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DPC 2023 Tour 1 - All Regions: Division I

DPC 2023 Tour 1 - All Regions - Division I

Matches: 421

This page contains all basic data about league participants (players or teams) as cards. To find match with specific player or team use document inner search (usually Ctrl+F).
PSG.LGD.planet - (150961567)
Matches: 20 (14 - 6)
Winrate: 70.00%
GPM: 327.7
XPM: 471.7
Hero Pool: 11
Regions: China (20)
phoenix Phoenix: 3 - 100.00%
shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 3 - 100.00%
rubick Rubick: 3 - 66.67%
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 2 - 100.00%
Support Offlane: 13 - 84.62%
PSG.LGD.shiro - (320252024)
Matches: 20 (14 - 6)
Winrate: 70.00%
GPM: 751.4
XPM: 823.7
Hero Pool: 16
Regions: China (20)
lina Lina: 3 - 66.67%
ursa Ursa: 2 - 100.00%
alchemist Alchemist: 2 - 100.00%
luna Luna: 1 - 100.00%
Core Safelane: 19 - 73.68%
PSG.LGD.WhyouSm1Le - (111114687)
Matches: 20 (14 - 6)
Winrate: 70.00%
GPM: 297.6
XPM: 397.7
Hero Pool: 11
Regions: China (20)
phoenix Phoenix: 3 - 66.67%
bane Bane: 3 - 66.67%
enchantress Enchantress: 3 - 66.67%
silencer Silencer: 2 - 100.00%
Support Offlane: 10 - 100.00%
PSG.LGD.NothingToSay - (173978074)
Matches: 20 (14 - 6)
Winrate: 70.00%
GPM: 549.0
XPM: 671.5
Hero Pool: 10
Regions: China (20)
pangolier Pangolier: 6 - 100.00%
void_spirit Void Spirit: 3 - 100.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 3 - 66.67%
tusk Tusk: 2 - 50.00%
Core Midlane: 19 - 73.68%
PSG.LGD.项羽 - (1171877280)
Matches: 20 (14 - 6)
Winrate: 70.00%
GPM: 454.8
XPM: 571.6
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: China (20)
marci Marci: 7 - 100.00%
brewmaster Brewmaster: 5 - 60.00%
centaur Centaur Warrunner: 4 - 75.00%
viper Viper: 1 - 100.00%
Core Offlane: 19 - 73.68%
XG.Dy - (143693439)
Matches: 20 (11 - 9)
Winrate: 55.00%
GPM: 271.9
XPM: 384.1
Hero Pool: 12
Regions: China (20)
phoenix Phoenix: 4 - 100.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 4 - 75.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 2 - 100.00%
treant Treant Protector: 2 - 50.00%
Support Safelane: 10 - 80.00%
XG.JT- - (138857296)
Matches: 20 (11 - 9)
Winrate: 55.00%
GPM: 498.7
XPM: 598.9
Hero Pool: 10
Regions: China (20)
magnataur Magnus: 5 - 60.00%
shredder Timbersaw: 3 - 100.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 3 - 66.67%
tidehunter Tidehunter: 2 - 100.00%
Core Offlane: 20 - 55.00%
XG.Pyw - (138543123)
Matches: 20 (11 - 9)
Winrate: 55.00%
GPM: 295.6
XPM: 443.1
Hero Pool: 12
Regions: China (20)
primal_beast Primal Beast: 3 - 66.67%
dark_willow Dark Willow: 2 - 100.00%
shadow_shaman Shadow Shaman: 2 - 100.00%
snapfire Snapfire: 2 - 50.00%
Support Offlane: 9 - 66.67%
XG.Paparazi灬 - (137193239)
Matches: 20 (11 - 9)
Winrate: 55.00%
GPM: 560.9
XPM: 660.3
Hero Pool: 12
Regions: China (20)
tiny Tiny: 5 - 40.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 3 - 66.67%
furion Nature's Prophet: 2 - 100.00%
nevermore Shadow Fiend: 2 - 50.00%
Core Midlane: 20 - 55.00%
XG.Ghost - (206642367)
Matches: 20 (11 - 9)
Winrate: 55.00%
GPM: 630.0
XPM: 702.5
Hero Pool: 11
Regions: China (20)
drow_ranger Drow Ranger: 5 - 80.00%
morphling Morphling: 4 - 50.00%
kunkka Kunkka: 2 - 100.00%
lone_druid Lone Druid: 2 - 50.00%
Core Safelane: 20 - 55.00%
Aster.Xxs - (129958758)
Matches: 19 (13 - 6)
