Spectral is a non-commercial personal passion project, kept online by donations of users like you.Any Patreon or direct donation helps a lot. Click on this block for more info Donations this month: $727.29
Spectral Wrapped 2024

Competitive Premium 2021-2022

DPC 2021/22 Seasons and TI11 Qualifiers

Average Radiant Win duration: 37.8974

: 1216 (776 Picks, 440 Bans)
: 55.10%
: Support Safelane
: 1.72
: 7.51
: 12.7
: 0.879
: 249.6
: 350.1
: 12.9
: 219.4
: 3.63
: 420.8
: 78.6
: 1.02
: 7.27
: 0.628
: 37:31
Best allies
Worst allies
Worst counters
Best counters

Basic item build

Picks and bans
MatchesContest RateRankRev-RankPickedWinratempBannedWinratemb

Recent matches

6811050928 - Secret ⚔ TLN - Series 1 - Game 2 - Secret.Puppey - Support OfflaneRadiantbanebloodseekerlinabroodmothertuskrattletrapleshracjakirolycanlone_druidWon36:15
6809894646 - SQ ⚔ Hokori - Series 1 - Game 2 - SQ.Fata - Support SafelaneDirebanebeastmasterskywrath_mageterrorbladeprimal_beastmorphlingpuckvenomancerrattletrapmarciLost42:57
6809638522 - RNG ⚔ Hokori - Series 1 - Game 2 - RNG.xNova - Support SafelaneRadiantantimagebanebroodmothervoid_spiritsnapfiretidehunterundyingmedusapangolierhoodwinkLost46:27
6809523804 - Secret ⚔ TSpirit - Series 1 - Game 2 - Secret.Puppey - Support SafelaneRadiantbanebloodseekerkunkkaenigmanyx_assassinbeastmasterrattletrapspectresilencerpangolierWon54:41
6808348917 - Aster ⚔ bc - Series 2 - Game 1 - Aster.皮球 - Support SafelaneDirebanepucklunavisagemarcisventinylichmagnataurpangolierWon22:19
Deaths #36500442574 - SMG ⚔ Polaris - Series 1 - Game 1 - 21ninjaboogie -
Observer wards placed #46380457853 - PSG.LGD ⚔ RNG - Series 1 - Game 2 - 32PSG.LGD.y` -
Obs Wards destroyed #36664060390 - BOOM ⚔ TLN - Series 2 - Game 1 - 14TLN.Hyde- -
Observer wards placed #6 (North America)6707633683 - PSG.LGD ⚔ TSpirit - Series 2 - Game 2 - 26TSpirit.Miposhka -
Map pings #6 (North America)6478112866 - SQ ⚔ Hustler - Series 2 - Game 2 - 300Hustler.Sam -
Deaths #2 (Asia)6500442574 - SMG ⚔ Polaris - Series 1 - Game 1 - 21ninjaboogie -
Observer wards placed #5 (Asia)6618965886 - NGX ⚔ TLN - Series 2 - Game 2 - 30NGX.Boombui -
Sentries placed #4 (Asia)6618965886 - NGX ⚔ TLN - Series 2 - Game 2 - 61NGX.Boombui -
Obs Wards destroyed (Asia)6664060390 - BOOM ⚔ TLN - Series 2 - Game 1 - 14TLN.Hyde- -
Map pings #6 (Asia)6623649170 - BOOM ⚔ TLN - Series 1 - Game 3 - 269BOOM.skem -
Deaths #3 (South America)6503033139 - Balrogs ⚔ ThunderP - Series 1 - Game 1 - 18SexyeYogye -
Sentries placed #5 (South America)6491646470 - OW ⚔ G-pride - Series 2 - Game 1 - 47G-pride.Yadomi -
Stuns #5 (South America)6319211717 - OW ⚔ G-pride - Series 1 - Game 1 - 183.44OW.Mr.Kingão -
Deaths #2 (China)6535559034 - iG.V ⚔ Yb - Series 1 - Game 1 - 19iG.V.qyqx -
Observer wards placed (China)6380457853 - PSG.LGD ⚔ RNG - Series 1 - Game 2 - 32PSG.LGD.y` -
Sentries placed #2 (China)6380457853 - PSG.LGD ⚔ RNG - Series 1 - Game 2 - 59PSG.LGD.y` -
Sentries placed #6 (China)6367897376 - RNG ⚔ LBZS - Series 1 - Game 3 - 51RNG.xNova -
Map pings #6 (China)6383475863 - EHOME ⚔ PSG.LGD - Series 1 - Game 2 - 161EHOME.zzq -
Observer wards placed #3 (Western Europe)6301793959 - Nemiga ⚔ CIS - Series 1 - Game 1 - 28Fng -
Obs Wards destroyed #2 (Western Europe)6301793959 - Nemiga ⚔ CIS - Series 1 - Game 1 - 10Fng -
Stuns #3 (Western Europe)6301793959 - Nemiga ⚔ CIS - Series 1 - Game 1 - 237.17Fng -
Deaths #3 (Eastern Europe)6552015234 - MG ⚔ CIS - Series 1 - Game 1 - 17Fng -
Assists #5 (Eastern Europe)6545404223 - MG ⚔ PC - Series 2 - Game 3 - 34MG.Bignum -
Observer wards placed #2 (Eastern Europe)6635630260 - X3 ⚔ HYDRA - Series 1 - Game 1 - 24X3.smN -
Sentries placed #4 (Eastern Europe)6573291227 - OG ⚔ TSM - Series 1 - Game 1 - 46TSM.DuBu -
Map pings #2 (Eastern Europe)6635630260 - X3 ⚔ HYDRA - Series 1 - Game 1 - 256X3.smN -
Couriers killed by a player #4 (Eastern Europe)6571965781 - TSpirit ⚔ ThunderP - Series 2 - Game 1 - 4TSpirit.Miposhka -
force_staff Force Staff6615068739 - TMM ⚔ ALPHA - Series 1 - Game 1 - 15:37ALPHA.pingu -
tranquil_boots Tranquil Boots6477300936 - PSG.LGD ⚔ VG - Series 2 - Game 2 - 05:56PSG.LGD.y` -
glimmer_cape Glimmer Cape6312260563 - T1 ⚔ SMG - Series 1 - Game 2 - 17:22T1.Whitemon -
blink Blink Dagger6625609507 - Gambit ⚔ RE - Series 2 - Game 1 - 19:21Gambit.pantomem -
aether_lens Aether Lens6740851149 - Gambit ⚔ RE - Series 3 - Game 2 - 13:07RE.kaori -
arcane_boots Arcane Boots6740851149 - Gambit ⚔ RE - Series 3 - Game 2 - 04:42RE.kaori -
Highest averages
Stuns #4 (South America)84.56
Most deaths #4 (China)7.79
Stuns #5 (Western Europe)82.30
Draft stageMatchesPicksWinrateRatioBansWinrateRatio
Support Safelane41653.61%53.61%Matches
Support Offlane35946.26%56.82%Matches


