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Spectral Wrapped 2024

Competitive Premium 2021-2022

DPC 2021/22 Seasons and TI11 Qualifiers

Heroes contested: 123

Summary | Grid | Profiles | Cards
This page contains all basic data about league participants (players or teams) as cards. To find match with specific player or team use document inner search (usually Ctrl+F).
Matches: 66
Winrate: 45%
GPM: 2,133
XPM: 2,598
K/D/A: 24/25/60
Main region: China
Active roster:
EHOME.shiro (Core Safelane)
EHOME.Echo (Core Midlane)
EHOME.zeal (Core Offlane)
EHOME.planet (Support Offlane)
EHOME.zzq (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
pangolier Pangolier: 22 - 40.91%
bane Bane: 14 - 57.14%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 13 - 46.15%
rubick Rubick: 11 - 45.45%
Favorite pairs:
rubick Rubick + pangolier Pangolier: 7 - 42.86%
bane Bane + pangolier Pangolier: 5 - 60.00%
bane Bane + morphling Morphling: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 62
Winrate: 56%
GPM: 2,263
XPM: 2,799
K/D/A: 25/23/58
Main region: China
Active roster:
IG.flyfly (Core Safelane)
IG.Emo (Core Midlane)
IG.JT (Core Offlane)
IG.fy (Support Offlane)
IG.Oli~ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
death_prophet Death Prophet: 15 - 60.00%
monkey_king Monkey King: 13 - 69.23%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 12 - 66.67%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 11 - 63.64%
Favorite pairs:
death_prophet Death Prophet + tusk Tusk: 5 - 80.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet + void_spirit Void Spirit: 5 - 80.00%
Matches: 123
Winrate: 72%
GPM: 2,380
XPM: 2,921
K/D/A: 26/22/60
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
PSG.LGD.萧瑟 (Core Safelane)
PSG.LGD.NothingToSay (Core Midlane)
PSG.LGD.Faith_bian (Core Offlane)
PSG.LGD.XinQ (Support Offlane)
PSG.LGD.y` (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
kunkka Kunkka: 18 - 72.22%
tiny Tiny: 16 - 81.25%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 16 - 68.75%
razor Razor: 15 - 86.67%
Favorite pairs:
dazzle Dazzle + pangolier Pangolier: 6 - 83.33%
bane Bane + kunkka Kunkka: 6 - 66.67%
razor Razor + earth_spirit Earth Spirit: 5 - 80.00%
Matches: 92
Winrate: 51%
GPM: 2,209
XPM: 2,680
K/D/A: 25/23/58
Main region: North America
Active roster:
NAVI.V-Tune (Core Safelane)
NAVI.No[o]ne- (Core Midlane)
V.destroyed (Core Offlane)
NAVI.swedenstrong (Support Offlane)
NAVI.Solo (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
rattletrap Clockwerk: 20 - 50.00%
puck Puck: 17 - 58.82%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 16 - 37.50%
snapfire Snapfire: 13 - 38.46%
Favorite pairs:
puck Puck + rattletrap Clockwerk: 5 - 100.00%
gyrocopter Gyrocopter + wisp Io: 5 - 80.00%
life_stealer Lifestealer + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 116
Winrate: 61%
GPM: 2,246
XPM: 2,643
K/D/A: 25/20/56
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
EG.天鸽 (Core Safelane)
EG.Abed (Core Midlane)
EG.Nightfall 凛 (Core Offlane)
EG.Cr1t- (Support Offlane)
EG.Fly (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
puck Puck: 24 - 66.67%
tusk Tusk: 21 - 71.43%
snapfire Snapfire: 20 - 65.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 18 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
puck Puck + tusk Tusk: 9 - 77.78%
viper Viper + tusk Tusk: 7 - 85.71%
puck Puck + snapfire Snapfire: 6 - 100.00%
Matches: 41
Winrate: 24%
GPM: 2,114
XPM: 2,528
K/D/A: 22/30/50
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
Empire.Retrograde (Core Safelane)
Empire.7jesu (Core Safelane)
ASM.GMB.squad1x (Core Midlane)
Empire.Shachlo (Core Offlane)
Empire.jAMES (Support Offlane)
Empire.633 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
bane Bane: 11 - 18.18%
tiny Tiny: 8 - 25.00%
void_spirit Void Spirit: 7 - 14.29%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 6 - 16.67%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + abaddon Abaddon: 4 - 50.00%
disruptor Disruptor + void_spirit Void Spirit: 3 - 33.33%
bane Bane + void_spirit Void Spirit: 3 - 0.00%
Matches: 163
Winrate: 60%
GPM: 2,269
XPM: 2,796
K/D/A: 27/23/62
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
Liquid.MATUMBAMAN (Core Safelane)
Liquid.m1CKe (Core Midlane)
Liquid.zai (Core Offlane)
Liquid.Boxi (Support Offlane)
Liquid.iNsania (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 26 - 38.46%
marci Marci: 20 - 70.00%
snapfire Snapfire: 20 - 50.00%
pangolier Pangolier: 19 - 57.89%
Favorite pairs:
dragon_knight Dragon Knight + hoodwink Hoodwink: 7 - 57.14%
nevermore Shadow Fiend + pudge Pudge: 6 - 100.00%
nevermore Shadow Fiend + witch_doctor Witch Doctor: 6 - 100.00%
Matches: 49
Winrate: 33%
GPM: 2,095
XPM: 2,556
K/D/A: 21/28/47
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
Alliance.Nikobaby (Core Safelane)
Alliance.w33 (Core Midlane)
Alliance.Limitless (Core Offlane)
Alliance.Aramis (Support Offlane)
Alliance.Dukalis (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 14 - 50.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 9 - 22.22%
skeleton_king Wraith King: 8 - 12.50%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 8 - 12.50%
Favorite pairs:
skeleton_king Wraith King + mars Mars: 4 - 25.00%
snapfire Snapfire + mars Mars: 4 - 0.00%
sand_king Sand King + grimstroke Grimstroke: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 116
Winrate: 55%
GPM: 2,309
XPM: 2,786
K/D/A: 24/22/57
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
Fnatic.Raven (Core Safelane)
Fnatic.Armel (Core Midlane)
Fnatic.J (Core Offlane)
Fnatic.DJ (Support Offlane)
Fnatic.Jaunuel (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
death_prophet Death Prophet: 19 - 78.95%
monkey_king Monkey King: 19 - 47.37%
puck Puck: 17 - 76.47%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 16 - 68.75%
Favorite pairs:
death_prophet Death Prophet + monkey_king Monkey King: 7 - 57.14%
puck Puck + undying Undying: 6 - 66.67%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin + marci Marci: 6 - 50.00%
Matches: 88
Winrate: 51%
GPM: 2,244
XPM: 2,753
K/D/A: 24/22/55
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
VG.Erika (Core Safelane)
VG.Xm (Core Midlane)
VG.Yang (Core Offlane)
VG.b a b (Core Offlane)
VG.Frisk (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
snapfire Snapfire: 15 - 53.33%
morphling Morphling: 14 - 78.57%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 13 - 30.77%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 12 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
snapfire Snapfire + mars Mars: 6 - 50.00%
morphling Morphling + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 100.00%
morphling Morphling + disruptor Disruptor: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 58
Winrate: 52%
GPM: 2,233
XPM: 2,678
K/D/A: 26/27/60
Main region: South America
Active roster:
OW.hFn k3 <3 maucela (Core Safelane)
OW.4dr <3 Deia (Core Midlane)
OW.tavo (Core Offlane)
OW.Mr.Kingão (Support Offlane)
OW.Duster (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 17 - 58.82%
invoker Invoker: 13 - 61.54%
mars Mars: 12 - 75.00%
luna Luna: 11 - 63.64%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + enchantress Enchantress: 5 - 60.00%
luna Luna + mars Mars: 4 - 75.00%
tiny Tiny + shredder Timbersaw: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 37
Winrate: 46%
GPM: 2,153
XPM: 2,680
K/D/A: 22/27/53
Main region: China
Active roster:
CDEC.. (Core Safelane)
CDEC.7e (Core Midlane)
CDEC.项羽 (Core Offlane)
CDEC.imitator (Support Offlane)
CDEC.Undyne_ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
razor Razor: 11 - 45.45%
mars Mars: 8 - 75.00%
marci Marci: 8 - 37.50%
tiny Tiny: 8 - 75.00%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 5 - 80.00%
razor Razor + faceless_void Faceless Void: 3 - 100.00%
tiny Tiny + treant Treant Protector: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 122
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,318
XPM: 2,863
K/D/A: 26/25/60
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
Secret.Crystallis (Core Safelane)
Secret.Nisha (Core Midlane)
Secret.Resolut1on (Core Offlane)
Secret.W_Zayac (Support Offlane)
Secret.Puppey (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
nyx_assassin Nyx Assassin: 21 - 85.71%
monkey_king Monkey King: 19 - 47.37%
enchantress Enchantress: 18 - 55.56%
chen Chen: 16 - 56.25%
Favorite pairs:
nyx_assassin Nyx Assassin + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 6 - 100.00%
tusk Tusk + monkey_king Monkey King: 6 - 66.67%
leshrac Leshrac + silencer Silencer: 5 - 80.00%
Matches: 27
Winrate: 59%
GPM: 2,259
XPM: 2,773
K/D/A: 22/19/47
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
ETG.Pure (Core Safelane)
Outsiders.gpk~ (Core Midlane)
Outsiders.DM (Core Offlane)
Outsiders.yamich (Support Offlane)
Outsiders.Xakoda (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
queenofpain Queen of Pain: 12 - 41.67%
abaddon Abaddon: 7 - 71.43%
weaver Weaver: 6 - 83.33%
shadow_shaman Shadow Shaman: 6 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
queenofpain Queen of Pain + abaddon Abaddon: 4 - 50.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + weaver Weaver: 3 - 100.00%
clinkz Clinkz + abaddon Abaddon: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 52
Winrate: 35%
GPM: 2,127
XPM: 2,604
K/D/A: 24/28/56
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
TNC.Yowe (Core Midlane)
TNC.Krizh`月 (Core Midlane)
TNC.Bok (Core Offlane)
TNC.Carlo (Support Offlane)
TNC.mavis (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 15 - 40.00%
rubick Rubick: 9 - 44.44%
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 8 - 25.00%
