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Spectral Wrapped 2023

Immortal Rank Meta Trends - 7.23(a/b)

Stats for matches of Immortal rank players

Total observer wards planted: 801222

Overview | Records | Heroes ☰ | Regions ☰
Pairs | Lane Combos
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This section contains stats for most common hero pairs on a same lane. Minimum amount of matches for pairs is set to 267.
skywrath_mageSkywrath Magelegion_commanderLegion Commander55445.31%Offlane
vengefulspiritVengeful SpiritlunaLuna53160.08%Safelane
legion_commanderLegion CommandersnapfireSnapfire49047.55%Offlane
crystal_maidenCrystal MaidenslarkSlark44556.40%Safelane
crystal_maidenCrystal MaidenursaUrsa40962.10%Safelane