RegionPositionContest RatePickrateMatchesRatioWinrateLink
North AmericaTotal34.52%21.83%141100.00%53.19%Link
North AmericaSupport Offlane8.67%8.67%5639.72%58.93%Link
North AmericaSupport Safelane13.16%13.16%8560.28%49.41%Link
AsiaSupport Offlane9.23%9.23%7653.15%56.58%Link
AsiaSupport Safelane8.14%8.14%6746.85%52.24%Link
South AmericaTotal25.00%17.61%81100.00%55.56%Link
South AmericaSupport Offlane7.39%7.39%3441.98%55.88%Link
South AmericaSupport Safelane10.22%10.22%4758.02%55.32%Link
ChinaSupport Offlane14.17%14.17%6855.28%58.82%Link
ChinaSupport Safelane11.46%11.46%5544.72%49.09%Link
Western EuropeTotal49.20%32.48%204100.00%57.35%Link
Western EuropeSupport Offlane14.97%14.97%9446.08%56.38%Link
Western EuropeSupport Safelane17.52%17.52%11053.92%58.18%Link
Eastern EuropeTotal37.09%23.08%84100.00%53.57%Link
Eastern EuropeSupport Offlane8.52%8.52%3136.90%51.61%Link
Eastern EuropeSupport Safelane14.29%14.29%5261.90%55.77%Link