mars Mars: 8 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + rubick Rubick: 4 - 25.00%
tiny Tiny + queenofpain Queen of Pain: 3 - 66.67%
pudge Pudge + enchantress Enchantress: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 52
Winrate: 42%
GPM: 2,204
XPM: 2,691
K/D/A: 27/27/62
Main region: South America
Active roster:
Balrogs.Benny (Core Safelane)
Balrogs.Robo-Z (Core Midlane)
iS.H1j4ck (Core Offlane)
Balrogs.pamplona (Support Offlane)
Balrogs.555 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 16 - 31.25%
puck Puck: 12 - 50.00%
void_spirit Void Spirit: 11 - 63.64%
snapfire Snapfire: 10 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
grimstroke Grimstroke + void_spirit Void Spirit: 5 - 60.00%
tiny Tiny + undying Undying: 5 - 20.00%
hoodwink Hoodwink + mars Mars: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 140
Winrate: 59%
GPM: 2,307
XPM: 2,835
K/D/A: 26/24/60
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
OG.Yuragi (Core Safelane)
OG.bzm (Core Midlane)
OG.AMMAR_THE_F (Core Offlane)
OG.Taiga (Support Offlane)
OG.Misha (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
razor Razor: 31 - 67.74%
puck Puck: 25 - 52.00%
shredder Timbersaw: 21 - 66.67%
windrunner Windranger: 20 - 70.00%
Favorite pairs:
puck Puck + slardar Slardar: 6 - 66.67%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + wisp Io: 6 - 66.67%
enigma Enigma + mars Mars: 6 - 66.67%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 24%
GPM: 2,043
XPM: 2,388
K/D/A: 21/26/46
Main region: China
Active roster:
iG.V.ukiyo (Core Safelane)
iG.V.倪伟杰 (Core Midlane)
LBZS.im weak (Core Offlane)
iG.V.Stranger (Support Offlane)
iG.V.qyqx (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
bane Bane: 5 - 60.00%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 5 - 0.00%
mirana Mirana: 5 - 80.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 5 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
bane Bane + mirana Mirana: 3 - 100.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit + grimstroke Grimstroke: 3 - 0.00%
tiny Tiny + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 3 - 0.00%
Matches: 83
Winrate: 51%
GPM: 2,249
XPM: 2,728
K/D/A: 25/27/57
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Inf.U.Parker (Core Safelane)
NP.Leostyle- (Core Midlane)
Inf.U.Affliction (Support Offlane)
Inf.U.Michael (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
hoodwink Hoodwink: 16 - 62.50%
terrorblade Terrorblade: 14 - 57.14%
snapfire Snapfire: 13 - 38.46%
mars Mars: 13 - 46.15%
Favorite pairs:
hoodwink Hoodwink + mars Mars: 6 - 50.00%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin + hoodwink Hoodwink: 5 - 40.00%
dazzle Dazzle + terrorblade Terrorblade: 5 - 40.00%
Matches: 45
Winrate: 58%
GPM: 2,281
XPM: 2,772
K/D/A: 25/24/59
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
Nemiga.Kiritych~ (Core Safelane)
F5.Malr1ne (Core Midlane)
F5.Vazya (Core Offlane)
Nemiga.Hellscream (Support Offlane)
Nemiga.so bad (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 8 - 62.50%
puck Puck: 8 - 75.00%
monkey_king Monkey King: 8 - 50.00%
pangolier Pangolier: 7 - 85.71%
Favorite pairs:
puck Puck + monkey_king Monkey King: 4 - 75.00%
puck Puck + techies Techies: 3 - 100.00%
wisp Io + terrorblade Terrorblade: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 49
Winrate: 49%
GPM: 2,337
XPM: 2,856
K/D/A: 29/30/66
Main region: South America
Active roster:
G-pride.Nao (Core Safelane)
G-pride.TaO- (Core Midlane)
G-pride.SOUTHSIDEboi (Core Offlane)
G-pride.JimmyCoff666 (Support Safelane)
G-pride.Yadomi (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
snapfire Snapfire: 11 - 27.27%
mars Mars: 9 - 55.56%
tusk Tusk: 9 - 66.67%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 8 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
invoker Invoker + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 50.00%
kunkka Kunkka + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 50.00%
tusk Tusk + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 25.00%
Matches: 125
Winrate: 61%
GPM: 2,261
XPM: 2,767
K/D/A: 24/20/56
Main region: North America
Active roster:
Aster.Monet (Core Safelane)
Aster.Ori (Core Midlane)
Aster.Xxs (Core Offlane)
Aster.BoBoKa (Support Offlane)
Aster.皮球 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 27 - 62.96%
snapfire Snapfire: 20 - 55.00%
brewmaster Brewmaster: 19 - 68.42%
pangolier Pangolier: 17 - 70.59%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + dazzle Dazzle: 8 - 100.00%
tiny Tiny + visage Visage: 8 - 75.00%
puck Puck + tiny Tiny: 8 - 62.50%
Matches: 113
Winrate: 55%
GPM: 2,249
XPM: 2,743
K/D/A: 25/24/57
Main region: North America
Active roster:
Spawn.496.Ghost (Core Safelane)
RNG.Somnus (Core Midlane)
RNG.Chalice (Core Offlane)
RNG.kaka (Support Offlane)
RNG.xNova (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 22 - 54.55%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 15 - 40.00%
nyx_assassin Nyx Assassin: 14 - 50.00%
puck Puck: 13 - 53.85%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 6 - 33.33%
Matches: 13
Winrate: 15%
GPM: 1,937
XPM: 2,313
K/D/A: 18/30/39
Main region: South America
Active roster:
MK.无人至尊 (Core Safelane)
DrE.Migi.-666 (Core Midlane)
Inverse.Rhythm (Core Offlane)
South - T.JeSSie (Support Offlane)
Inverse.Slaw (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
medusa Medusa: 4 - 25.00%
ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 4 - 25.00%
gyrocopter Gyrocopter: 4 - 0.00%
void_spirit Void Spirit: 4 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
medusa Medusa + mars Mars: 3 - 33.33%
troll_warlord Troll Warlord + hoodwink Hoodwink: 2 - 50.00%
tidehunter Tidehunter + gyrocopter Gyrocopter: 2 - 0.00%
Matches: 19
Winrate: 68%
GPM: 2,291
XPM: 2,773
K/D/A: 27/18/61
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
BetBoom.Daxak (Core Safelane)
BetBoom.Larl (Core Midlane)
BetBoom.Noticed (Core Offlane)
Winstrike.Forcemajor (Support Offlane)
BetBoom.SoNNeikO (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 6 - 83.33%
jakiro Jakiro: 5 - 80.00%
weaver Weaver: 5 - 100.00%
phantom_assassin Phantom Assassin: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
visage Visage + mars Mars: 3 - 100.00%
weaver Weaver + mars Mars: 3 - 100.00%
void_spirit Void Spirit + mars Mars: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 71
Winrate: 42%
GPM: 2,160
XPM: 2,657
K/D/A: 26/28/58
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
IV.Kotarō^ZS (Core Safelane)
IV.Sebas (Core Midlane)
IV.DrakenN (Core Offlane)
IV.slad1n- (Support Offlane)
IV.Catyu (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 14 - 50.00%
phoenix Phoenix: 12 - 41.67%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 12 - 58.33%
viper Viper: 12 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
earthshaker Earthshaker + viper Viper: 5 - 60.00%
earthshaker Earthshaker + void_spirit Void Spirit: 5 - 40.00%
terrorblade Terrorblade + phoenix Phoenix: 5 - 20.00%
Matches: 116
Winrate: 65%
GPM: 2,352
XPM: 2,851
K/D/A: 25/23/56
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
TSpirit.YATOROGOD (Core Safelane)
TSpirit.TORONTOTOKYO (Core Midlane)
TSpirit.CoLLapse (Core Offlane)
TSpirit.Mira (Support Offlane)
TSpirit.Miposhka (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 22 - 72.73%
mars Mars: 21 - 61.90%
snapfire Snapfire: 19 - 89.47%
rubick Rubick: 19 - 68.42%
Favorite pairs:
snapfire Snapfire + mars Mars: 6 - 83.33%
tiny Tiny + rubick Rubick: 5 - 80.00%
Matches: 15
Winrate: 7%
GPM: 1,760
XPM: 2,069
K/D/A: 14/33/32
Main region: South America
Active roster:
5mm.Argius (Core Safelane)
ALPHA.Soul光 (Core Midlane)
Unknown.GreeDy18x (Core Offlane)
Unknown.NoName♥ (Core Offlane)
BnY.Moonlight (Support Offlane)
5mm.feelinG!♥ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
wisp Io: 5 - 0.00%
gyrocopter Gyrocopter: 5 - 0.00%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 4 - 0.00%
bane Bane: 3 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
luna Luna + spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 3 - 0.00%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker + wisp Io: 3 - 0.00%
wisp Io + legion_commander Legion Commander: 2 - 0.00%
Matches: 53
Winrate: 38%
GPM: 2,191
XPM: 2,598
K/D/A: 23/28/53
Main region: South America
Active roster:
NP.Melancholy- (Core Safelane)
NP.Leostyle- (Core Midlane)
NP.Brax (Core Offlane)
NP.dunha1 (Core Offlane)
NP.SandyHook (Core Offlane)
NP.KIM (Support Offlane)
NP.KJ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
wisp Io: 14 - 42.86%
mars Mars: 9 - 44.44%
sand_king Sand King: 9 - 66.67%
snapfire Snapfire: 8 - 12.50%
Favorite pairs:
luna Luna + wisp Io: 5 - 40.00%
gyrocopter Gyrocopter + wisp Io: 4 - 50.00%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight + hoodwink Hoodwink: 4 - 25.00%
Matches: 56
Winrate: 48%
GPM: 2,245
XPM: 2,707
K/D/A: 24/24/57
Main region: China
Active roster:
SZ.Kaiyko (Core Safelane)
SZ.phoenix (Core Midlane)
SZ.dolme (Core Offlane)
phoenix.Yp (Support Offlane)
SZ.happy bot (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
hoodwink Hoodwink: 14 - 71.43%
tiny Tiny: 13 - 69.23%
razor Razor: 10 - 50.00%
mars Mars: 10 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
brewmaster Brewmaster + hoodwink Hoodwink: 5 - 60.00%
grimstroke Grimstroke + hoodwink Hoodwink: 4 - 75.00%
brewmaster Brewmaster + medusa Medusa: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 107
Winrate: 55%
GPM: 2,228
XPM: 2,746
K/D/A: 25/22/56
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
SQ.Yawar (Core Safelane)
SQ.Quinn (Core Midlane)
SQ.LESLÃO (Core Offlane)
SQ.MSS (Support Offlane)
