Overview Abyssal Blade Aeon Disk Aether Lens Aghanim's Blessing Aghanim's Scepter Aghanim's Shard Arcane Blink Arcane Boots Armlet of Mordiggian Assault Cuirass Battle Fury Black King Bar Blade Mail Blink Dagger Bloodstone Bloodthorn Boots of Bearing Boots of Travel Butterfly Crimson Guard Crystalys Daedalus Dagon Dagon (level 2) Dagon (level 3) Dagon (level 4) Dagon (level 5) Desolator Diffusal Blade Disperser Dragon Lance Drum of Endurance Echo Sabre Eternal Shroud Ethereal Blade Eul's Scepter of Divinity Eye of Skadi Falcon Blade Force Staff Ghost Scepter Gleipnir Glimmer Cape Guardian Greaves Hand of Midas Harpoon Heart of Tarrasque Heaven's Halberd Helm of the Dominator Helm of the Overlord Holy Locket Hurricane Pike Kaya Kaya and Sange Khanda Linken's Sphere Lotus Orb Maelstrom Mage Slayer Manta Style Mask of Madness Mekansm Meteor Hammer Mjollnir Monkey King Bar Nullifier Octarine Core Orb of Corrosion Orchid Malevolence Overwhelming Blink Parasma Pavise Phase Boots Phylactery Pipe of Insight Power Treads Radiance Refresher Orb Rod of Atos Sange Sange and Yasha Satanic Scythe of Vyse Shadow Blade Shiva's Guard Silver Edge Skull Basher Solar Crest Soul Ring Spirit Vessel Swift Blink Tranquil Boots Urn of Shadows Vanguard Veil of Discord Vladmir's Offering Witch Blade Yasha Yasha and Kaya
There you can see all the earliest purchase times for the chosen item, as well as difference in time, compared to the item's median purchase time. Records are only shown for heroes with the number of purchases for the chosen item higher than the third quantile.