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Spectral Wrapped 2023

Immortal Rank Meta Trends - 7.33

Stats for matches of Immortal rank players, data provided by

Heroes picked: 124

Octarine Core
: 93.78
: 8492
: 3.75%
: 32:00
: 0.00%
: 25:59 - 38:21
: 66.16%
: +15.20%
: 65.05% (-1.11%)
: 63.92% (-2.24%)
Heroes with highest purchase rates
Heroes with best purchase ranks
Heroes with worst purchase ranks

Most notable timings records

Match Hero Timing Difference from median
7122839508 - pangolierPangolier13:0023:38
7124151605 - zuusZeus10:5720:41
7117697448 - enigmaEnigma14:0818:46
7123807398 - batriderBatrider11:0918:25
7125446253 - earthshakerEarthshaker16:3817:56
7124511126 - invokerInvoker14:0117:30
7124284931 - doom_bringerDoom08:3516:19
7118746264 - keeper_of_the_lightKeeper of the Light13:0816:03
7119914260 - puckPuck19:3913:02
7122037506 - arc_wardenArc Warden17:4711:12