SQ.Fata (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
wisp Io: 18 - 55.56%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 16 - 62.50%
snapfire Snapfire: 16 - 62.50%
leshrac Leshrac: 15 - 53.33%
Favorite pairs:
puck Puck + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 6 - 50.00%
leshrac Leshrac + wisp Io: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 114
Winrate: 62%
GPM: 2,304
XPM: 2,897
K/D/A: 31/23/71
Main region: North America
Active roster:
ThunderP.Pakazs (Core Safelane)
ThunderP.DarkMago♥ (Core Midlane)
ThunderP.Sacred (Core Offlane)
ThunderP.Matthew (Support Offlane)
ThunderP.PandaMoo (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 33 - 75.76%
snapfire Snapfire: 26 - 69.23%
ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 25 - 68.00%
mars Mars: 23 - 73.91%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + snapfire Snapfire: 9 - 88.89%
tiny Tiny + ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 8 - 75.00%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin + snapfire Snapfire: 7 - 85.71%
Matches: 46
Winrate: 37%
GPM: 2,092
XPM: 2,508
K/D/A: 18/25/43
Main region: China
Active roster:
SAG.Ms (Core Safelane)
phoenix.zone- (Core Midlane)
SAG.Son GoKu (Core Offlane)
SAG.Yyh (Support Offlane)
phoenix.Lww (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
razor Razor: 11 - 45.45%
snapfire Snapfire: 10 - 40.00%
tiny Tiny: 8 - 25.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 7 - 71.43%
Favorite pairs:
razor Razor + disruptor Disruptor: 4 - 75.00%
disruptor Disruptor + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 75.00%
razor Razor + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 51
Winrate: 51%
GPM: 2,152
XPM: 2,593
K/D/A: 22/22/52
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
HR.医者watson` (Core Safelane)
HR.re1bl (Core Midlane)
HR.MieRo` (Core Offlane)
HR.Gilgir (Support Offlane)
HR.Malady (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
enigma Enigma: 9 - 77.78%
weaver Weaver: 9 - 33.33%
mars Mars: 8 - 62.50%
treant Treant Protector: 8 - 75.00%
Favorite pairs:
weaver Weaver + treant Treant Protector: 4 - 75.00%
tiny Tiny + enigma Enigma: 3 - 100.00%
bane Bane + mars Mars: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 56
Winrate: 55%
GPM: 2,168
XPM: 2,660
K/D/A: 23/21/52
Main region: China
Active roster:
Aries.Ulu (Core Safelane)
Aries.一 (Core Midlane)
Aries.生死 (Core Offlane)
Aries.RedPanda (Support Safelane)
Aries.ponlo (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
death_prophet Death Prophet: 13 - 46.15%
brewmaster Brewmaster: 11 - 81.82%
treant Treant Protector: 11 - 63.64%
wisp Io: 10 - 60.00%
Favorite pairs:
shadow_shaman Shadow Shaman + brewmaster Brewmaster: 5 - 80.00%
razor Razor + shadow_shaman Shadow Shaman: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 59
Winrate: 49%
GPM: 2,161
XPM: 2,634
K/D/A: 27/26/59
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
NGX.Miracle- (Core Safelane)
NGX.SumaiL- (Core Midlane)
NGX.MinD_ContRoL (Core Offlane)
NGX.KuroKy (Support Offlane)
NGX.Gh (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
death_prophet Death Prophet: 13 - 46.15%
wisp Io: 12 - 66.67%
bane Bane: 11 - 63.64%
monkey_king Monkey King: 10 - 80.00%
Favorite pairs:
monkey_king Monkey King + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 100.00%
bane Bane + dark_seer Dark Seer: 3 - 100.00%
monkey_king Monkey King + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 123
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,248
XPM: 2,748
K/D/A: 26/22/62
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
BOOM.JACKBOYS (Core Safelane)
BOOM.Yopaj- (Core Midlane)
BOOM.Fbz (Core Offlane)
BOOM.TIMS (Support Offlane)
BOOM.skem (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 31 - 58.06%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 25 - 72.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 20 - 60.00%
kunkka Kunkka: 18 - 72.22%
Favorite pairs:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit + mars Mars: 7 - 42.86%
mirana Mirana + kunkka Kunkka: 6 - 83.33%
snapfire Snapfire + mars Mars: 6 - 33.33%
Matches: 40
Winrate: 50%
GPM: 2,178
XPM: 2,610
K/D/A: 26/24/64
Main region: North America
Active roster:
nouns.Costabile (Core Safelane)
nouns.Gunnar (Core Midlane)
nouns.Moo (Core Offlane)
nouns.ZFreek (Support Offlane)
nouns.Husky (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
treant Treant Protector: 9 - 55.56%
kunkka Kunkka: 7 - 57.14%
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 7 - 42.86%
bane Bane: 6 - 83.33%
Favorite pairs:
skeleton_king Wraith King + pugna Pugna: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 18%
GPM: 1,928
XPM: 2,325
K/D/A: 16/40/36
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
IAP.Œ†ƒ (Core Safelane)
IAP.DO OR DIE (Core Midlane)
IAP.Luciano (Core Offlane)
IAP.Kimo (Support Offlane)
IAP.BRUT4L (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
obsidian_destroyer Outworld Destroyer: 4 - 0.00%
mars Mars: 4 - 0.00%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 4 - 25.00%
lina Lina: 4 - 25.00%
Favorite pairs:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit + grimstroke Grimstroke: 3 - 33.33%
tidehunter Tidehunter + grimstroke Grimstroke: 3 - 33.33%
tidehunter Tidehunter + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 56
Winrate: 41%
GPM: 2,153
XPM: 2,603
K/D/A: 23/27/50
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
BR.W1sh- (Core Midlane)
BR.Eleven (Core Offlane)
BR.dEsire.UNLOCK (Support Offlane)
BR.SsaSpartan (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
beastmaster Beastmaster: 11 - 27.27%
phantom_assassin Phantom Assassin: 10 - 50.00%
skeleton_king Wraith King: 7 - 14.29%
tiny Tiny: 7 - 28.57%
Favorite pairs:
furion Nature's Prophet + disruptor Disruptor: 3 - 100.00%
disruptor Disruptor + earth_spirit Earth Spirit: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 55
Winrate: 49%
GPM: 2,182
XPM: 2,646
K/D/A: 26/27/57
Main region: South America
Active roster:
Infinity.PiPi (Core Midlane)
Infinity.Mariano (Core Offlane)
Infinity.shccD (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 13 - 53.85%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 10 - 40.00%
snapfire Snapfire: 10 - 40.00%
ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 10 - 70.00%
Favorite pairs:
ogre_magi Ogre Magi + mars Mars: 6 - 66.67%
bane Bane + monkey_king Monkey King: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 32
Winrate: 22%
GPM: 2,058
XPM: 2,445
K/D/A: 21/29/48
Main region: China
Active roster:
BnY.Chidori~ (Core Safelane)
phoenix.zone- (Core Midlane)
phoenix.Shining (Core Offlane)
phoenix.Yp (Support Offlane)
phoenix.Lww (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
death_prophet Death Prophet: 9 - 11.11%
mars Mars: 8 - 37.50%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 7 - 14.29%
bane Bane: 6 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
hoodwink Hoodwink + mars Mars: 3 - 33.33%
death_prophet Death Prophet + mars Mars: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 54
Winrate: 33%
GPM: 2,117
XPM: 2,605
K/D/A: 22/25/52
Main region: China
Active roster:
LBZS.pp (Core Midlane)
LBZS.im weak (Core Offlane)
LBZS.Salad (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
death_prophet Death Prophet: 14 - 42.86%
queenofpain Queen of Pain: 11 - 54.55%
mars Mars: 9 - 22.22%
tiny Tiny: 9 - 22.22%
Favorite pairs:
death_prophet Death Prophet + tusk Tusk: 4 - 50.00%
queenofpain Queen of Pain + disruptor Disruptor: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 50
Winrate: 46%
GPM: 2,178
XPM: 2,701
K/D/A: 22/24/53
Main region: China
Active roster:
Magma.白也 (Core Safelane)
Magma.Dust (Core Midlane)
Magma.mercy (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 13 - 61.54%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 11 - 54.55%
mars Mars: 11 - 18.18%
pangolier Pangolier: 10 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
ogre_magi Ogre Magi + pangolier Pangolier: 4 - 100.00%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin + abaddon Abaddon: 4 - 75.00%
rubick Rubick + abaddon Abaddon: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 87
Winrate: 49%
GPM: 2,217
XPM: 2,703
K/D/A: 24/27/54
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Hokori.Lumière (Core Safelane)
Hokori.4nalog <01 (Core Midlane)
Hokori.Vitaly (Core Offlane)
Hokori.Thiolicor (Support Offlane)
Hokori.Gard1ck (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
puck Puck: 15 - 53.33%
undying Undying: 15 - 73.33%
pangolier Pangolier: 14 - 50.00%
marci Marci: 13 - 61.54%
Favorite pairs:
morphling Morphling + rattletrap Clockwerk: 5 - 60.00%
puck Puck + terrorblade Terrorblade: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 18
Winrate: 33%
GPM: 2,122
XPM: 2,645
K/D/A: 20/25/44
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
MIPH.Ken (Core Safelane)
MIPH.JG 4:13 (Core Midlane)
MIPH.Rupido (Core Offlane)
MIPH.Teehee (Support Offlane)
MIPH.LuziFy (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 8 - 50.00%
sand_king Sand King: 7 - 28.57%
hoodwink Hoodwink: 7 - 28.57%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 6 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
sand_king Sand King + hoodwink Hoodwink: 5 - 40.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + hoodwink Hoodwink: 3 - 33.33%
tiny Tiny + hoodwink Hoodwink: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 55
Winrate: 56%
GPM: 2,219
XPM: 2,781
K/D/A: 27/27/59
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
lg.423 (Core Safelane)
lg.sanctity- (Core Midlane)
lg.viva la vida (Core Offlane)
lg.khishka (Support Offlane)
