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Spectral Wrapped 2024

Competitive Premium 2021-2022

DPC 2021/22 Seasons and TI11 Qualifiers

Heroes picked: 123

Most impactful items
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In the items component you may see various items stats. Overview shows top of the most impactful items (in general and for a specific hero) based on their effect on winrate, compared to games when the item wasn't purchased, with the highest positive and negative impacts respectively. Notable timings section shows earliest purchase timings for item-hero pairs with the highest winrate gradient per minute.


Item Pickups Winrate When picked
overwhelming_blinkOverwhelming Blink54780.29%+30.80%
abyssal_bladeAbyssal Blade61675.32%+25.78%
black_king_barBlack King Bar1395255.79%+24.26%
shivas_guardShiva's Guard124872.44%+23.25%
blinkBlink Dagger1299155.17%+22.90%
octarine_coreOctarine Core73172.13%+22.72%
ancient_janggoDrum of Endurance123769.90%+20.64%
silver_edgeSilver Edge127969.69%+20.23%
Item Pickups Winrate When picked
falcon_bladeFalcon Blade95150.00%+0.22%
orb_of_corrosionOrb of Corrosion155650.90%+1.39%
hand_of_midasHand of Midas87751.60%+1.60%
ghostGhost Scepter184450.98%+1.92%
armletArmlet of Mordiggian123552.75%+3.01%
invis_swordShadow Blade182752.95%+3.67%
rod_of_atosRod of Atos54954.01%+4.13%
echo_sabreEcho Sabre106354.89%+5.06%
kaya_and_sangeKaya and Sange204654.30%+5.38%
medallion_of_courageMedallion of Courage88455.20%+5.53%

For heroes

Hero Item Pickups Winrate When picked
bristlebackultimate_scepterAghanim's Scepter14783.8%+83.8%
drow_rangerdragon_lanceDragon Lance12367.7%+67.7%
bristlebackassaultAssault Cuirass71100.0%+67.5%
life_stealerphase_bootsPhase Boots18367.4%+67.4%
medusapower_treadsPower Treads38663.9%+63.9%
doom_bringerblinkBlink Dagger31161.5%+61.5%
phantom_assassinblack_king_barBlack King Bar20669.2%+58.1%
sand_kingblinkBlink Dagger39757.6%+57.6%
Hero Item Pickups Winrate When picked
faceless_voidpower_treadsPower Treads29755.4%-19.6%
phoenixurn_of_shadowsUrn of Shadows7642.1%-12.9%
venomancerhood_of_defianceHood of Defiance2742.9%-10.6%
broodmotherorchidOrchid Malevolence5146.2%-9.6%
miranaurn_of_shadowsUrn of Shadows26454.6%-8.6%
ogre_magiveil_of_discordVeil of Discord6841.2%-7.0%
earthshakeraghanims_shardAghanim's Shard16251.2%-6.7%
tidehunterhood_of_defianceHood of Defiance19640.8%-6.1%
phoenixspirit_vesselSpirit Vessel5346.2%-5.6%

Most notable timings records

HeroItemPickupsWinrateGradient (%/min)MedianGames with the best timings
svenSvenmask_of_madnessMask of Madness5955.93%-43.01%09:446309477182 - CDEC ⚔ Aries - Series 1 - Game 2 - (06:06)
slarkSlarkfalcon_bladeFalcon Blade3158.06%-32.97%09:056809665094 - Fnatic ⚔ TLN - Series 3 - Game 1 - (04:24)
lycanLycanvladmirVladmir's Offering14955.03%-29.48%13:106572659357 - TSpirit ⚔ Tundra - Series 1 - Game 1 - (07:39)
nevermoreShadow Fiendmask_of_madnessMask of Madness7651.32%-28.71%10:356809875296 - EG ⚔ RNG - Series 1 - Game 2 - (08:19)
troll_warlordTroll WarlordbfuryBattle Fury10450.96%-27.85%14:126440951394 - PSG.LGD ⚔ RNG - Series 3 - Game 1 - (11:11)
svenSvenecho_sabreEcho Sabre6755.22%-24.34%13:196644900074 - EG ⚔ 5RF - Series 1 - Game 2 - (09:09)
leshracLeshracarcane_bootsArcane Boots29751.18%-21.29%07:186806790160 - PSG.LGD ⚔ SQ - Series 2 - Game 2 - (04:48)
clinkzClinkzmaelstromMaelstrom4250.00%-20.03%11:436757601380 - NGX ⚔ BR - Series 3 - Game 2 - (08:56)
faceless_voidFaceless Voidmask_of_madnessMask of Madness15450.65%-17.99%10:556374880117 - V ⚔ B8 - Series 1 - Game 3 - (06:23)
templar_assassinTemplar Assassindragon_lanceDragon Lance47152.65%-17.91%10:376693772628 - TLN ⚔ Outsiders - Series 1 - Game 2 - (07:16)