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Spectral Wrapped 2023

Competitive Meta - Last Two Weeks

Tier 1/2 tournaments stats for the past 14 days

Average wards placed per game by Dire: 17.7087

Timings Boxplots ☰ | Hero Timings Boxplots ☰
Boxplots represent distribution of item timings. White line inside of the boxes represents changes of the item's winrate over time. Items without distribution (Q1 = Q2 and low number of matches) are not shown.
Winrate shiftsTimings
ItemPickupsPickup rateWinrateWhen
abyssal_bladeAbyssal Blade541.51%70.37%+20.68%+1.06%-13.23%39:3427:2233:4939:1941:361:02:4805:46