Record | Match | Value | Player | Hero |
GPM | 4233267701 - | 1,714 | PID 411803895 - | Huskar |
XPM | 4233267701 - | 2,155 | PID 411803895 - | Huskar |
Kills | 4233942656 - | 42 | PID 161195950 - | Slark |
Deaths | 4231799517 - | 30 | PID 129810564 - | Chaos Knight |
Assists | 4231888147 - | 52 | PID 19672354 - | Oracle |
KDA with 0 deaths | 4235874067 - | 51 | PID 87360406 - | Lone Druid |
KDA with 1+ deaths | 4230741248 - | 49 | PID 116885013 - | Queen of Pain |
Gold Earned | 4230689821 - | 72,689 | PID 97658618 - | Outworld Destroyer |
Last hits | 4230689821 - | 1,038 | PID 97658618 - | Outworld Destroyer |
Damage to heroes | 4233603468 - | 144,196 | PID 89268488 - | Zeus |
Damage to buildings | 4233872537 - | 32,767 | PID 95464118 - | Lone Druid |
Hero healing | 4236435793 - | 43,451 | PID 140491323 - | Dazzle |
Damage taken from heroes | 4237005358 - | 110,661 | PID 892598197 - | Meepo |
Efficiency on lane | 4233267701 - | 2.12 | PID 411803895 - | Huskar |
Observer wards placed | 4230689821 - | 37 | PID 349310876 - | Lich |
Sentries placed | 4233179983 - | 82 | PID 99394623 - | Dazzle |
Obs Wards destroyed | 4234004846 - | 13 | PID 100758751 - | Dazzle |
Map pings | 4231912275 - | 1,141 | PID 845829239 - | Shadow Fiend |
Stuns | 4230641147 - | 407.84 | PID 87405837 - | Techies |
Couriers killed by a player | 4234151371 - | 6 | PID 92161696 - | Bounty Hunter |
Couriers killed in match | 4234151371 - | 7 | ||
Roshan kills in match | 4230641147 - | 6 | ||
Networth stomp by a team | 4231852606 - | 55,786 | ||
Networth comeback by a team | 4231776176 - | 43,139 | ||
Longest match | 4233603468 - | 1:28:09 | ||
Shortest match | 4232272495 - | 10:19 | ||
Bloodbath | 4233942656 - | 143 | ||
Player with Widest Hero Pool | 33 | PID 877088383 - | ||
Player with Smallest Hero Pool | 1 | PID 142242722 - |
This section contains data about highest or lowest values across all matches.