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Spectral Wrapped 2024

gunina_ok cup

Season 1 of gunina_ok chat cup

Total observer wards planted: 922

Most impactful items
Explain this to me
In the items component you may see various items stats. Overview shows top of the most impactful items (in general and for a specific hero) based on their effect on winrate, compared to games when the item wasn't purchased, with the highest positive and negative impacts respectively. Notable timings section shows earliest purchase timings for item-hero pairs with the highest winrate gradient per minute.


Item Pickups Winrate When picked
blade_mailBlade Mail29100.00%+52.70%
heartHeart of Tarrasque15100.00%+51.61%
sheepstickScythe of Vyse11100.00%+51.59%
cycloneEul's Scepter of Divinity14100.00%+51.39%
refresherRefresher Orb7100.00%+51.37%
assaultAssault Cuirass9100.00%+51.19%
swift_blinkSwift Blink6100.00%+51.18%
kaya_and_sangeKaya and Sange10100.00%+51.00%
ultimate_scepter_2Aghanim's Blessing9100.00%+50.99%
Item Pickups Winrate When picked
monkey_king_barMonkey King Bar1333.33%-16.87%
aeon_diskAeon Disk1233.33%-16.67%
falcon_bladeFalcon Blade1333.33%-16.67%
skadiEye of Skadi1133.33%-16.07%
diffusal_bladeDiffusal Blade950.00%-0.60%
guardian_greavesGuardian Greaves750.00%-0.59%
basherSkull Basher750.00%-0.20%
echo_sabreEcho Sabre1650.00%+0.20%

For heroes

Hero Item Pickups Winrate When picked
pudgeblinkBlink Dagger3100.0%+100.0%
vengefulspiritmedallion_of_courageMedallion of Courage6100.0%+100.0%
zuusarcane_bootsArcane Boots4100.0%+100.0%
rattletrapblade_mailBlade Mail4100.0%+100.0%
jakiroforce_staffForce Staff5100.0%+100.0%
jakiroarcane_bootsArcane Boots6100.0%+100.0%
arc_wardenhand_of_midasHand of Midas3100.0%+100.0%
lichglimmer_capeGlimmer Cape5100.0%+100.0%
Hero Item Pickups Winrate When picked
tinyblinkBlink Dagger30.0%0.0%
queenofpainpower_treadsPower Treads40.0%0.0%
snapfireforce_staffForce Staff50.0%0.0%
snapfirearcane_bootsArcane Boots40.0%0.0%

Most notable timings records

HeroItemPickupsWinrateGradient (%/min)MedianGames with the best timings
pugnaPugnaarcane_bootsArcane Boots475.00%-62.50%11:107451622283 - Comaru ⚔ T5 - Series 1 - Game 1 - (10:00)
vengefulspiritVengeful Spiritmedallion_of_courageMedallion of Courage683.33%-27.91%10:057437552350 - PuzKo ⚔ T5 - Series 1 - Game 1 - (06:38)
jakiroJakiroforce_staffForce Staff540.00%-22.06%22:017437575740 - Tpapa ⚔ Comaru - Series 1 - Game 2 - (20:19)
skywrath_mageSkywrath Magearcane_bootsArcane Boots540.00%-21.66%14:447431166798 - PuzKo ⚔ Tpapa - Series 1 - Game 2 - (10:50)
lichLichglimmer_capeGlimmer Cape540.00%-12.00%19:547451622283 - Comaru ⚔ T5 - Series 1 - Game 1 - (15:39)
pudgePudgeblinkBlink Dagger366.67%-2.22%25:287431166798 - PuzKo ⚔ Tpapa - Series 1 - Game 2 - (13:42)