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Spectral Wrapped 2023

Immortal Rank Meta Trends - 7.32c

Stats for matches of Immortal rank players, data provided by

Average match duration: 36.2772

Hood of Defiance
: 63.39
: 126084
: 3.99%
: 15:59
: 0.00%
: 10:48 - 22:08
: 56.99%
: +7.28%
: 54.78% (-2.21%)
: 60.75% (+3.76%)
Heroes with highest purchase rates
Heroes with best purchase ranks
Heroes with worst purchase ranks

Most notable timings records

Match Hero Timing Difference from median
6802993950 - wispIo06:0820:40
6872342573 - chenChen07:0118:05
6866913450 - undyingUndying04:3817:58
6790000504 - brewmasterBrewmaster04:4117:19
6842069957 - visageVisage05:0415:48
6798798103 - venomancerVenomancer04:0814:34
6839087543 - broodmotherBroodmother04:0614:29
6801658087 - enchantressEnchantress05:3013:57
6825541799 - axeAxe03:5012:30
6830267353 - tidehunterTidehunter03:2212:11