EHOMEEHOME (EHOME)201457.14%1.15%650.00%0.49%
INVICTUS GAMINGINVICTUS GAMING (IG)10837.50%0.66%2100.00%0.16%
PSG.LGDPSG.LGD (PSG.LGD)181266.67%0.99%666.67%0.49%
Natus VincereNatus Vincere (NAVI)11366.67%0.25%825.00%0.66%
Evil GeniusesEvil Geniuses (EG)161080.00%0.82%650.00%0.49%
Team EmpireTeam Empire (Empire)121118.18%0.90%10.00%0.08%
Team LiquidTeam Liquid (Liquid)19666.67%0.49%1369.23%1.07%
AllianceAlliance (Alliance)7250.00%0.16%540.00%0.41%
FnaticFnatic (Fnatic)18366.67%0.25%1553.33%1.23%
Vici GamingVici Gaming (VG)7560.00%0.41%20.00%0.16%
Our WayOur Way (OW)3333.33%0.25%00.00%0.00%
CDEC CDEC (CDEC)440.00%0.33%00.00%0.00%
Team SecretTeam Secret (Secret)211080.00%0.82%1163.64%0.90%
Virtus.proVirtus.pro (VP)8366.67%0.25%540.00%0.41%
TNC PredatorTNC Predator (TNC)750.00%0.41%20.00%0.16%
Balrogs e-SportBalrogs e-Sport (Balrogs)3333.33%0.25%00.00%0.00%
OGOG (OG)221457.14%1.15%837.50%0.66%
iG.VitalityiG.Vitality (iG.V)5560.00%0.41%00.00%0.00%
Infamous U.esports.Infamous U.esports. (Inf.U)7683.33%0.49%10.00%0.08%
Nemiga GamingNemiga Gaming (Nemiga)14475.00%0.33%1040.00%0.82%
Gorillaz-PrideGorillaz-Pride (G-pride)8757.14%0.58%1100.00%0.08%
Team AsterTeam Aster (Aster)331776.47%1.40%1662.50%1.32%
Royal Never Give UpRoyal Never Give Up (RNG)15944.44%0.74%633.33%0.49%
Winstrike TeamWinstrike Team (Winstrike)52100.00%0.16%3100.00%0.25%
Lava BestPcLava BestPc (IV)8560.00%0.41%3100.00%0.25%
Team SpiritTeam Spirit (TSpirit)221872.22%1.48%4100.00%0.33%
Unknown TeamUnknown Team (Unknown)330.00%0.25%00.00%0.00%
Noping VPNNoping VPN (NP)7425.00%0.33%333.33%0.25%
SHENZHENSHENZHEN (SZ)6683.33%0.49%00.00%0.00%
SoniqsSoniqs (SQ)14955.56%0.74%560.00%0.41%
Thunder PredatorThunder Predator (ThunderP)221163.64%0.90%1163.64%0.90%
Sparking Arrow GamingSparking Arrow Gaming (SAG)6540.00%0.41%1100.00%0.08%
HellRaisersHellRaisers (HR)15742.86%0.58%825.00%0.66%
Aster.AriesAster.Aries (Aries)7250.00%0.16%540.00%0.41%
Nigma GalaxyNigma Galaxy (NGX)131163.64%0.90%20.00%0.16%
BOOM EsportsBOOM Esports (BOOM)191163.64%0.90%887.50%0.66%
4 Zoomers4 Zoomers (4Zs)15683.33%0.49%944.44%0.74%
InterActive PhilippinesInterActive Philippines (IAP)320.00%0.16%10.00%0.08%
BrameBrame (BR)4250.00%0.16%2100.00%0.16%
InfinityInfinity (Infinity)10955.56%0.74%1100.00%0.08%
phoenix gamingphoenix gaming (phoenix)1060.00%0.49%450.00%0.33%
LBZSLBZS (LBZS)5520.00%0.41%00.00%0.00%
Team MagmaTeam Magma (Magma)7366.67%0.25%40.00%0.33%
HokoriHokori (Hokori)10955.56%0.74%10.00%0.08%
UD VESSUWANUD VESSUWAN (UDV)11100.00%0.08%00.00%0.00%
Lilgun Lilgun (lg)201850.00%1.48%20.00%0.16%
Arkosh GamingArkosh Gaming (ARKOSH)9366.67%0.25%616.67%0.49%
Neptune GamingNeptune Gaming (NG)220.00%0.16%00.00%0.00%
The CutThe Cut (TC)131040.00%0.82%30.00%0.25%
T1T1 (T1)261478.57%1.15%1250.00%0.99%
5ManMidas5ManMidas (5mm)830.00%0.25%520.00%0.41%
Team SMGTeam SMG (SMG)221758.82%1.40%560.00%0.41%
Omega GamingOmega Gaming (Ωmega)41100.00%0.08%333.33%0.25%
ExecrationExecration (XctN)8728.57%0.58%10.00%0.08%
beastcoastbeastcoast (bc)31100.00%0.08%2100.00%0.16%
SG esportsSG esports (SG)11862.50%0.66%30.00%0.25%
Mind GamesMind Games (MG)9837.50%0.66%10.00%0.08%
Black N YellowBlack N Yellow (BnY)11742.86%0.58%425.00%0.33%
TSMTSM (TSM)231770.59%1.40%6100.00%0.49%
Motivate.Trust GamingMotivate.Trust Gaming (MTG)13650.00%0.49%728.57%0.58%
