The International 2024 Teams and Stats Overview

gunina_ok cup

Season 1 of gunina_ok chat cup

Average number of buybacks per game by Dire: 2.0769

Explain this to me
Winrate shifts are differences in winrate compared to the item's winrate overall. Values are for when the item wasn't bought, early (Q1) and late (Q3) timings (higher is better). Winrate gradient per minute shows how winrate changes with every minute of the item's delayed purchase timing. Item timings values can be used to restore the normal distribution chart, where Q1, median and Q3 mean the first, second and third quantiles respectively.
TotalWinrate shiftsTimings
ItemPickupsPickup rateRankWinrateWhen pickedEarlyLateGradient (%/min)MeanMinQ1MedianQ3MaxStd.Dev
abyssal_bladeAbyssal Blade20.77%9.550.00%0.00%+50.00%0.00%0.00%45:3644:4444:4446:2746:2746:2701:16
TotalWinrate shiftsTimings
HeroPickupsPickup rateRankWinrateWhen pickedEarlyLateGradient (%/min)MeanMinQ1MedianQ3MaxWindowStd.Dev
night_stalkerNight Stalker150.00%100.0100.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%44:4444:4444:4444:4444:4444:4400:0000:00