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Starting Items feature + Interactive map 7.389(b) update

European Pro League Season 23

Minor online event hosted by EPL Esports

Average wards placed per game by Radiant: 18.1776

Summary | Grid | Profiles | Cards
This page contains basic information about the team's active roster.
LesnayaBratva.nesfeer - (1657135701)
Matches: 21 (8 - 13)
Winrate: 38.10%
GPM: 680.1
XPM: 832.2
Hero Pool: 9
morphling Morphling: 3 - 100.00%
phantom_assassin Phantom Assassin: 5 - 20.00%
templar_assassin Templar Assassin: 3 - 33.33%
dragon_knight Dragon Knight: 2 - 50.00%
Core Safelane: 21 - 38.10%
LesnayaBratva.Hun43ed - (439345730)
Matches: 21 (8 - 13)
Winrate: 38.10%
GPM: 571.1
XPM: 731.0
Hero Pool: 8
tiny Tiny: 5 - 60.00%
invoker Invoker: 5 - 20.00%
monkey_king Monkey King: 4 - 25.00%
earthshaker Earthshaker: 2 - 50.00%
Core Midlane: 21 - 38.10%
Matches: 21 (8 - 13)
Winrate: 38.10%
GPM: 569.0
XPM: 705.6
Hero Pool: 8
dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 4 - 75.00%
night_stalker Night Stalker: 3 - 66.67%
lycan Lycan: 4 - 25.00%
bristleback Bristleback: 4 - 25.00%
Core Offlane: 21 - 38.10%
LesnayaBratva.mrl - (333351042)
Matches: 21 (8 - 13)
Winrate: 38.10%
GPM: 358.6
XPM: 487.0
Hero Pool: 7
batrider Batrider: 9 - 22.22%
muerta Muerta: 4 - 50.00%
riki Riki: 3 - 33.33%
shadow_shaman Shadow Shaman: 2 - 50.00%
Support Offlane: 21 - 38.10%
Matches: 21 (8 - 13)
Winrate: 38.10%
GPM: 353.2
XPM: 487.2
Hero Pool: 7
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden: 6 - 50.00%
enchantress Enchantress: 3 - 100.00%
lich Lich: 6 - 16.67%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 1 - 100.00%
Support Safelane: 18 - 33.33%
Support Offlane: 3 - 66.67%