusk: 2 - 50.00%
warlock Warlock: 1 - 100.00%
ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 1 - 100.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 1 - 0.00%
Support Safelane: 4 - 50.00%
Support Offlane: 3 - 33.33%
Lava.pamplona - (242885483)
Matches: 7 (2 - 5)
Winrate: 28.57%
GPM: 334.4
XPM: 473.1
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: South America (7)
batrider Batrider: 2 - 50.00%
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 1 - 100.00%
enchantress Enchantress: 1 - 0.00%
shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 1 - 0.00%
Support Offlane: 7 - 28.57%
Lava.YiSuS - (197813893)
Matches: 7 (2 - 5)
Winrate: 28.57%
GPM: 550.6
XPM: 732.6
Hero Pool: 7
Regions: South America (7)
centaur Centaur Warrunner: 1 - 100.00%
bristleback Bristleback: 1 - 100.00%
slardar Slardar: 1 - 0.00%
tidehunter Tidehunter: 1 - 0.00%
Core Offlane: 7 - 28.57%
Lava.Faker - (197574429)
Matches: 7 (2 - 5)
Winrate: 28.57%
GPM: 527.4
XPM: 666.9
Hero Pool: 7
Regions: South America (7)
puck Puck: 1 - 100.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 1 - 100.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 1 - 0.00%
tiny Tiny: 1 - 0.00%
Core Midlane: 7 - 28.57%
Matches: 7 (2 - 5)
Winrate: 28.57%
GPM: 637.3
XPM: 767.4
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: South America (7)
monkey_king Monkey King: 2 - 100.00%
drow_ranger Drow Ranger: 1 - 0.00%
morphling Morphling: 1 - 0.00%
alchemist Alchemist: 1 - 0.00%
Core Safelane: 7 - 28.57%
ThAs.CHAAANNN - (329076390)
Matches: 6 (2 - 4)
Winrate: 33.33%
GPM: 329.2
XPM: 466.2
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: South America (6)
witch_doctor Witch Doctor: 1 - 100.00%
snapfire Snapfire: 1 - 100.00%
lich Lich: 1 - 0.00%
jakiro Jakiro: 1 - 0.00%
Support Safelane: 6 - 33.33%
ThAs.Джесси - (252520776)
Matches: 6 (2 - 4)
Winrate: 33.33%
GPM: 376.5
XPM: 506.8
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: South America (6)
marci Marci: 1 - 100.00%
muerta Muerta: 1 - 100.00%
batrider Batrider: 1 - 0.00%
techies Techies: 1 - 0.00%
Support Offlane: 5 - 40.00%
Core Offlane: 1 - 0.00%
ThAs.Hermit - (145372258)
Matches: 6 (2 - 4)
Winrate: 33.33%
GPM: 472.5
XPM: 577.8
Hero Pool: 3
Regions: South America (6)
beastmaster Beastmaster: 3 - 33.33%
visage Visage: 1 - 100.00%
brewmaster Brewmaster: 2 - 0.00%
Core Offlane: 6 - 33.33%
ThAs.Like that time - (1053593250)
Matches: 6 (2 - 4)
Winrate: 33.33%
GPM: 471.7
XPM: 591.3
Hero Pool: 5
Regions: South America (6)
kunkka Kunkka: 2 - 50.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 1 - 100.00%
tiny Tiny: 1 - 0.00%
invoker Invoker: 1 - 0.00%
Core Midlane: 6 - 33.33%
Lava.pos5or3 - (1012061568)
Matches: 6 (2 - 4)
Winrate: 33.33%
GPM: 371.5
XPM: 480.7
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: South America (6)
enchantress Enchantress: 1 - 100.00%
batrider Batrider: 1 - 100.00%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden: 1 - 0.00%
pugna Pugna: 1 - 0.00%
Support Safelane: 3 - 66.67%
Support Offlane: 3 - 0.00%
ThAs.Argius - (116080282)
Matches: 6 (2 - 4)
Winrate: 33.33%
GPM: 690.7
XPM: 799.2
Hero Pool: 5
Regions: South America (6)
gyrocopter Gyrocopter: 2 - 50.00%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 1 - 100.00%
phantom_assassin Phantom Assassin: 1 - 0.00%
medusa Medusa: 1 - 0.00%
Core Safelane: 6 - 33.33%
BlBr.patienceᴵ - (173842160)
Matches: 4 (0 - 4)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 581.8
XPM: 690.5
Hero Pool: 4
Regions: South America (4)
morphling Morphling: 1 - 0.00%
life_stealer Lifestealer: 1 - 0.00%
spectre Spectre: 1 - 0.00%
magnataur Magnus: 1 - 0.00%
Core Safelane: 4 - 0.00%
BlBr.Ñengo - (1131665504)
Matches: 4 (0 - 4)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 485.5
XPM: 557.8
Hero Pool: 3
Regions: South America (4)
lina Lina: 2 - 0.00%
earthshaker Earthshaker: 1 - 0.00%
pangolier Pangolier: 1 - 0.00%
Core Midlane: 4 - 0.00%
BlBr.Hanzama < - (133958007)
Matches: 4 (0 - 4)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 280.5
XPM: 384.3
Hero Pool: 3
Regions: South America (4)
tusk Tusk: 2 - 0.00%
shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 1 - 0.00%
nyx_assassin Nyx Assassin: 1 - 0.00%
Support Offlane: 4 - 0.00%
BlBr.^ ^ - (872625732)
Matches: 4 (0 - 4)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 408.5
XPM: 467.0
Hero Pool: 4
Regions: South America (4)
beastmaster Beastmaster: 1 - 0.00%
dazzle Dazzle: 1 - 0.00%
phoenix Phoenix: 1 - 0.00%
mars Mars: 1 - 0.00%
Core Offlane: 4 - 0.00%
BlBr.weeaboo - (99796146)
Matches: 4 (0 - 4)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 299.8
XPM: 358.3
Hero Pool: 3
Regions: South America (4)
batrider Batrider: 2 - 0.00%
ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 1 - 0.00%
tusk Tusk: 1 - 0.00%
Support Safelane: 2 - 0.00%
Support Offlane: 2 - 0.00%
Hk.TakecareMia - (908940454)
Matches: 2 (2 - 0)
Winrate: 100.00%
GPM: 660.0
XPM: 721.5
Hero Pool: 2
Regions: South America (2)
sand_king Sand King: 1 - 100.00%
terrorblade Terrorblade: 1 - 100.00%
Core Offlane: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 1 (0 - 1)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 164.0
XPM: 290.0
Hero Pool: 1
Regions: South America (1)
ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 1 - 0.00%
Support Safelane: 1 - 0.00%