lg.Ace12 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 18 - 66.67%
bane Bane: 18 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny: 17 - 58.82%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 14 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + mars Mars: 7 - 71.43%
tiny Tiny + skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 6 - 66.67%
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage + mars Mars: 5 - 80.00%
Matches: 52
Winrate: 33%
GPM: 2,145
XPM: 2,663
K/D/A: 26/37/58
Main region: North America
Active roster:
ARKOSH.Pale Horse (Core Safelane)
ARKOSH.Monkey (Core Midlane)
ARKOSH.Gremlo (Core Offlane)
ARKOSH.Crow (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
furion Nature's Prophet: 11 - 27.27%
pangolier Pangolier: 10 - 30.00%
void_spirit Void Spirit: 10 - 60.00%
earth_spirit Earth Spirit: 9 - 44.44%
Favorite pairs:
sniper Sniper + void_spirit Void Spirit: 4 - 75.00%
void_spirit Void Spirit + marci Marci: 4 - 75.00%
pudge Pudge + sniper Sniper: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 15
Winrate: 13%
GPM: 1,936
XPM: 2,237
K/D/A: 16/25/37
Main region: China
Active roster:
Summit.Unknown- (Core Safelane)
NG.Fonte (Core Safelane)
NG.yChen (Core Midlane)
NG.Nevermine (Core Offlane)
NG.aeae (Core Offlane)
NG.HuiHui‘’ (Support Offlane)
NG.guoguo (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 7 - 14.29%
snapfire Snapfire: 6 - 0.00%
queenofpain Queen of Pain: 6 - 0.00%
undying Undying: 5 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
lion Lion + queenofpain Queen of Pain: 4 - 0.00%
queenofpain Queen of Pain + mars Mars: 4 - 0.00%
undying Undying + mars Mars: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 57
Winrate: 42%
GPM: 2,235
XPM: 2,713
K/D/A: 27/29/61
Main region: North America
Active roster:
TC.Scourge McDuck (Core Safelane)
TC.high_shaggy (Core Midlane)
TC.B-TUNE ( T ) (Support Offlane)
TC.Jubei (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 14 - 21.43%
bristleback Bristleback: 13 - 61.54%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 10 - 40.00%
bane Bane: 10 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
bane Bane + queenofpain Queen of Pain: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 108
Winrate: 53%
GPM: 2,261
XPM: 2,749
K/D/A: 25/23/59
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
T1.ana (Core Safelane)
T1.Topson (Core Midlane)
T1.Kuku (Core Offlane)
T1.Xepher (Support Offlane)
T1.Whitemon (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
treant Treant Protector: 22 - 68.18%
tiny Tiny: 19 - 42.11%
morphling Morphling: 15 - 66.67%
bane Bane: 14 - 78.57%
Favorite pairs:
morphling Morphling + undying Undying: 6 - 83.33%
tiny Tiny + treant Treant Protector: 5 - 100.00%
Matches: 50
Winrate: 42%
GPM: 2,191
XPM: 2,791
K/D/A: 30/34/68
Main region: North America
Active roster:
5mm.Argius (Core Safelane)
5mm.RRL (Core Midlane)
felt.Fayde (Core Offlane)
5mm.Bolo (Support Offlane)
5mm.feelinG!♥ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 10 - 40.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 9 - 44.44%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 9 - 22.22%
void_spirit Void Spirit: 9 - 44.44%
Favorite pairs:
undying Undying + medusa Medusa: 3 - 66.67%
tusk Tusk + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 57
Winrate: 47%
GPM: 2,252
XPM: 2,805
K/D/A: 27/32/61
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
SMG.MidOne (Core Safelane)
SMG.MooN (Core Midlane)
SMG.Raging-_-Potato (Core Offlane)
SMG.- ah fu - (Support Offlane)
SMG.pieliedie (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
bane Bane: 17 - 58.82%
queenofpain Queen of Pain: 13 - 46.15%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 10 - 50.00%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 10 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
earthshaker Earthshaker + queenofpain Queen of Pain: 7 - 57.14%
bane Bane + lina Lina: 5 - 80.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + queenofpain Queen of Pain: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 36
Winrate: 44%
GPM: 2,244
XPM: 2,771
K/D/A: 28/30/63
Main region: South America
Active roster:
Ωmega.MINGATTEE- (Core Safelane)
Ωmega.Jeimari (Core Midlane)
DrE.lisa (Core Offlane)
Ωmega.N a m i k a z e (Support Offlane)
Ωmega.Dark_Demon (Support Offlane)
Ωmega.■ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 12 - 58.33%
hoodwink Hoodwink: 10 - 50.00%
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 8 - 62.50%
medusa Medusa: 7 - 71.43%
Favorite pairs:
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + mars Mars: 4 - 75.00%
medusa Medusa + hoodwink Hoodwink: 4 - 75.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit + mars Mars: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 59
Winrate: 44%
GPM: 2,131
XPM: 2,589
K/D/A: 22/27/49
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
XctN.Palos (Core Safelane)
XctN.Bob (Core Midlane)
XctN.Tino (Core Offlane)
XctN.Shanks (Support Offlane)
XctN.Vincenzo^ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 12 - 33.33%
tiny Tiny: 10 - 60.00%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 8 - 75.00%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 8 - 37.50%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 4 - 75.00%
tiny Tiny + enchantress Enchantress: 4 - 75.00%
tiny Tiny + death_prophet Death Prophet: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 132
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,335
XPM: 2,838
K/D/A: 27/29/59
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
bc.K1 (Core Safelane)
bc.C. smile < (Core Midlane)
bc.Wisper (Core Offlane)
bc.Gōjira (Support Offlane)
bc.XstiNgerX (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
snapfire Snapfire: 34 - 61.76%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 28 - 75.00%
mars Mars: 28 - 60.71%
tiny Tiny: 22 - 54.55%
Favorite pairs:
earth_spirit Earth Spirit + mars Mars: 8 - 75.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk + snapfire Snapfire: 7 - 71.43%
rattletrap Clockwerk + mars Mars: 7 - 71.43%
Matches: 58
Winrate: 43%
GPM: 2,217
XPM: 2,712
K/D/A: 27/28/57
Main region: South America
Active roster:
SG.mouzvaa (Core Safelane)
SG.kxy´ (Core Midlane)
SG.Oscar (Core Offlane)
SG.LTH (Support Offlane)
SG.wij (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
snapfire Snapfire: 14 - 28.57%
hoodwink Hoodwink: 12 - 50.00%
monkey_king Monkey King: 9 - 22.22%
enchantress Enchantress: 9 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
morphling Morphling + hoodwink Hoodwink: 3 - 100.00%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker + medusa Medusa: 3 - 100.00%
tidehunter Tidehunter + hoodwink Hoodwink: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 51
Winrate: 35%
GPM: 2,127
XPM: 2,564
K/D/A: 21/24/47
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
MG.Dinozavrik (Core Safelane)
MG.Ainkrad (Core Midlane)
MG.bb3px (Core Offlane)
MG.Bignum (Support Offlane)
MG.Slayer (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
disruptor Disruptor: 10 - 20.00%
enchantress Enchantress: 10 - 40.00%
puck Puck: 10 - 50.00%
bane Bane: 8 - 37.50%
Favorite pairs:
puck Puck + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 75.00%
enchantress Enchantress + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 56
Winrate: 36%
GPM: 2,162
XPM: 2,656
K/D/A: 26/33/57
Main region: North America
Active roster:
BnY.Chidori~ (Core Safelane)
BnY.fxrs (Core Midlane)
BnY.rayy (Support Offlane)
BnY.Moonlight (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 12 - 41.67%
shredder Timbersaw: 8 - 62.50%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 8 - 25.00%
puck Puck: 7 - 14.29%
Favorite pairs:
clinkz Clinkz + shredder Timbersaw: 3 - 66.67%
tiny Tiny + death_prophet Death Prophet: 3 - 66.67%
sand_king Sand King + skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 102
Winrate: 61%
GPM: 2,294
XPM: 2,818
K/D/A: 26/22/61
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
TSM.Timado (Core Safelane)
TSM.Bryle (Core Midlane)
TSM.SabeRLighT- (Core Offlane)
TSM.MoonMeander (Support Offlane)
TSM.DuBu (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
bane Bane: 17 - 70.59%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 15 - 66.67%
pangolier Pangolier: 13 - 61.54%
monkey_king Monkey King: 13 - 53.85%
Favorite pairs:
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + monkey_king Monkey King: 5 - 80.00%
bane Bane + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 5 - 60.00%
bane Bane + storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 36
Winrate: 33%
GPM: 2,147
XPM: 2,594
K/D/A: 23/26/51
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
MTG.Toy (Core Safelane)
MTG.GACHABOI (Core Midlane)
MTG.Masa` (Core Offlane)
MTG.Tigger (Support Offlane)
NGX.Boombui (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 10 - 10.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 7 - 28.57%
bane Bane: 6 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny: 6 - 16.67%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + skeleton_king Wraith King: 3 - 66.67%
tiny Tiny + death_prophet Death Prophet: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 7
Winrate: 14%
GPM: 1,997
XPM: 2,388
K/D/A: 20/38/43
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
NBH.kAAN (Core Safelane)
NBH.Shin丶Ra (Core Midlane)
11M.BNC (Core Offlane)
NBH.flasH (Support Offlane)
NBH.SeekingGreatness (Support Offlane)
NBH.Nikolica (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 3 - 33.33%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 3 - 33.33%
snapfire Snapfire: 2 - 0.00%
invoker Invoker: 2 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker + invoker Invoker: 2 - 50.00%