Winrate: 68.42%
GPM: 507.5
XPM: 600.8
Hero Pool: 12
Regions: China (19)
mars Mars: 4 - 100.00%
doom_bringer Doom: 3 - 33.33%
pangolier Pangolier: 2 - 50.00%
magnataur Magnus: 2 - 50.00%
Core Offlane: 18 - 66.67%
Core Safelane: 1 - 100.00%
Aster.Monet - (148215639)
Matches: 19 (13 - 6)
Winrate: 68.42%
GPM: 731.7
XPM: 758.9
Hero Pool: 13
Regions: China (19)
lina Lina: 3 - 100.00%
drow_ranger Drow Ranger: 2 - 100.00%
ursa Ursa: 2 - 50.00%
naga_siren Naga Siren: 2 - 50.00%
Core Safelane: 18 - 66.67%
Core Offlane: 1 - 100.00%
Aster.Xwy - (255219872)
Matches: 19 (13 - 6)
Winrate: 68.42%
GPM: 535.4
XPM: 651.9
Hero Pool: 9
Regions: China (19)
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 7 - 71.43%
tiny Tiny: 3 - 66.67%
void_spirit Void Spirit: 2 - 100.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 2 - 50.00%
Core Midlane: 19 - 68.42%
Aster.皮球 - (183378746)
Matches: 19 (13 - 6)
Winrate: 68.42%
GPM: 281.5
XPM: 392.7
Hero Pool: 6
Regions: China (19)
mirana Mirana: 5 - 80.00%
treant Treant Protector: 4 - 75.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 5 - 40.00%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden: 2 - 100.00%
Support Safelane: 14 - 64.29%
Aster.BoBoKa - (207829314)
Matches: 19 (13 - 6)
Winrate: 68.42%
GPM: 334.1
XPM: 513.3
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: China (19)
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 4 - 75.00%
rubick Rubick: 5 - 40.00%
tiny Tiny: 3 - 66.67%
snapfire Snapfire: 2 - 100.00%
Support Offlane: 10 - 60.00%
Core Offlane: 2 - 100.00%
Core Safelane: 1 - 100.00%
EHOME.xiaoyu - (363724571)
Matches: 18 (11 - 7)
Winrate: 61.11%
GPM: 484.5
XPM: 582.2
Hero Pool: 11
Regions: China (18)
death_prophet Death Prophet: 3 - 100.00%
mars Mars: 4 - 50.00%
marci Marci: 3 - 33.33%
magnataur Magnus: 1 - 100.00%
Core Offlane: 18 - 61.11%
EHOME.Night - (230617400)
Matches: 18 (11 - 7)
Winrate: 61.11%
GPM: 499.8
XPM: 643.9
Hero Pool: 9
Regions: China (18)
pangolier Pangolier: 6 - 83.33%
primal_beast Primal Beast: 3 - 66.67%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 2 - 50.00%
kunkka Kunkka: 1 - 100.00%
Core Midlane: 18 - 61.11%
EHOME.Lww - (136178375)
Matches: 18 (11 - 7)
Winrate: 61.11%
GPM: 270.4
XPM: 383.9
Hero Pool: 9
Regions: China (18)
disruptor Disruptor: 8 - 62.50%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden: 2 - 50.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 2 - 50.00%
snapfire Snapfire: 1 - 100.00%
Support Safelane: 11 - 72.73%
EHOME.Salad - (164530809)
Matches: 18 (11 - 7)
Winrate: 61.11%
GPM: 305.7
XPM: 439.1
Hero Pool: 10
Regions: China (18)
rubick Rubick: 5 - 60.00%
tusk Tusk: 4 - 50.00%
mirana Mirana: 2 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny: 1 - 100.00%
Support Offlane: 9 - 77.78%
Aries.Ulu - (250547284)
Matches: 18 (6 - 12)
Winrate: 33.33%
GPM: 633.6
XPM: 696.1
Hero Pool: 10
Regions: China (18)
ursa Ursa: 4 - 50.00%
slark Slark: 3 - 66.67%
troll_warlord Troll Warlord: 2 - 50.00%
drow_ranger Drow Ranger: 2 - 50.00%
Core Safelane: 16 - 37.50%
Core Offlane: 1 - 0.00%
Aries.Redpanda - (108221389)
Matches: 18 (6 - 12)
Winrate: 33.33%
GPM: 278.4
XPM: 382.2
Hero Pool: 9
Regions: China (18)
phoenix Phoenix: 6 - 33.33%
treant Treant Protector: 3 - 33.33%
jakiro Jakiro: 1 - 100.00%
undying Undying: 1 - 100.00%
Support Safelane: 13 - 23.08%
Aries.生死 - (165178538)