No Bounty HunterNo Bounty Hunter (NBH)110.00%0.08%00.00%0.00%
Xtreme  GamingXtreme  Gaming (XG)141060.00%0.82%450.00%0.33%
Army GeniusesArmy Geniuses (AG)17616.67%0.49%1172.73%0.90%
PuckChampPuckChamp (PC)131070.00%0.82%333.33%0.25%
V-GamingV-Gaming (V)7475.00%0.33%333.33%0.25%
feltfelt (felt)5520.00%0.41%00.00%0.00%
Electronic BoysElectronic Boys (eboy)220.00%0.16%00.00%0.00%
Simply TOOBASEDSimply TOOBASED (2B)14520.00%0.41%922.22%0.74%
Tundra Esports Tundra Esports (Tundra)201376.92%1.07%742.86%0.58%
AS Monaco GambitAS Monaco Gambit (ASM.GMB)7616.67%0.49%10.00%0.08%
IVYIVY (IVY)7650.00%0.49%1100.00%0.08%
Ghost FrogsGhost Frogs (GF)420.00%0.16%2100.00%0.16%
Team Bald RebornTeam Bald Reborn (Tb)520.00%0.16%333.33%0.25%
Fantastic FiveFantastic Five (F5)4250.00%0.16%2100.00%0.16%
B8B8 (B8)9812.50%0.66%10.00%0.08%
OB.NeonOB.Neon (OB.neon)131127.27%0.90%20.00%0.16%
APU King of KingsAPU King of Kings (APUKINGS)13540.00%0.41%837.50%0.66%
D2 HustlersD2 Hustlers (Hustler)201346.15%1.07%771.43%0.58%
Gambit EsportsGambit Esports (Gambit)8771.43%0.58%10.00%0.08%
Chicken FightersChicken Fighters (ChF)12966.67%0.74%366.67%0.25%
X3X3 (X3)440.00%0.33%00.00%0.00%
InteritusInteritus (iS)6540.00%0.41%10.00%0.08%
Winter BearWinter Bear (WB)200.00%0.00%20.00%0.16%
Polaris EsportsPolaris Esports (Polaris)16966.67%0.74%785.71%0.58%
The Apes E-SportThe Apes E-Sport (APES)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.08%
(( ))21100.00%0.08%10.00%0.08%
cybercatscybercats (^._.^= ∫ )9450.00%0.33%540.00%0.41%
RagdollRagdoll (Ragdoll)102100.00%0.16%837.50%0.66%
Nigma Galaxy SEANigma Galaxy SEA (NGX)13450.00%0.33%966.67%0.74%
Ybb gamingYbb gaming (Yb)121275.00%0.99%00.00%0.00%
Team MagnusTeam Magnus (TM)210.00%0.08%10.00%0.08%
Dandelion Esport ClubDandelion Esport Club (DEC)510.00%0.08%4100.00%0.33%
HYDRAHYDRA (HYDRA)14850.00%0.66%60.00%0.49%
Summit GamingSummit Gaming (Summit)31100.00%0.08%20.00%0.16%
CHILLAXCHILLAX (CHILLAX)12862.50%0.66%475.00%0.33%
TalonTalon (TLN)211560.00%1.23%666.67%0.49%
CIS RejectsCIS Rejects (CIS)161464.29%1.15%250.00%0.16%
Into The BreachInto The Breach (ITB)11850.00%0.66%333.33%0.25%
CoolguysCoolguys (COOL)320.00%0.16%10.00%0.08%
Gaimin GladiatorsGaimin Gladiators (GG)291861.11%1.48%1145.45%0.90%
DogChampDogChamp (Dog)231338.46%1.07%1030.00%0.82%
Spawn.496Spawn.496 (Spawn.496)31100.00%0.08%20.00%0.16%
EntityEntity (ETG)272556.00%2.06%2100.00%0.16%
KBU.USKBU.US (KBU.US)12955.56%0.74%333.33%0.25%
5RATFORCESTAFF5RATFORCESTAFF (5RF)141266.67%0.99%20.00%0.16%
NO SORRYNO SORRY (NS)121266.67%0.99%00.00%0.00%
ChubbyBoizChubbyBoiz (Chubby)63100.00%0.25%3100.00%0.25%
Dreamers EsportsDreamers Esports (DrE)32100.00%0.16%1100.00%0.08%
The Mystery MachineThe Mystery Machine (TMM)9580.00%0.41%40.00%0.33%
RavensRavens (Ravens)6580.00%0.41%1100.00%0.08%
goonsquadgoonsquad (GS)41100.00%0.08%3100.00%0.25%
BetBoom TeamBetBoom Team (BetBoom)6450.00%0.33%250.00%0.16%
Rune EatersRune Eaters (RE)4333.33%0.25%10.00%0.08%
OutsidersOutsiders (Outsiders)8683.33%0.49%250.00%0.16%
11Monkeyz11Monkeyz (11M)32100.00%0.16%10.00%0.08%
Made in PhilippinesMade in Philippines (MIPH)5333.33%0.25%20.00%0.16%
Mad Kings EsportsMad Kings Esports (MK)110.00%0.08%00.00%0.00%
ALPHAALPHA (ALPHA)22100.00%0.16%00.00%0.00%


