Record | Match | Value | Player | Hero |
GPM | 5925688360 - | 1,648 | wanna be like m`iCKe - | Alchemist |
XPM | 5934053655 - | 1,354 | rocker - | Io |
Kills | 5852818040 - | 63 | [AoS] - | Arc Warden |
Deaths | 5853135969 - | 46 | Dragonfist - | Timbersaw |
Assists | 5922899413 - | 59 | Nikola Jock Itch - | Sand King |
KDA with 0 deaths | 5863962358 - | 56 | DozDraPerma - | Mirana |
KDA with 1+ deaths | 5875773552 - | 60 | traveler with amulet and gem - | Hoodwink |
Gold Earned | 5916838748 - | 123,899 | PMA2.0 - | Alchemist |
Last hits | 5873457527 - | 1,690 | let me breath,pls.. - | Tinker |
Damage to heroes | 5895281484 - | 285,841 | Alexstyle- - | Arc Warden |
Damage to buildings | 5898652153 - | 35,719 | bangarangatv - | Juggernaut |
Hero healing | 5905674861 - | 65,518 | only dota plz - | Io |
Damage taken from heroes | 5873284746 - | 258,670 | negative player - | Arc Warden |
Efficiency on lane | 5885176752 - | 2.27 | научусь летать с тобой на небо - | Broodmother |
Observer wards placed | 5867849837 - | 52 | bolivia doto - | Ancient Apparition |
Sentries placed | 5867849837 - | 82 | bolivia doto - | Ancient Apparition |
Obs Wards destroyed | 5920084069 - | 19 | мне снова двенадцать - | Witch Doctor |
Map pings | 5933573123 - | 954 | 123 - | Zeus |
Stuns | 5883197283 - | 1,177.82 | F-Y - | Bloodseeker |
Couriers killed by a player | 5916640004 - | 25 | Mirana - | Bounty Hunter |
Couriers killed in match | 5916640004 - | 27 | ||
Roshan kills in match | 5909730746 - | 7 | ||
Networth stomp by a team | 5895226149 - | 103,374 | ||
Networth comeback by a team | 5915722747 - | 125,141 | ||
Closest match | 5864362153 - | 1,319 | ||
Biggest difference in gold earned | 5895226149 - | 106,802 | ||
Longest match | 5867849837 - | 2:08:18 | ||
Shortest match | 5879303585 - | 10:01 | ||
Kills Combined | 5894812600 - | 179 | ||
Bloodbath | 5924563471 - | 5.12 | ||
Rampage with lowest team networth difference | 5846296314 - | 3,378 | swear to god - | Phantom Lancer |
Rampage with highest team networth difference | 5863114157 - | 100,113 | You know me - | Wraith King |
Player with most matches played | 749 | ego trippin'᠌ - | ||
Player with Widest Hero Pool | 107 | IDCIDCIDCIDCIDCIDCIDCIDCIDCIDCID - | ||
Player with Smallest Hero Pool | 1 | false rank - |
This section contains data about highest or lowest values across all matches.