Donations this month: $45.47
Spectral Wrapped 2023

ESL One Birmingham 2020 Online

Major online league hosted by ESL

Heroes picked: 118

Summary | Grid | Profiles ☰ | Cards
Positions ☰ | Meta Graph
Active roster: WE.MrThinger (Core Midlane), WE.l (Core Offlane), WE.AssClapper9000 (Support), WE.Koss ❤ DotA (2012-2020) (Support), WE.Vexare (Support)
Core MidlaneCore OfflaneSupport
storm_spiritStorm Spirit11100.0100.0%0.0%--------
legion_commanderLegion Commander1--------1100.0100.0%0.0%
keeper_of_the_lightKeeper of the Light1--------1100.0100.0%0.0%
treantTreant Protector1--------1100.0100.0%0.0%
This section contains stats for heroes' performance on various positions. Positions are determined based on players performance (core or support) and lane. Supports across all lanes (including roamers) are considered as one role. Lanes and positions may not be accurate.