5RF.albinozebra1 - 540.00%0.41%
SZ.happy bot - 366.67%0.25%
Steelborco^^ - 633.33%0.49%
JerAx - 1080.00%0.82%
YapzOr - 1100.00%0.08%
OG.Misha - 1361.54%1.07%
iG.V.qyqx - 560.00%0.41%
Overlom - 1450.00%1.15%
ETG.Fishman - 2454.17%1.97%
IVY.jmvincento - 650.00%0.49%
iS.DFlash - 540.00%0.41%
Outsiders.Xakoda - 977.78%0.74%
Fng - 1464.29%1.15%
TSpirit.Miposhka - 1770.59%1.40%
^._.^= ∫ .- - 450.00%0.33%
CDEC.Undyne_ - 20.00%0.16%
IV.Catyu - 560.00%0.41%
Infinity.shccD - 955.56%0.74%
Liquid.iNsania - 666.67%0.49%
T1.Whitemon - 988.89%0.74%
phoenix.Yp - 10.00%0.08%
凤栖梧 - 666.67%0.49%
Abeng- - 933.33%0.74%
RNG.xNova - 944.44%0.74%
Alliance.Dukalis - 1070.00%0.82%
lg.Ace12 - 1850.00%1.48%
ARKOSH.Monkey - 2100.00%0.16%
NS.BLACKARXANGEL - 1266.67%0.99%
SQ.Fata - 1353.85%1.07%
ASM.GMB.HappyDyurara - 616.67%0.49%
Rain - 5100.00%0.41%
RE.kaori - 1030.00%0.82%
wakemeup - 10.00%0.08%
B8.Gatciy - 714.29%0.58%
5mm.feelinG!♥ - 40.00%0.33%
1gnis - 20.00%0.16%
AG.Joana - 616.67%0.49%
GS.Peksu - 475.00%0.33%
Hustler.Sam - 1346.15%1.07%
IAP.Kimo - 10.00%0.08%
NAVI.Solo - 250.00%0.16%
NG.guoguo - 20.00%0.16%
V.antoha - 366.67%0.25%
Chubby.Roger - 977.78%0.74%
GS.Handsken - 250.00%0.16%
Secret.Puppey - 977.78%0.74%
nouns.Husky - 4100.00%0.33%
Aries.ponlo - 475.00%0.33%
TeFu.XCJ - 540.00%0.41%
B8.Quarterback(Yuh) - 10.00%0.08%
elmisho - 10.00%0.08%
EU.j4 - 650.00%0.49%
LeBronDota - 425.00%0.33%
2B.empyreaN - 520.00%0.41%
Ragdoll.闷油瓶 - 2100.00%0.16%
Febby - 40.00%0.33%
XctN.Vincenzo^ - 728.57%0.58%
COOL.dnz - 20.00%0.16%
Eixn - 10.00%0.08%
Genek - 366.67%0.25%
APUKINGS.serem - 540.00%0.41%
TC.Jubei - 944.44%0.74%
Gambit.pantomem - 771.43%0.58%
F5.deihra - 250.00%0.16%
SG.wij - 862.50%0.66%
Inf.U.Affliction - 683.33%0.49%
RE.ArrOw - 1100.00%0.08%
CHILLAX.Lodine - 771.43%0.58%
Yb.928_ - 10.00%0.08%
XG.Dy - 1060.00%0.82%
NBH.flasH - 10.00%0.08%
NGX.Gh - 250.00%0.16%
NP.dunha1 - 2100.00%0.16%
HR.Malady - 650.00%0.49%
OW.Duster - 250.00%0.16%
Secret.W_Zayac - 366.67%0.25%
Dog.Bloody Nine - 1338.46%1.07%
ThunderP.PandaMoo - 1163.64%0.90%
NGX.KuroKy - 966.67%0.74%
MG.Bignum - 540.00%0.41%
MG.Slayer - 333.33%0.25%
