Donations this month: $45.47
Spectral Wrapped 2023

BTS Pro Series Season 11

Major online event by Beyond the Summit

Players in league: 146

List | Cards | Heroes ☰
6565401537 - MTG ⚔ NGXSea - Series 1 - Game 1 - MTG.GACHABOI - Core MidlaneDiresand_kingshadow_shamanleshracshadow_demonchaos_knighttemplar_assassinogre_magiearth_spiritgrimstrokemarsWon33:39
6563982162 - Polaris ⚔ NGXSea - Series 1 - Game 1 - NGXSea.AlaCrity- - Core MidlaneRadiantdragon_knightleshracabaddonterrorbladehoodwinkphantom_lancershadow_shamandeath_prophetomniknightmarsLost43:56
6563121676 - Inf.U ⚔ Osmium - Series 1 - Game 2 - Inf.U.Alone - Core MidlaneRadiantantimageleshracwispsnapfiremarsstorm_spiritgyrocopterundyinglegion_commandergrimstrokeWon31:22
6562116522 - lg ⚔ RSG - Series 1 - Game 1 - RSG.xsilearn - Core MidlaneRadiantsand_kingpugnaleshracchaos_knighthoodwinkbloodseekerzuusshadow_shamandragon_knighttreantWon45:21
6561604033 - Inf.U ⚔ Hokori - Series 1 - Game 2 - Inf.U.Alone - Core MidlaneDireenigmaleshracmedusaearth_spiritgrimstrokestorm_spiritrattletrapkeeper_of_the_lightmonkey_kingmarsWon1:16:45
6560715693 - Patriots ⚔ neon - Series 1 - Game 1 - Patriots.jikroy - Core SafelaneRadiantstorm_spiritleshracchaos_knightwisphoodwinkpucktinyshadow_shamanbrewmasterabaddonLost39:22
6558517070 - Inf.U ⚔ Infinity - Series 1 - Game 2 - Inf.U.Alone - Core MidlaneDiremorphlingrattletrapleshrachoodwinkmarsbanestorm_spiritchaos_knightkeeper_of_the_lightsnapfireWon27:43
6556945747 - Hokori ⚔ Dog - Series 1 - Game 1 - Fayde - Core MidlaneDireantimagemiranaleshracwispmarsstorm_spiritskeleton_kingpugnavisagetuskLost24:45
6556837425 - Infinity ⚔ nouns - Series 1 - Game 2 - Infinity.PiPi - Core MidlaneRadiantbaneleshracnaga_sirenwispshredderwitch_doctorlunadragon_knightchenember_spiritWon26:05
6554075833 - Infinity ⚔ WC - Series 1 - Game 1 - Infinity.PiPi - Core MidlaneDirebanemorphlingleshracwispmarspugnashredderember_spiritterrorbladehoodwinkWon38:02
6553938031 - Osmium ⚔ TMM - Series 1 - Game 2 - TMM.high_shaggy - Core MidlaneRadiantearthshakerleshracchaos_knightwispshreddersand_kingstorm_spiritgyrocopterundyingrubickLost33:19
6553869153 - Osmium ⚔ TMM - Series 1 - Game 1 - Osmium.U know the pain? - Core MidlaneRadiantmiranafaceless_voidleshracshredderoraclenecrolyterattletrapenchantresschaos_knightkeeper_of_the_lightLost39:29
6549573750 - XctN ⚔ neon - Series 1 - Game 1 - neon.avataRmod3 - Core MidlaneRadiantleshracenchantressshadow_demonchaos_knightmedusamiranasand_kingtinydeath_prophetkeeper_of_the_lightLost50:41
6549222616 - MTG ⚔ AG - Series 1 - Game 1 - MTG.GACHABOI - Core MidlaneRadiantstorm_spirittinyshadow_shamanleshrachoodwinkphantom_assassintreantshredderpangoliergrimstrokeLost31:39
6545878653 - felt ⚔ Dog - Series 1 - Game 3 - Fayde - Core MidlaneRadiantantimagebaneleshrackeeper_of_the_lightmarssand_kingkunkkadeath_prophetrubickabaddonWon36:52
6544514458 - Infinity ⚔ Ravens - Series 1 - Game 3 - Ravens.Ñengoflow KELOKE - Core MidlaneDiresand_kingtemplar_assassinleshractreantkeeper_of_the_lightrazortinybatriderdisruptormonkey_kingLost46:43
6543049612 - felt ⚔ 5RF - Series 1 - Game 2 - felt.Shin丶Ra - Core MidlaneDirerazortinyviperleshracabaddonbanedragon_knightenchantressnaga_sirenember_spiritWon37:57
6542980481 - TMM ⚔ Dire - Series 1 - Game 1 - Dog.Ryoya - Core MidlaneDiremiranaleshracwispmedusamarsstorm_spirittinylionshredderabaddonWon26:34