Record | Match | Value | Player | Hero |
GPM | 5259020982 - | 1,312 | PID 410074454 - | Alchemist |
XPM | 5235011789 - | 1,194 | PID 229784400 - | Tinker |
Kills | 5227030649 - | 41 | PID 399596141 - | Silencer |
Deaths | 5261249696 - | 35 | PID 157552031 - | Razor |
Assists | 5226085826 - | 52 | PID 35261648 - | Treant Protector |
KDA with 0 deaths | 5227030649 - | 60 | PID 399596141 - | Silencer |
KDA with 1+ deaths | 5218299551 - | 54 | PID 282359850 - | Riki |
Gold Earned | 5213372238 - | 85,571 | PID 1185644 - | Alchemist |
Last hits | 5249266522 - | 1,494 | PID 402817046 - | Terrorblade |
Damage to heroes | 5236893434 - | 219,617 | PID 377744468 - | Zeus |
Damage to buildings | 5230229934 - | 32,375 | PID 95814761 - | Nature's Prophet |
Hero healing | 5215027493 - | 87,158 | PID 437984410 - | Dazzle |
Damage taken from heroes | 5235952356 - | 253,275 | PID 321134164 - | Meepo |
Efficiency on lane | 5257494525 - | 2.25 | PID 106640387 - | Alchemist |
Observer wards placed | 5236974040 - | 38 | PID 866449318 - | Lich |
Sentries placed | 5244911777 - | 62 | PID 144098524 - | Lich |
Obs Wards destroyed | 5225027649 - | 20 | PID 128433092 - | Snapfire |
Map pings | 5235505385 - | 1,291 | PID 308208967 - | Skywrath Mage |
Stuns | 5216430580 - | 670.41 | PID 79062833 - | Underlord |
Couriers killed by a player | 5259672486 - | 17 | PID 335530396 - | Nature's Prophet |
Couriers killed in match | 5249073554 - | 18 | ||
Roshan kills in match | 5228528129 - | 7 | ||
Networth stomp by a team | 5214939210 - | 78,650 | ||
Networth comeback by a team | 5232527767 - | 44,890 | ||
Closest match | 5249378991 - | 1,502 | ||
Longest match | 5244911777 - | 1:34:31 | ||
Shortest match | 5259392655 - | 10:03 | ||
Kills Combined | 5213197140 - | 152 | ||
Bloodbath | 5227030649 - | 5.42 | ||
Player with Widest Hero Pool | 85 | PID 96768866 - | ||
Player with Smallest Hero Pool | 1 | PID 134461219 - |
This section contains data about highest or lowest values across all matches.