Record | Match | Value | Player | Hero |
GPM | 4244281716 - | 1,316 | PID 222746926 - | Slark |
XPM | 4246526548 - | 1,164 | PID 81773908 - | Phantom Assassin |
Kills | 4247002624 - | 41 | PID 149068953 - | Slark |
Deaths | 4244739374 - | 39 | PID 107485519 - | Luna |
Assists | 4242796936 - | 51 | PID 86692861 - | Io |
KDA with 0 deaths | 4244281716 - | 49 | PID 222746926 - | Slark |
KDA with 1+ deaths | 4238839327 - | 55 | PID 145899701 - | Zeus |
Gold Earned | 4243110330 - | 70,770 | PID 337935007 - | Techies |
Last hits | 4241700673 - | 957 | PID 111114687 - | Naga Siren |
Damage to heroes | 4239681932 - | 158,437 | PID 136600451 - | Tinker |
Damage to buildings | 4242167574 - | 29,130 | PID 452376367 - | Terrorblade |
Hero healing | 4239103964 - | 46,190 | PID 221743617 - | Dazzle |
Damage taken from heroes | 4246221425 - | 176,363 | PID 173476224 - | Meepo |
Efficiency on lane | 4244281716 - | 2.60 | PID 222746926 - | Slark |
Observer wards placed | 4243110330 - | 40 | PID 904490226 - | Grimstroke |
Sentries placed | 4243110330 - | 103 | PID 904490226 - | Grimstroke |
Obs Wards destroyed | 4237725893 - | 15 | PID 155687088 - | Shadow Demon |
Map pings | 4241358359 - | 1,020 | PID 329179691 - | Axe |
Stuns | 4241408833 - | 493.00 | PID 205936447 - | Nyx Assassin |
Couriers killed by a player | 4246732694 - | 5 | PID 152139242 - | Bounty Hunter |
Couriers killed in match | 4246732694 - | 6 | ||
Roshan kills in match | 4243110330 - | 6 | ||
Networth stomp by a team | 4241880549 - | 50,854 | ||
Networth comeback by a team | 4238495893 - | 31,970 | ||
Longest match | 4243110330 - | 1:30:22 | ||
Shortest match | 4242730541 - | 10:07 | ||
Bloodbath | 4247002624 - | 162 | ||
Player with Widest Hero Pool | 44 | PID 83755246 - | ||
Player with Smallest Hero Pool | 1 | PID 135639872 - |
This section contains data about highest or lowest values across all matches.