grimstroke Grimstroke + mars Mars: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 92
Winrate: 60%
GPM: 2,280
XPM: 2,809
K/D/A: 24/21/56
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
XG.狗听了都摇头 (Core Safelane)
XG.Paparazi灬 (Core Midlane)
XG.old eLeVeN (Core Offlane)
XG.Tank (Support Offlane)
XG.Dy (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
death_prophet Death Prophet: 17 - 76.47%
ursa Ursa: 14 - 64.29%
shadow_shaman Shadow Shaman: 14 - 57.14%
lina Lina: 12 - 75.00%
Favorite pairs:
puck Puck + visage Visage: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 60
Winrate: 55%
GPM: 2,228
XPM: 2,836
K/D/A: 28/25/65
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
AG.db- (Core Safelane)
AG.Azur4 (Core Midlane)
AG.womy (Core Offlane)
AG.NARMAN (Support Offlane)
AG.Joana (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
pangolier Pangolier: 15 - 66.67%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 13 - 53.85%
tiny Tiny: 12 - 58.33%
gyrocopter Gyrocopter: 11 - 54.55%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + grimstroke Grimstroke: 6 - 66.67%
tiny Tiny + pugna Pugna: 4 - 50.00%
pangolier Pangolier + void_spirit Void Spirit: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 50
Winrate: 50%
GPM: 2,237
XPM: 2,683
K/D/A: 23/25/52
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
PC.Crystallize (Core Safelane)
PC.young G (Core Midlane)
PC.Malik (Core Offlane)
PC.Astral (Support Offlane)
PC.ll (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
enchantress Enchantress: 11 - 63.64%
razor Razor: 10 - 50.00%
bane Bane: 10 - 70.00%
mars Mars: 10 - 60.00%
Favorite pairs:
kunkka Kunkka + mars Mars: 4 - 75.00%
puck Puck + enchantress Enchantress: 3 - 100.00%
razor Razor + lion Lion: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 20
Winrate: 50%
GPM: 2,187
XPM: 2,584
K/D/A: 22/22/48
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
RE.naive- (Core Safelane)
V.hAze._. (Core Midlane)
V.destroyed (Core Offlane)
RE.ArrOw (Support Offlane)
V.antoha (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
queenofpain Queen of Pain: 8 - 62.50%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 7 - 28.57%
obsidian_destroyer Outworld Destroyer: 5 - 60.00%
weaver Weaver: 5 - 60.00%
Favorite pairs:
pudge Pudge + obsidian_destroyer Outworld Destroyer: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 59
Winrate: 37%
GPM: 2,078
XPM: 2,606
K/D/A: 24/32/52
Main region: North America
Active roster:
felt.paradise' (Core Safelane)
felt.solji;, (Core Midlane)
felt.Fayde (Core Offlane)
felt.Shoe (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
weaver Weaver: 15 - 46.67%
tiny Tiny: 13 - 61.54%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 11 - 54.55%
rubick Rubick: 11 - 45.45%
Favorite pairs:
axe Axe + skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 5 - 60.00%
mirana Mirana + templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 4 - 75.00%
antimage Anti-Mage + rubick Rubick: 4 - 25.00%
Matches: 20
Winrate: 35%
GPM: 2,203
XPM: 2,762
K/D/A: 29/33/61
Main region: North America
Active roster:
iS.murd0c (Core Safelane)
eboy.smelly poo poo밤 (Core Midlane)
5RF.Speeed (Core Offlane)
11M.欲速则不达 (Support Offlane)
5RF.albinozebra1 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
grimstroke Grimstroke: 6 - 50.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 5 - 40.00%
ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 5 - 20.00%
weaver Weaver: 5 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
rattletrap Clockwerk + grimstroke Grimstroke: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 47
Winrate: 28%
GPM: 2,016
XPM: 2,513
K/D/A: 23/31/48
Main region: North America
Active roster:
2B.Arin (Core Safelane)
2B.nico (Core Midlane)
2B.Paradise (Core Offlane)
2B.Szabo666 (Core Offlane)
2B.AfrOmoush (Support Offlane)
2B.empyreaN (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
snapfire Snapfire: 12 - 41.67%
mars Mars: 8 - 12.50%
phoenix Phoenix: 8 - 12.50%
phantom_assassin Phantom Assassin: 7 - 28.57%
Favorite pairs:
lina Lina + dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 5 - 40.00%
rubick Rubick + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 4 - 75.00%
rubick Rubick + snapfire Snapfire: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 121
Winrate: 65%
GPM: 2,374
XPM: 2,876
K/D/A: 26/22/62
Main region: North America
Active roster:
Tundra.skiter (Core Safelane)
Tundra.Nine (Core Midlane)
Tundra.33 (Core Offlane)
Tundra.Saksa (Support Offlane)
Tundra.Sneyking (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
chaos_knight Chaos Knight: 28 - 67.86%
doom_bringer Doom: 27 - 62.96%
visage Visage: 25 - 72.00%
pangolier Pangolier: 22 - 77.27%
Favorite pairs:
chaos_knight Chaos Knight + pangolier Pangolier: 7 - 85.71%
doom_bringer Doom + grimstroke Grimstroke: 6 - 83.33%
beastmaster Beastmaster + chaos_knight Chaos Knight: 6 - 66.67%
Matches: 20
Winrate: 20%
GPM: 1,958
XPM: 2,386
K/D/A: 17/24/42
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
ASM.GMB.alberkaaa (Core Safelane)
ASM.GMB.squad1x (Core Midlane)
RE.Funn1k (Core Offlane)
CIS.Immersion (Support Safelane)
ASM.GMB.HappyDyurara (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
death_prophet Death Prophet: 6 - 50.00%
bane Bane: 6 - 16.67%
snapfire Snapfire: 6 - 16.67%
monkey_king Monkey King: 5 - 60.00%
Favorite pairs:
death_prophet Death Prophet + monkey_king Monkey King: 3 - 100.00%
axe Axe + phoenix Phoenix: 3 - 66.67%
phoenix Phoenix + monkey_king Monkey King: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 38
Winrate: 45%
GPM: 2,277
XPM: 2,729
K/D/A: 22/26/52
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
IVY.lowskill (Core Safelane)
IVY.Mo13ei (Core Midlane)
IVY.Max (Core Offlane)
IVY.Qupe (Support Offlane)
IVY.jmvincento (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 14 - 64.29%
mirana Mirana: 9 - 55.56%
mars Mars: 8 - 50.00%
shredder Timbersaw: 7 - 71.43%
Favorite pairs:
phoenix Phoenix + mars Mars: 5 - 80.00%
enchantress Enchantress + shredder Timbersaw: 4 - 75.00%
tiny Tiny + enchantress Enchantress: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 29%
GPM: 2,123
XPM: 2,645
K/D/A: 27/31/60
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
GF.Ulnit (Core Safelane)
GF.Mastermind (Core Midlane)
CHILLAX.OwnedMe (Core Offlane)
GF.Nukkumatti (Support Offlane)
EU.j4 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 5 - 40.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 5 - 20.00%
weaver Weaver: 5 - 60.00%
luna Luna: 4 - 25.00%
Favorite pairs:
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + beastmaster Beastmaster: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 60
Winrate: 40%
GPM: 2,135
XPM: 2,624
K/D/A: 23/28/56
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
Tb.Gorgc (Core Safelane)
Tb.Xcalibur (Core Midlane)
Tb.ZipZaper (Core Offlane)
Tb.Pablo (Support Offlane)
Tb.Bengan (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
pangolier Pangolier: 12 - 41.67%
bristleback Bristleback: 11 - 45.45%
hoodwink Hoodwink: 11 - 45.45%
shredder Timbersaw: 9 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
bristleback Bristleback + marci Marci: 4 - 50.00%
zuus Zeus + brewmaster Brewmaster: 3 - 100.00%
shredder Timbersaw + hoodwink Hoodwink: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 41%
GPM: 2,208
XPM: 2,628
K/D/A: 27/32/61
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
KBU.US..Ark (Core Safelane)
F5.Malr1ne (Core Midlane)
F5.Vazya (Core Offlane)
F5.lowkez (Support Offlane)
F5.deihra (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
grimstroke Grimstroke: 6 - 33.33%
kunkka Kunkka: 5 - 60.00%
shredder Timbersaw: 4 - 50.00%
luna Luna: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
kunkka Kunkka + shredder Timbersaw: 2 - 50.00%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker + grimstroke Grimstroke: 2 - 50.00%
queenofpain Queen of Pain + jakiro Jakiro: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 15
Winrate: 7%
GPM: 1,968
XPM: 2,284
K/D/A: 16/29/38
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
B8.ego (Core Safelane)
B8.Dendi (Core Midlane)
B8.Mc314 (Core Offlane)
B8.Quarterback(Yuh) (Support Offlane)
B8.Gatciy (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
bane Bane: 8 - 12.50%
queenofpain Queen of Pain: 6 - 0.00%
weaver Weaver: 5 - 20.00%
kunkka Kunkka: 4 - 25.00%
Favorite pairs:
bane Bane + weaver Weaver: 3 - 33.33%
bane Bane + queenofpain Queen of Pain: 3 - 0.00%
bane Bane + puck Puck: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 63
Winrate: 29%
GPM: 2,084
XPM: 2,519
K/D/A: 20/28/47
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
OB.neon.... (Core Safelane)
OB.neon.avataRmod3 (Core Midlane)
OB.neon.Enryu (Core Offlane)
OB.neon.PlayHard- (Support Offlane)
OB.neon.Se (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
weaver Weaver: 13 - 38.46%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 12 - 41.67%
bane Bane: 11 - 27.27%
snapfire Snapfire: 10 - 10.00%
Favorite pairs:
templar_assassin Templar Assassin + weaver Weaver: 6 - 33.33%
lion Lion + tidehunter Tidehunter: 4 - 75.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + weaver Weaver: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 68
Winrate: 49%
GPM: 2,251
XPM: 2,743
K/D/A: 25/26/56
Main region: South America
Active roster:
APUKINGS.mini (Core Midlane)
APUKINGS.Guts (Core Midlane)
APUKINGS.hyko (Core Offlane)
APUKINGS.serem (Support Offlane)
APUKINGS. 木星hanezes666 (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
treant Treant Protector: 20 - 65.00%
snapfire Snapfire: 18 - 38.89%
