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Spectral Wrapped 2023

Divine 5 Meta Trends - Patch 7.08

Hero statistics for matches on high divine 5 rank

Average match duration: 34.6841

Overview | Heroes ☰ | Regions ☰
Overview | Records | Heroes ☰
Pairs | Trios | Lane Combos
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This section contains stats for most common hero pairs on a same lane. Minimum amount of matches for pairs is set to 2.
pudgePudgequeenofpainQueen of Pain2100.00%Midlane
phantom_lancerPhantom LancerjakiroJakiro250.00%Safelane
svenSvenshadow_shamanShadow Shaman250.00%Safelane
tinkerTinkerbounty_hunterBounty Hunter250.00%Midlane
tinyTinyshadow_shamanShadow Shaman250.00%Safelane
nevermoreShadow FiendtuskTusk250.00%Midlane
shadow_shamanShadow ShamanlycanLycan250.00%Safelane
shadow_shamanShadow Shamanfaceless_voidFaceless Void20.00%Safelane
nevermoreShadow FiendrattletrapClockwerk20.00%Midlane
shadow_shamanShadow Shamanskeleton_kingWraith King20.00%Safelane