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Starting Items feature + Interactive map 7.389(b) update

European Pro League Season 23

Minor online event hosted by EPL Esports

Median match duration: 36.7167

Summary | Grid | Profiles | Cards
This page contains basic information about the team's active roster.
WB.DemiGod - (387624608)
Matches: 13 (5 - 8)
Winrate: 38.46%
GPM: 595.7
XPM: 682.2
Hero Pool: 8
terrorblade Terrorblade: 4 - 25.00%
lycan Lycan: 2 - 50.00%
slark Slark: 1 - 100.00%
skeleton_king Wraith King: 1 - 100.00%
Core Safelane: 13 - 38.46%
WB.Flawless - (872008996)
Matches: 13 (5 - 8)
Winrate: 38.46%
GPM: 565.4
XPM: 703.8
Hero Pool: 7
sand_king Sand King: 4 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny: 3 - 66.67%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 1 - 100.00%
magnataur Magnus: 2 - 0.00%
Core Midlane: 13 - 38.46%
WB.Slowly rising - (405351356)
Matches: 13 (5 - 8)
Winrate: 38.46%
GPM: 538.2
XPM: 644.9
Hero Pool: 8
tidehunter Tidehunter: 3 - 66.67%
mars Mars: 2 - 50.00%
primal_beast Primal Beast: 2 - 50.00%
magnataur Magnus: 1 - 100.00%
Core Offlane: 13 - 38.46%
Matches: 13 (5 - 8)
Winrate: 38.46%
GPM: 316.4
XPM: 457.5
Hero Pool: 5
nyx_assassin Nyx Assassin: 5 - 40.00%
phoenix Phoenix: 3 - 66.67%
shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 1 - 100.00%
dark_willow Dark Willow: 3 - 0.00%
Support Offlane: 12 - 41.67%
Core Offlane: 1 - 0.00%
WB.johnnupro - (891566317)
Matches: 13 (5 - 8)
Winrate: 38.46%
GPM: 367.6
XPM: 491.9
Hero Pool: 6
elder_titan Elder Titan: 4 - 75.00%
chen Chen: 3 - 33.33%
warlock Warlock: 1 - 100.00%
tinker Tinker: 2 - 0.00%
Support Safelane: 10 - 40.00%
Support Offlane: 2 - 50.00%
Core Safelane: 1 - 0.00%