mars Mars: 16 - 68.75%
weaver Weaver: 15 - 46.67%
Favorite pairs:
weaver Weaver + mars Mars: 5 - 80.00%
lion Lion + treant Treant Protector: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 71
Winrate: 48%
GPM: 2,196
XPM: 2,720
K/D/A: 25/26/53
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Hustler.Yves (Core Safelane)
Hustler.Alone (Core Midlane)
Hustler.Davai Lama (Core Offlane)
Hustler.Alex (Support Offlane)
Hustler.Sam (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
snapfire Snapfire: 27 - 37.04%
tiny Tiny: 14 - 50.00%
bane Bane: 13 - 46.15%
shredder Timbersaw: 12 - 75.00%
Favorite pairs:
nevermore Shadow Fiend + snapfire Snapfire: 6 - 66.67%
morphling Morphling + snapfire Snapfire: 5 - 60.00%
bane Bane + shredder Timbersaw: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 50
Winrate: 54%
GPM: 2,249
XPM: 2,720
K/D/A: 24/22/54
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
Gambit.Knight~ (Core Safelane)
Gambit.mellojul (Core Midlane)
Gambit.AfterLife (Core Offlane)
Gambit.sayuw (Support Offlane)
Gambit.pantomem (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
sand_king Sand King: 12 - 58.33%
hoodwink Hoodwink: 11 - 36.36%
mirana Mirana: 9 - 77.78%
enchantress Enchantress: 9 - 55.56%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + sand_king Sand King: 5 - 80.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster + hoodwink Hoodwink: 4 - 75.00%
sand_king Sand King + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 67
Winrate: 61%
GPM: 2,277
XPM: 2,787
K/D/A: 27/24/64
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
ITB.Otaker (Core Safelane)
ChF.Supream^ (Core Midlane)
ChF.Xibbe (Core Offlane)
ChF.Ari (Support Offlane)
ChF.Kidaro (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden: 14 - 57.14%
tiny Tiny: 12 - 66.67%
enigma Enigma: 11 - 81.82%
snapfire Snapfire: 10 - 60.00%
Favorite pairs:
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden + tiny Tiny: 4 - 75.00%
bane Bane + medusa Medusa: 3 - 100.00%
enigma Enigma + terrorblade Terrorblade: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 21
Winrate: 43%
GPM: 2,217
XPM: 2,646
K/D/A: 23/24/51
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
X3.Nesfeer (Core Safelane)
X3.nattynarwhal_ (Core Midlane)
X3.nrink (Support Offlane)
X3.smN (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
monkey_king Monkey King: 8 - 50.00%
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 8 - 50.00%
enigma Enigma: 6 - 66.67%
tiny Tiny: 5 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
enigma Enigma + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 3 - 100.00%
monkey_king Monkey King + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 3 - 66.67%
tiny Tiny + enigma Enigma: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 31
Winrate: 26%
GPM: 2,070
XPM: 2,509
K/D/A: 22/29/51
Main region: South America
Active roster:
iS.fcr (Core Safelane)
iS.murd0c (Core Safelane)
iS.H1j4ck (Core Offlane)
iS.Player 1008365008 (Support Offlane)
iS.DFlash (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
queenofpain Queen of Pain: 7 - 42.86%
centaur Centaur Warrunner: 7 - 57.14%
sand_king Sand King: 7 - 28.57%
hoodwink Hoodwink: 6 - 16.67%
Favorite pairs:
jakiro Jakiro + centaur Centaur Warrunner: 4 - 50.00%
weaver Weaver + centaur Centaur Warrunner: 3 - 66.67%
sand_king Sand King + undying Undying: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 15
Winrate: 7%
GPM: 1,778
XPM: 2,098
K/D/A: 13/32/29
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
WB.Re{Ali}Ty (Core Safelane)
WB.Pastil (Core Midlane)
WB.KaChal (Core Offlane)
WB.Dot (Support Offlane)
WB.FaNtaSma (Support Offlane)
WB.Zoom-ZigZag (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 6 - 0.00%
weaver Weaver: 4 - 0.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 3 - 0.00%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 3 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
shadow_demon Shadow Demon + monkey_king Monkey King: 2 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick + mars Mars: 2 - 0.00%
tiny Tiny + furion Nature's Prophet: 2 - 0.00%
Matches: 85
Winrate: 53%
GPM: 2,290
XPM: 2,784
K/D/A: 25/24/57
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Polaris.Natsumi- (Core Safelane)
Polaris.Lelouch- (Core Midlane)
Polaris.Force (Core Offlane)
Polaris.Xavius (Support Offlane)
Polaris.eyyou (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
pangolier Pangolier: 18 - 66.67%
mars Mars: 14 - 50.00%
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 13 - 46.15%
undying Undying: 13 - 46.15%
Favorite pairs:
viper Viper + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 5 - 40.00%
lina Lina + marci Marci: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 18
Winrate: 28%
GPM: 2,035
XPM: 2,485
K/D/A: 18/28/36
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
APES.jikroy (Core Safelane)
APES.MamangDaya (Core Midlane)
APES.dalul (Core Offlane)
APES.LyM- (Support Offlane)
APES.you_K (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
grimstroke Grimstroke: 9 - 44.44%
chaos_knight Chaos Knight: 6 - 50.00%
nyx_assassin Nyx Assassin: 5 - 20.00%
sand_king Sand King: 5 - 20.00%
Favorite pairs:
chaos_knight Chaos Knight + grimstroke Grimstroke: 4 - 75.00%
kunkka Kunkka + grimstroke Grimstroke: 3 - 66.67%
chaos_knight Chaos Knight + hoodwink Hoodwink: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 22
Winrate: 41%
GPM: 2,249
XPM: 2,792
K/D/A: 25/28/54
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
( ).MangO `ROSE (Core Safelane)
( ).Wonder'boy (Core Midlane)
( ).Ws` (Core Offlane)
( ).Ahyad (Support Offlane)
( ).ponyo (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 7 - 14.29%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 7 - 28.57%
mars Mars: 6 - 33.33%
marci Marci: 6 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + mars Mars: 3 - 66.67%
spectre Spectre + marci Marci: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 31
Winrate: 42%
GPM: 2,241
XPM: 2,779
K/D/A: 27/28/61
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
^._.^= ∫ .maze (Core Safelane)
^._.^= ∫ .Egor (Core Midlane)
^._.^= ∫ .DkFogas (Core Offlane)
^._.^= ∫ .Fezor (Support Offlane)
^._.^= ∫ .- (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
hoodwink Hoodwink: 13 - 46.15%
weaver Weaver: 11 - 54.55%
doom_bringer Doom: 9 - 55.56%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 8 - 37.50%
Favorite pairs:
doom_bringer Doom + visage Visage: 6 - 83.33%
sand_king Sand King + hoodwink Hoodwink: 6 - 66.67%
rattletrap Clockwerk + weaver Weaver: 6 - 50.00%
Matches: 20
Winrate: 55%
GPM: 2,306
XPM: 2,787
K/D/A: 27/23/59
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Ragdoll.vtFαded (Core Safelane)
Ragdoll.citrus (Core Midlane)
Ragdoll.Gy (Core Offlane)
Ragdoll.James (Support Offlane)
Ragdoll.闷油瓶 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
queenofpain Queen of Pain: 7 - 42.86%
ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 6 - 66.67%
mars Mars: 6 - 66.67%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 5 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
drow_ranger Drow Ranger + weaver Weaver: 3 - 100.00%
drow_ranger Drow Ranger + ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 3 - 100.00%
queenofpain Queen of Pain + ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 61
Winrate: 44%
GPM: 2,279
XPM: 2,759
K/D/A: 26/27/62
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
NGX.inYourdreaM (Core Safelane)
NGX.AlaCrity- (Core Midlane)
NGX.mizu (Core Offlane)
NGX.Jhocam (Support Offlane)
NGX.Boombui (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 11 - 36.36%
mars Mars: 11 - 36.36%
shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 10 - 40.00%
kunkka Kunkka: 10 - 60.00%
Favorite pairs:
shadow_demon Shadow Demon + mars Mars: 5 - 20.00%
kunkka Kunkka + snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 75.00%
puck Puck + tiny Tiny: 4 - 25.00%
Matches: 54
Winrate: 43%
GPM: 2,210
XPM: 2,692
K/D/A: 21/26/49
Main region: China
Active roster:
Yb.SINFULSOUL- (Core Safelane)
Yb.Storm (Core Midlane)
Yb.hhhhhhhh (Core Offlane)
Yb.poloson (Support Offlane)
Yb.928_ (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 12 - 41.67%
bane Bane: 12 - 75.00%
lina Lina: 11 - 36.36%
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 10 - 30.00%
Favorite pairs:
bane Bane + lina Lina: 5 - 60.00%
nyx_assassin Nyx Assassin + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 4 - 50.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 24%
GPM: 2,131
XPM: 2,660
K/D/A: 29/35/64
Main region: North America
Active roster:
TM.可爱 (Core Safelane)
TMM.Mark (Core Midlane)
TM.坂田 銀時 (Core Offlane)
TM.Ŧάŋαтờş (Core Offlane)
TM.Trapnest (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 7 - 14.29%
queenofpain Queen of Pain: 6 - 33.33%
drow_ranger Drow Ranger: 5 - 40.00%
void_spirit Void Spirit: 5 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
queenofpain Queen of Pain + pangolier Pangolier: 3 - 66.67%
nyx_assassin Nyx Assassin + void_spirit Void Spirit: 3 - 33.33%
drow_ranger Drow Ranger + queenofpain Queen of Pain: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 40
Winrate: 53%
GPM: 2,218
XPM: 2,720
K/D/A: 23/23/57
Main region: China
Active roster:
DEC.Summer (Core Safelane)
DEC.zc (Core Midlane)
DEC.Beyond (Core Offlane)
DEC.天命 (Support Offlane)
DEC.SJ (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
death_prophet Death Prophet: 12 - 75.00%
tusk Tusk: 9 - 77.78%
marci Marci: 8 - 25.00%
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 8 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
death_prophet Death Prophet + tusk Tusk: 5 - 80.00%
