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Starting Items feature + Interactive map 7.389(b) update

BLAST Slam Season 2

Major LAN event hosted by BLAST in Copenhagen

Median match duration: 37.8000

Summary | Grid | Profiles | Cards
Facets | Positions | Meta Graph | Combos Overview
Pairs | Trios
This section contains stats for most common hero pairs. Winrate difference is calculated based on average expected win rate of the heroes together. Expected matches is calculated number of matches the heroes would be picked together randomly based on their pick rates. Deviation is difference between expected number of matches and the actual number (higher number is better and means the heroes are usually picked together intentionally, negative values mean otherwise). Percentage is how much of actual matches is the deviation number. Minimum amount of matches for pairs is set to 2.
Winrate difference
Expected matches
Same lane rate
spirit_breakerSpirit BreakerphoenixPhoenix333.33%-21.67%1272.22%0.00%
spirit_breakerSpirit Breakermonkey_kingMonkey King333.33%-9.17%1272.22%0.00%
phoenixPhoenixmonkey_kingMonkey King333.33%-4.17%1277.78%0.00%
enigmaEnigmaspirit_breakerSpirit Breaker2100.00%32.50%1158.33%100.00%
phantom_assassinPhantom Assassinspirit_breakerSpirit Breaker2100.00%36.67%1168.75%0.00%
templar_assassinTemplar Assassinmonkey_kingMonkey King250.00%12.50%0283.33%0.00%
enigmaEnigmaphantom_assassinPhantom Assassin250.00%-20.84%1275.00%0.00%
templar_assassinTemplar Assassinspirit_breakerSpirit Breaker250.00%-5.00%0279.17%0.00%
phantom_assassinPhantom AssassindazzleDazzle250.00%-8.34%0287.50%50.00%
dragon_knightDragon Knightspirit_breakerSpirit Breaker250.00%-5.00%0279.17%0.00%
bounty_hunterBounty HunterterrorbladeTerrorblade250.00%-8.34%0287.50%0.00%
enigmaEnigmamonkey_kingMonkey King250.00%0.00%1166.67%0.00%
templar_assassinTemplar AssassinphoenixPhoenix250.00%0.00%0283.33%0.00%