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Spectral Wrapped 2023

Immortal Rank Meta Trends - 7.33

Stats for matches of Immortal rank players, data provided by

Heroes picked: 124

Refresher Orb
: 86.53
: 5007
: 2.21%
: 41:47
: 0.00%
: 36:12 - 47:57
: 63.25%
: +13.44%
: 71.96% (+8.71%)
: 56.87% (-6.38%)
Heroes with highest purchase rates
Heroes with best purchase ranks
Heroes with worst purchase ranks

Most notable timings records

Match Hero Timing Difference from median
7125076245 - brewmasterBrewmaster13:5919:25
7123445518 - magnataurMagnus21:5918:11
7124564783 - silencerSilencer19:0417:51
7117643987 - doom_bringerDoom24:0615:58
7118451986 - invokerInvoker24:5715:31
7124277835 - warlockWarlock23:5915:21
7119868401 - razorRazor24:2415:05
7118538614 - phoenixPhoenix21:5514:41
7118579326 - tidehunterTidehunter27:0314:19
7122097543 - marsMars26:3711:30