brewmaster Brewmaster + medusa Medusa: 4 - 75.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet + pangolier Pangolier: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 48
Winrate: 44%
GPM: 2,166
XPM: 2,676
K/D/A: 23/27/55
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
HYDRA.Rari (Core Safelane)
HYDRA.Askold (Core Midlane)
HYDRA.icq` (Core Offlane)
HYDRA.qoval (Support Offlane)
HYDRA.kickeed (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
monkey_king Monkey King: 15 - 40.00%
puck Puck: 10 - 50.00%
mars Mars: 9 - 33.33%
bane Bane: 8 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
ember_spirit Ember Spirit + monkey_king Monkey King: 5 - 60.00%
bane Bane + monkey_king Monkey King: 4 - 50.00%
puck Puck + phoenix Phoenix: 4 - 50.00%
Matches: 21
Winrate: 38%
GPM: 2,121
XPM: 2,634
K/D/A: 21/28/46
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Summit.Unknown- (Core Safelane)
Summit.Mercury (Core Midlane)
Summit.crush (Core Offlane)
Summit.Czy (Support Offlane)
Summit.TrazaM (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
grimstroke Grimstroke: 8 - 50.00%
leshrac Leshrac: 7 - 28.57%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 6 - 50.00%
mars Mars: 6 - 33.33%
Favorite pairs:
dragon_knight Dragon Knight + grimstroke Grimstroke: 4 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick + mars Mars: 4 - 50.00%
lion Lion + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 55
Winrate: 47%
GPM: 2,228
XPM: 2,762
K/D/A: 26/28/58
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
CHILLAX.PLEB (Core Safelane)
CHILLAX.MTD (Core Midlane)
CHILLAX.OwnedMe (Core Offlane)
CHILLAX.Maybe Next Time (Support Offlane)
CHILLAX.Lodine (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 15 - 53.33%
tiny Tiny: 10 - 50.00%
sand_king Sand King: 10 - 40.00%
monkey_king Monkey King: 9 - 55.56%
Favorite pairs:
winter_wyvern Winter Wyvern + monkey_king Monkey King: 4 - 75.00%
rubick Rubick + mars Mars: 4 - 75.00%
juggernaut Juggernaut + mars Mars: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 101
Winrate: 53%
GPM: 2,282
XPM: 2,783
K/D/A: 26/24/60
Main region: North America
Active roster:
TLN.23savage (Core Safelane)
TLN.Mikoto (Core Midlane)
TLN.kpii (Core Offlane)
TLN.Hyde- (Support Offlane)
TLN.Q (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
death_prophet Death Prophet: 19 - 52.63%
tiny Tiny: 17 - 41.18%
marci Marci: 17 - 47.06%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 16 - 43.75%
Favorite pairs:
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + medusa Medusa: 4 - 100.00%
faceless_void Faceless Void + void_spirit Void Spirit: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 55
Winrate: 44%
GPM: 2,279
XPM: 2,714
K/D/A: 22/26/47
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
CIS.depressed kid (Core Midlane)
CIS.9pasha (Core Offlane)
CIS.天堂 (Support Offlane)
CIS.Immersion (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
bane Bane: 14 - 64.29%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 8 - 62.50%
wisp Io: 8 - 50.00%
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 8 - 62.50%
Favorite pairs:
lina Lina + mars Mars: 4 - 50.00%
bane Bane + magnataur Magnus: 3 - 100.00%
bane Bane + kunkka Kunkka: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 34
Winrate: 44%
GPM: 2,187
XPM: 2,642
K/D/A: 26/26/58
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
ITB.Otaker (Core Safelane)
EU.adz (Core Midlane)
EU.Chessie (Core Offlane)
EU.TANNER (Support Offlane)
EU.j4 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
nyx_assassin Nyx Assassin: 9 - 66.67%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 9 - 44.44%
bane Bane: 8 - 50.00%
mars Mars: 8 - 37.50%
Favorite pairs:
nyx_assassin Nyx Assassin + grimstroke Grimstroke: 5 - 80.00%
bane Bane + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 15
Winrate: 7%
GPM: 1,921
XPM: 2,283
K/D/A: 16/32/39
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
COOL.ThuG (Core Midlane)
COOL.No!ob™ (Core Midlane)
RE.Funn1k (Core Offlane)
COOL.dnz (Support Offlane)
COOL.OmaR (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
queenofpain Queen of Pain: 6 - 16.67%
disruptor Disruptor: 5 - 0.00%
snapfire Snapfire: 4 - 25.00%
wisp Io: 4 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
lina Lina + nyx_assassin Nyx Assassin: 2 - 50.00%
lina Lina + queenofpain Queen of Pain: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 102
Winrate: 56%
GPM: 2,284
XPM: 2,793
K/D/A: 24/23/57
Main region: Eastern Europe
Active roster:
GG.dyrachyo (Core Safelane)
GG.BOOM (Core Midlane)
GG.Ace (Core Offlane)
GG.tOfu (Support Offlane)
GG.Seleri (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
enchantress Enchantress: 28 - 53.57%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 20 - 85.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 18 - 61.11%
bane Bane: 18 - 61.11%
Favorite pairs:
wisp Io + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 8 - 50.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + wisp Io: 7 - 85.71%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + enchantress Enchantress: 7 - 85.71%
Matches: 57
Winrate: 49%
GPM: 2,257
XPM: 2,865
K/D/A: 28/33/61
Main region: North America
Active roster:
Dog.StoneBank** (Core Safelane)
Dog.RCY (Core Midlane)
Dog.yarin (Support Offlane)
Dog.Bloody Nine (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 17 - 47.06%
bane Bane: 13 - 38.46%
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 11 - 72.73%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 11 - 63.64%
Favorite pairs:
bane Bane + keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 5 - 60.00%
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light + mars Mars: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 29%
GPM: 2,086
XPM: 2,539
K/D/A: 24/30/49
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Spawn.496.Ghost (Core Safelane)
Chubby.xsilearn (Core Midlane)
Spawn.496.reD (Core Offlane)
Spawn.496.Ohaiyo (Support Offlane)
Chubby.xiaobonbon (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 8 - 37.50%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 8 - 37.50%
dark_willow Dark Willow: 7 - 42.86%
kunkka Kunkka: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
dark_willow Dark Willow + mars Mars: 5 - 40.00%
kunkka Kunkka + dark_willow Dark Willow: 3 - 66.67%
grimstroke Grimstroke + mars Mars: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 114
Winrate: 60%
GPM: 2,294
XPM: 2,819
K/D/A: 26/23/61
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
ETG.Pure (Core Safelane)
ETG.Stormstormer (Core Midlane)
ETG.Tobi (Core Offlane)
ETG.suzuya (Support Offlane)
ETG.Fishman (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 26 - 46.15%
bane Bane: 25 - 56.00%
batrider Batrider: 22 - 63.64%
enigma Enigma: 21 - 57.14%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + enigma Enigma: 9 - 33.33%
sand_king Sand King + skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 8 - 62.50%
rattletrap Clockwerk + winter_wyvern Winter Wyvern: 8 - 50.00%
Matches: 64
Winrate: 59%
GPM: 2,337
XPM: 2,929
K/D/A: 32/29/72
Main region: North America
Active roster:
KBU.US..Ark (Core Safelane)
KBU.US.iAnnihilate (Core Midlane)
KBU.US.Sunlight (Core Offlane)
KBU.US.The Warden (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
snapfire Snapfire: 11 - 45.45%
mars Mars: 10 - 70.00%
hoodwink Hoodwink: 10 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny: 10 - 80.00%
Favorite pairs:
chaos_knight Chaos Knight + grimstroke Grimstroke: 4 - 75.00%
tiny Tiny + death_prophet Death Prophet: 3 - 100.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk + batrider Batrider: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 58
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,261
XPM: 2,829
K/D/A: 27/24/57
Main region: North America
Active roster:
5RF.dnm (Core Safelane)
5RF.Kitzz (Core Midlane)
5RF.Speeed (Core Offlane)
5RF.Giant (Support Offlane)
5RF.albinozebra1 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
bane Bane: 12 - 66.67%
abaddon Abaddon: 11 - 72.73%
medusa Medusa: 10 - 100.00%
pangolier Pangolier: 9 - 77.78%
Favorite pairs:
abaddon Abaddon + pangolier Pangolier: 4 - 100.00%
bane Bane + medusa Medusa: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 26
Winrate: 46%
GPM: 2,211
XPM: 2,701
K/D/A: 24/27/53
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
NS.dream` (Core Safelane)
NS.tv/mannikofc (Core Midlane)
NS.y0nd (Support Offlane)
NS.BLACKARXANGEL (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
bane Bane: 12 - 66.67%
mars Mars: 9 - 22.22%
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 9 - 33.33%
juggernaut Juggernaut: 7 - 57.14%
Favorite pairs:
bane Bane + invoker Invoker: 5 - 60.00%
bane Bane + templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 4 - 75.00%
bane Bane + marci Marci: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 42
Winrate: 67%
GPM: 2,296
XPM: 2,907
K/D/A: 29/27/68
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Chubby.mks (Core Safelane)
Chubby.xsilearn (Core Midlane)
Chubby.X1aOyU (Core Offlane)
Chubby.xiaobonbon (Support Offlane)
Chubby.Roger (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
pangolier Pangolier: 14 - 64.29%
leshrac Leshrac: 8 - 75.00%
puck Puck: 8 - 75.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 8 - 87.50%
Favorite pairs:
puck Puck + warlock Warlock: 4 - 75.00%
warlock Warlock + marci Marci: 4 - 75.00%
warlock Warlock + dark_willow Dark Willow: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 37
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,216
XPM: 2,697
K/D/A: 25/25/61
Main region: South America
