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Spectral Wrapped 2023

Immortal Rank Meta Trends - 7.31d

Stats for matches of Immortal rank players, data provided by

Heroes picked: 123

Ethereal Blade
: 75.42
: 129793
: 3.21%
: 28:34
: 0.00%
: 23:30 - 34:03
: 60.82%
: +11.11%
: 60.33% (-0.49%)
: 59.76% (-1.06%)
Heroes with highest purchase rates
Heroes with best purchase ranks
Heroes with worst purchase ranks

Most notable timings records

Match Hero Timing Difference from median
6630771287 - techiesTechies09:3918:22
6695226749 - hoodwinkHoodwink13:2118:21
6648541725 - skywrath_mageSkywrath Mage12:0418:17
6650512825 - zuusZeus11:1617:36
6679111331 - gyrocopterGyrocopter14:4017:06
6675979223 - sand_kingSand King13:2516:11
6711457693 - arc_wardenArc Warden20:1615:52
6649367979 - keeper_of_the_lightKeeper of the Light08:1615:25
6624830677 - grimstrokeGrimstroke11:5415:02
6623647837 - puckPuck12:5514:38