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The International 2024 Stats and Meta Wrap Up

Ranked Meta - Last Week

Immortal Ranked stats for the past 7 days, data provided by Stratz.com

Average creeps kills per game by Dire: 923.3857

: 58.85
: 48191
: 4.08%
: 16:17
: 0.00%
: 13:47 - 19:30
: 54.49%
: +4.68%
: 64.62% (+10.13%)
: 45.23% (-9.26%)
Heroes with highest purchase rates
Heroes with best purchase ranks
Heroes with worst purchase ranks

Most notable timings records

Match Hero Timing Difference from median
8078086917 - ember_spiritEmber Spirit13:0010:51
8071846420 - bloodseekerBloodseeker07:2609:36
8072130869 - phoenixPhoenix10:2809:13
8078248702 - spectreSpectre11:2808:28
8074747646 - skeleton_kingWraith King10:4707:29
8078137683 - life_stealerLifestealer09:4407:28
8068982461 - brewmasterBrewmaster10:0607:23
8071803823 - alchemistAlchemist06:3306:46
8073229747 - necrolyteNecrophos09:3006:18