Active roster:
DrE.Cucahook (Core Safelane)
DrE.Migi.-666 (Core Midlane)
DrE.lisa (Core Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 11 - 63.64%
mirana Mirana: 9 - 55.56%
shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 8 - 62.50%
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 7 - 71.43%
Favorite pairs:
mars Mars + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 5 - 80.00%
mirana Mirana + mars Mars: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 36
Winrate: 42%
GPM: 2,231
XPM: 2,788
K/D/A: 31/30/69
Main region: North America
Active roster:
TMM.Double King (Core Safelane)
TMM.Mark (Core Midlane)
TMM.Atouf (Support Offlane)
TMM._ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 10 - 40.00%
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 9 - 66.67%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 8 - 62.50%
bloodseeker Bloodseeker: 8 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
bloodseeker Bloodseeker + hoodwink Hoodwink: 4 - 75.00%
razor Razor + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 24%
GPM: 1,956
XPM: 2,489
K/D/A: 23/35/49
Main region: North America
Active roster:
MK.无人至尊 (Core Safelane)
Stratyk.dragon soul (Core Safelane)
Stratyk.KERTENKELE (Core Offlane)
Stratyk.Theyna (Support Safelane)
Stratyk.Raza (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
sand_king Sand King: 6 - 50.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 5 - 40.00%
puck Puck: 4 - 50.00%
omniknight Omniknight: 4 - 25.00%
Favorite pairs:
sand_king Sand King + rattletrap Clockwerk: 3 - 66.67%
rattletrap Clockwerk + grimstroke Grimstroke: 3 - 33.33%
sand_king Sand King + omniknight Omniknight: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 34
Winrate: 62%
GPM: 2,397
XPM: 2,920
K/D/A: 26/23/61
Main region: South America
Active roster:
Ravens.Benjaz (Core Offlane)
Ravens.D1smar (Support Offlane)
Ravens.Cara (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 11 - 63.64%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 6 - 50.00%
shredder Timbersaw: 6 - 50.00%
monkey_king Monkey King: 6 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + shredder Timbersaw: 4 - 50.00%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight + ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 4 - 50.00%
razor Razor + tiny Tiny: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 40
Winrate: 55%
GPM: 2,260
XPM: 2,769
K/D/A: 25/25/61
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
GS.aQua (Core Safelane)
GS.LIMMP (Core Midlane)
GS.s4 (Core Offlane)
GS.Handsken (Support Offlane)
GS.Peksu (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 12 - 58.33%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 10 - 70.00%
puck Puck: 9 - 44.44%
mars Mars: 7 - 57.14%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + shredder Timbersaw: 3 - 66.67%
juggernaut Juggernaut + tiny Tiny: 3 - 66.67%
puck Puck + tiny Tiny: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 19
Winrate: 37%
GPM: 2,190
XPM: 2,562
K/D/A: 20/28/48
Main region: South America
Active roster:
South - T.Rena.-♥ (Core Safelane)
South - T.James (Core Midlane)
South - T.Hermit (Core Offlane)
South - T.JeSSie (Support Offlane)
South - T.Luis (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 9 - 44.44%
lycan Lycan: 6 - 50.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 5 - 20.00%
doom_bringer Doom: 5 - 40.00%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + lycan Lycan: 5 - 60.00%
doom_bringer Doom + visage Visage: 2 - 100.00%
lycan Lycan + keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 80
Winrate: 55%
GPM: 2,275
XPM: 2,739
K/D/A: 25/23/62
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
BetBoom.Daxak (Core Safelane)
BetBoom.Larl (Core Midlane)
BetBoom.Noticed (Core Offlane)
BetBoom.RodjER (Support Offlane)
BetBoom.SoNNeikO (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
mars Mars: 24 - 58.33%
furion Nature's Prophet: 22 - 68.18%
visage Visage: 17 - 70.59%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 13 - 53.85%
Favorite pairs:
furion Nature's Prophet + mars Mars: 9 - 55.56%
visage Visage + mars Mars: 7 - 71.43%
puck Puck + mars Mars: 6 - 50.00%
Matches: 34
Winrate: 47%
GPM: 2,274
XPM: 2,761
K/D/A: 24/24/58
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
RE.naive- (Core Safelane)
RE.Funn1k (Core Offlane)
RE.ArrOw (Support Offlane)
RE.kaori (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
puck Puck: 12 - 50.00%
mirana Mirana: 9 - 88.89%
sand_king Sand King: 9 - 55.56%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 8 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
beastmaster Beastmaster + phoenix Phoenix: 5 - 60.00%
sand_king Sand King + shadow_shaman Shadow Shaman: 5 - 40.00%
mirana Mirana + shadow_shaman Shadow Shaman: 4 - 100.00%
Matches: 76
Winrate: 62%
GPM: 2,391
XPM: 2,919
K/D/A: 25/22/56
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
Outsiders.RAMZES666 (Core Safelane)
Outsiders.gpk~ (Core Midlane)
Outsiders.DM (Core Offlane)
Outsiders.yamich (Support Offlane)
Outsiders.Xakoda (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
marci Marci: 18 - 88.89%
tiny Tiny: 16 - 62.50%
skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 15 - 60.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 14 - 64.29%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + skywrath_mage Skywrath Mage: 6 - 50.00%
batrider Batrider + marci Marci: 5 - 80.00%
disruptor Disruptor + marci Marci: 5 - 80.00%
Matches: 21
Winrate: 48%
GPM: 2,311
XPM: 2,802
K/D/A: 20/24/49
Main region: China
Active roster:
TeFu.FishMan (Core Offlane)
TeFu.XCJ (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
phoenix Phoenix: 8 - 62.50%
puck Puck: 7 - 57.14%
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 7 - 28.57%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 7 - 85.71%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + phoenix Phoenix: 4 - 50.00%
puck Puck + phoenix Phoenix: 4 - 50.00%
puck Puck + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 41
Winrate: 51%
GPM: 2,212
XPM: 2,662
K/D/A: 27/25/69
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
nouns.Costabile (Core Safelane)
nouns.Gunnar (Core Midlane)
nouns.Moo (Core Offlane)
nouns.ZFreek (Support Offlane)
nouns.Husky (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
marci Marci: 8 - 37.50%
enigma Enigma: 8 - 87.50%
winter_wyvern Winter Wyvern: 7 - 57.14%
pangolier Pangolier: 7 - 71.43%
Favorite pairs:
mirana Mirana + dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 4 - 100.00%
life_stealer Lifestealer + winter_wyvern Winter Wyvern: 3 - 100.00%
faceless_void Faceless Void + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 20
Winrate: 35%
GPM: 2,129
XPM: 2,625
K/D/A: 23/31/53
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
11M.Palantimos (Core Safelane)
11M.Stojkov (Core Midlane)
11M.BNC (Core Offlane)
11M.欲速则不达 (Support Offlane)
11M.Mary_y (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
wisp Io: 7 - 42.86%
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 5 - 0.00%
marci Marci: 5 - 40.00%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
puck Puck + wisp Io: 3 - 33.33%
luna Luna + marci Marci: 3 - 33.33%
beastmaster Beastmaster + void_spirit Void Spirit: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 28
Winrate: 50%
GPM: 2,273
XPM: 2,834
K/D/A: 27/25/61
Main region: Asia
Active roster:
MIPH.Ken (Core Safelane)
MIPH.JG 4:13 (Core Midlane)
MIPH.Rupido (Core Offlane)
MIPH.Teehee (Support Offlane)
MIPH.LuziFy (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 9 - 55.56%
gyrocopter Gyrocopter: 8 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny: 7 - 57.14%
batrider Batrider: 7 - 57.14%
Favorite pairs:
earthshaker Earthshaker + batrider Batrider: 4 - 75.00%
tiny Tiny + pangolier Pangolier: 4 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny + templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 26
Winrate: 58%
GPM: 2,289
XPM: 2,885
K/D/A: 28/25/67
Main region: South America
Active roster:
MK.无人至尊 (Core Safelane)
MK.JachiToKyo (Core Midlane)
MK.ArzenT (Core Offlane)
MK.Pablo (Support Offlane)
MK.RM (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
marci Marci: 8 - 50.00%
enigma Enigma: 7 - 71.43%
tiny Tiny: 6 - 66.67%
bloodseeker Bloodseeker: 6 - 83.33%
Favorite pairs:
bloodseeker Bloodseeker + zuus Zeus: 3 - 100.00%
enigma Enigma + marci Marci: 3 - 100.00%
zuus Zeus + legion_commander Legion Commander: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 23
Winrate: 70%
GPM: 2,407
XPM: 2,983
K/D/A: 31/20/70
Main region: North America
Active roster:
ALPHA.Rises (Core Safelane)
ALPHA.Soul光 (Core Midlane)
ALPHA.Monster (Core Offlane)
ALPHA.FLee (Support Offlane)
ALPHA.pingu (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
puck Puck: 9 - 77.78%
tiny Tiny: 5 - 60.00%
weaver Weaver: 5 - 100.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 4 - 75.00%
Favorite pairs:
puck Puck + death_prophet Death Prophet: 4 - 75.00%
puck Puck + razor Razor: 4 - 75.00%
razor Razor + tiny Tiny: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 16
Winrate: 25%
GPM: 2,015
XPM: 2,451
K/D/A: 21/29/50
Main region: Western Europe
Active roster:
EU.Shad (Core Safelane)
EU.adz (Core Midlane)
EU.Chessie (Core Offlane)
EU.TANNER (Support Offlane)
EU.5up (Support Offlane)
EU.j4 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
viper Viper: 5 - 20.00%
visage Visage: 4 - 0.00%
marci Marci: 4 - 50.00%
windrunner Windranger: 3 - 33.33%
Favorite pairs:
bristleback Bristleback + marci Marci: 2 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny + viper Viper: 2 - 50.00%
chen Chen + marci Marci: 2 - 50.00%