ALPHA.pingu - 683.33%0.49%
PSG.LGD.y` - 1266.67%0.99%
detachment - 333.33%0.25%
IG.Oli~ - 837.50%0.66%
Hokori.Thiolicor - 10.00%0.08%
ALOHADANCE - 1100.00%0.08%
NP.KJ - 333.33%0.25%
Aster.皮球 - 1776.47%1.40%
EHOME.zzq - 1353.85%1.07%
VANSKOR - 250.00%0.16%
phoenix.Lww - 50.00%0.41%
LBZS.Salad - 20.00%0.16%
Stratyk.Theyna - 3100.00%0.25%
T1.Xepher - 560.00%0.41%
Muka - 450.00%0.33%
Winstrike.Forcemajor - 250.00%0.16%
Hokori.Gard1ck - 862.50%0.66%
Ravens.D1smar - 1100.00%0.08%
nouns.ZFreek - 250.00%0.16%
Spawn.496.Ohaiyo - 1100.00%0.08%
IAP.BRUT4L - 10.00%0.08%
BR.SsaSpartan - 250.00%0.16%
Yb.poloson - 10.00%0.08%
Fnatic.Jaunuel - 366.67%0.25%
BOOM.skem - 1163.64%0.90%
TSM.DuBu - 1770.59%1.40%
TSpirit.Mira - 1100.00%0.08%
ninjaboogie - 1050.00%0.82%
GG.tOfu - 1163.64%0.90%
kazi - 250.00%0.16%
TNC.mavis - 771.43%0.58%
G-pride.Yadomi - 333.33%0.25%
SexyeYogye - 333.33%0.25%
BnY.rayy - 20.00%0.16%
Tundra.Sneyking - 5100.00%0.41%
EU.5up - 475.00%0.33%
TLN.Q - 2100.00%0.16%
TMM._ - 20.00%0.16%
NGX.Boombui - 955.56%0.74%
Braxie天光 - 10.00%0.08%
Ωmega.N a m i k a z e - 1100.00%0.08%
Drink - 3100.00%0.25%
小蜘蛛 - 560.00%0.41%
BetBoom.SoNNeikO - 475.00%0.33%
Ceb - 10.00%0.08%
GG.Seleri - 757.14%0.58%
Empire.633 - 30.00%0.25%
Ravens.Cara - 580.00%0.41%
KBU.US.卧龙凤雏不可兼得 - 250.00%0.16%
ChF.Kidaro - 250.00%0.16%
OB.neon.Se - 20.00%0.16%
TLN.Hyde- - 1060.00%0.82%
11M.Mary_y - 2100.00%0.16%
Summit.TrazaM - 1100.00%0.08%
Nemiga.so bad - 2100.00%0.16%
X3.smN - 40.00%0.33%
EHOME.planet - 1100.00%0.08%
Tb.Bengan - 10.00%0.08%
TMM.Atouf - 1100.00%0.08%
DEC.SJ - 10.00%0.08%
MIPH.Teehee - 366.67%0.25%
Polaris.eyyou - 250.00%0.16%
EG.Fly - 333.33%0.25%
ARKOSH.Gremlo - 10.00%0.08%
OW.Mr.Kingão - 10.00%0.08%
[T]SA - 10.00%0.08%
KBU.US.The Warden - 10.00%0.08%
HR.Gilgir - 10.00%0.08%
SeeL - 1100.00%0.08%
Aries.RedPanda - 250.00%0.16%
Magma.mercy - 1100.00%0.08%
CHILLAX.Maybe Next Time - 10.00%0.08%
bc.XstiNgerX - 1100.00%0.08%
HYDRA.kickeed - 10.00%0.08%
MIPH.LuziFy - 10.00%0.08%
Ωmega.■ - 2100.00%0.16%
( ).ponyo - 1100.00%0.08%
Tmv - 10.00%0.08%
ETG.suzuya - 1100.00%0.08%
MK.RM - 10.00%0.08%