Matches: 18 (6 - 12)
Winrate: 33.33%
GPM: 457.8
XPM: 546.3
Hero Pool: 11
Regions: China (18)
broodmother Broodmother: 3 - 66.67%
magnataur Magnus: 2 - 100.00%
dark_seer Dark Seer: 3 - 33.33%
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 2 - 50.00%
Core Offlane: 16 - 37.50%
Core Safelane: 1 - 0.00%
Matches: 18 (6 - 12)
Winrate: 33.33%
GPM: 571.5
XPM: 662.4
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: China (18)
leshrac Leshrac: 4 - 75.00%
batrider Batrider: 5 - 40.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 2 - 50.00%
tusk Tusk: 3 - 0.00%
Core Midlane: 17 - 35.29%
Knights.Felixciaoba - (119535307)
Matches: 17 (11 - 6)
Winrate: 64.71%
GPM: 323.1
XPM: 505.6
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: China (17)
rubick Rubick: 7 - 71.43%
riki Riki: 2 - 100.00%
mirana Mirana: 2 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny: 2 - 50.00%
Support Offlane: 9 - 66.67%
Core Offlane: 1 - 0.00%
Knights.AlaCrity- - (118233883)
Matches: 17 (11 - 6)
Winrate: 64.71%
GPM: 623.6
XPM: 739.2
Hero Pool: 9
Regions: China (17)
puck Puck: 4 - 100.00%
pangolier Pangolier: 3 - 66.67%
viper Viper: 2 - 50.00%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 2 - 50.00%
Core Midlane: 16 - 62.50%
Knights.Flyby - (186627166)
Matches: 17 (11 - 6)
Winrate: 64.71%
GPM: 478.7
XPM: 592.1
Hero Pool: 10
Regions: China (17)
broodmother Broodmother: 3 - 66.67%
visage Visage: 3 - 66.67%
centaur Centaur Warrunner: 2 - 100.00%
tidehunter Tidehunter: 2 - 100.00%
Core Offlane: 16 - 62.50%
Knights.XCJ - (117731777)
Matches: 17 (11 - 6)
Winrate: 64.71%
GPM: 292.2
XPM: 404.6
Hero Pool: 7
Regions: China (17)
treant Treant Protector: 6 - 83.33%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden: 5 - 60.00%
rubick Rubick: 1 - 100.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 1 - 100.00%
Support Safelane: 12 - 66.67%
Knights.eGo - (376376587)
Matches: 17 (11 - 6)
Winrate: 64.71%
GPM: 679.1
XPM: 747.4
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: China (17)
nevermore Shadow Fiend: 5 - 80.00%
spectre Spectre: 2 - 100.00%
drow_ranger Drow Ranger: 3 - 33.33%
naga_siren Naga Siren: 2 - 50.00%
Core Safelane: 16 - 62.50%
EHOME.mks- - (220154695)
Matches: 16 (11 - 5)
Winrate: 68.75%
GPM: 690.3
XPM: 734.4
Hero Pool: 11
Regions: China (16)
furion Nature's Prophet: 3 - 100.00%
drow_ranger Drow Ranger: 2 - 50.00%
morphling Morphling: 2 - 50.00%
slark Slark: 2 - 50.00%
Core Safelane: 16 - 68.75%
Aries.TK - (391423488)
Matches: 16 (6 - 10)
Winrate: 37.50%
GPM: 268.5
XPM: 425.4
Hero Pool: 7
Regions: China (16)
riki Riki: 3 - 100.00%
tiny Tiny: 5 - 40.00%
tusk Tusk: 2 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick: 3 - 0.00%
Support Offlane: 12 - 50.00%
IG.Emo - (202217968)
Matches: 16 (5 - 11)
Winrate: 31.25%
GPM: 620.4
XPM: 672.1
Hero Pool: 13
Regions: China (16)
ursa Ursa: 3 - 33.33%
slark Slark: 1 - 100.00%
pudge Pudge: 1 - 100.00%
faceless_void Faceless Void: 1 - 100.00%
Core Safelane: 14 - 28.57%
Core Midlane: 1 - 0.00%
IG.Dust - (199222238)
Matches: 16 (5 - 11)
Winrate: 31.25%
GPM: 479.8
XPM: 575.3
Hero Pool: 10
Regions: China (16)
nevermore Shadow Fiend: 3 - 66.67%
primal_beast Primal Beast: 2 - 50.00%
leshrac Leshrac: 1 - 100.00%
mars Mars: 1 - 100.00%
Core Midlane: 14 - 28.57%
Core Safelane: 1 - 0.00%
IG.Irving - (223344914)
Matches: 16 (5 - 11)
