Record | Match | Value | Player | Hero |
GPM | 4138761328 - | 1,332 | PID 196331985 - | Alchemist |
XPM | 4140440154 - | 1,402 | PID 348390005 - | Meepo |
Kills | 4162511202 - | 58 | PID 434234712 - | Weaver |
Deaths | 4130216132 - | 36 | PID 188962397 - | Nature's Prophet |
Assists | 4135938255 - | 71 | PID 136463853 - | Zeus |
KDA with 0 deaths | 4126194770 - | 50 | PID 337140411 - | Ember Spirit |
KDA with 1+ deaths | 4142475557 - | 67 | PID 163497368 - | Ember Spirit |
Gold Earned | 4162511202 - | 139,736 | PID 131467881 - | Zeus |
Last hits | 4162511202 - | 1,849 | PID 131467881 - | Zeus |
Damage to heroes | 4162511202 - | 204,150 | PID 131467881 - | Zeus |
Damage to buildings | 4142928149 - | 24,946 | PID 133212398 - | Lycan |
Hero healing | 4156834383 - | 62,654 | PID 141496785 - | Treant Protector |
Damage taken from heroes | 4137442457 - | 179,069 | PID 144083872 - | Meepo |
Efficiency on lane | 4137466674 - | 2.08 | PID 74493279 - | Pugna |
Observer wards placed | 4162511202 - | 55 | PID 129340473 - | Grimstroke |
Sentries placed | 4162511202 - | 339 | PID 35950371 - | Bane |
Obs Wards destroyed | 4124800498 - | 19 | PID 339431438 - | Vengeful Spirit |
Map pings | 4142894656 - | 65,535 | PID 363101471 - | Ursa |
Stuns | 4161655223 - | 650.99 | PID 226028537 - | Invoker |
Couriers killed by a player | 4127631523 - | 7 | PID 344720499 - | Bounty Hunter |
Couriers killed in match | 4137465873 - | 9 | ||
Roshan kills in match | 4162511202 - | 9 | ||
Networth stomp by a team | 4157753494 - | 84,851 | ||
Networth comeback by a team | 4125714131 - | 48,190 | ||
Longest match | 4162511202 - | 2:07:01 | ||
Shortest match | 4146881322 - | 10:01 | ||
Bloodbath | 4128000612 - | 188 | ||
Player with Widest Hero Pool | 69 | PID 102020930 - | ||
Player with Smallest Hero Pool | 1 | PID 192739868 - |
This section contains data about highest or lowest values across all matches.