Winrate: 31.25%
GPM: 488.3
XPM: 535.3
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: China (16)
enigma Enigma: 3 - 66.67%
beastmaster Beastmaster: 3 - 33.33%
mars Mars: 3 - 33.33%
centaur Centaur Warrunner: 1 - 100.00%
Core Offlane: 15 - 26.67%
IG.poloson - (76904792)
Matches: 16 (5 - 11)
Winrate: 31.25%
GPM: 319.0
XPM: 443.7
Hero Pool: 7
Regions: China (16)
rubick Rubick: 6 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny: 4 - 25.00%
earthshaker Earthshaker: 1 - 100.00%
mirana Mirana: 2 - 0.00%
Support Offlane: 8 - 25.00%
IG.qyqx - (136421659)
Matches: 16 (5 - 11)
Winrate: 31.25%
GPM: 260.4
XPM: 356.8
Hero Pool: 11
Regions: China (16)
treant Treant Protector: 3 - 66.67%
snapfire Snapfire: 2 - 100.00%
silencer Silencer: 1 - 100.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 3 - 0.00%
Support Safelane: 11 - 27.27%
Dawn.Docres - (130503714)
Matches: 14 (0 - 14)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 232.1
XPM: 321.5
Hero Pool: 9
Regions: China (14)
hoodwink Hoodwink: 2 - 0.00%
snapfire Snapfire: 2 - 0.00%
mirana Mirana: 2 - 0.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 2 - 0.00%
Support Offlane: 10 - 0.00%
Dawn.Son Goku - (138885864)
Matches: 14 (0 - 14)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 397.4
XPM: 428.5
Hero Pool: 9
Regions: China (14)
furion Nature's Prophet: 3 - 0.00%
centaur Centaur Warrunner: 3 - 0.00%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 2 - 0.00%
enigma Enigma: 1 - 0.00%
Core Offlane: 14 - 0.00%
Dawn.Ms - (181563525)
Matches: 14 (0 - 14)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 211.4
XPM: 272.6
Hero Pool: 9
Regions: China (14)
silencer Silencer: 3 - 0.00%
treant Treant Protector: 3 - 0.00%
tusk Tusk: 2 - 0.00%
mirana Mirana: 1 - 0.00%
Support Safelane: 12 - 0.00%
Dawn.siumang333 - (171211166)
Matches: 14 (0 - 14)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 534.5
XPM: 621.4
Hero Pool: 9
Regions: China (14)
lina Lina: 3 - 0.00%
furion Nature's Prophet: 3 - 0.00%
sven Sven: 2 - 0.00%
slark Slark: 1 - 0.00%
Core Safelane: 14 - 0.00%
Dawn.ex - (242837510)
Matches: 10 (0 - 10)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 366.2
XPM: 448.7
Hero Pool: 8
Regions: China (10)
zuus Zeus: 2 - 0.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 2 - 0.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 1 - 0.00%
queenofpain Queen of Pain: 1 - 0.00%
Core Midlane: 10 - 0.00%
Dawn.zone- - (150588364)
Matches: 2 (0 - 2)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 406.0
XPM: 484.5
Hero Pool: 2
Regions: China (2)
puck Puck: 1 - 0.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 1 - 0.00%
Core Midlane: 2 - 0.00%
dolphin - (191458152)
Matches: 2 (0 - 2)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 517.0
XPM: 600.5
Hero Pool: 2
Regions: China (2)
zuus Zeus: 1 - 0.00%
death_prophet Death Prophet: 1 - 0.00%
Core Midlane: 2 - 0.00%
Matches: 2 (0 - 2)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 739.0
XPM: 811.5
Hero Pool: 2
Regions: China (2)
sniper Sniper: 1 - 0.00%
furion Nature's Prophet: 1 - 0.00%
Core Safelane: 2 - 0.00%
OpGod - (205813150)
Matches: 2 (0 - 2)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 250.5
XPM: 345.5
Hero Pool: 2
Regions: China (2)
earthshaker Earthshaker: 1 - 0.00%
tiny Tiny: 1 - 0.00%
Support Offlane: 1 - 0.00%