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The International 2024 Stats and Meta Wrap Up

Ranked Meta - Last Week

Immortal Ranked stats for the past 7 days, data provided by Stratz.com

Total observer wards planted: 3816797

Soul Ring
: 34.38
: 90935
: 7.70%
: 06:11
: -1.14%
: 04:09 - 05:56 (01:47)
: 50.99%
: +1.07%
: 52.05% (+1.06%)
: 47.18% (-3.81%)
Heroes with highest purchase rates
Heroes with best purchase ranks
Heroes with worst purchase ranks

Most notable timings records

Match Hero Timing Difference from median
8076970232 - techiesTechies-00:1809:20
8078520007 - shredderTimbersaw00:1307:24
8076071380 - primal_beastPrimal Beast01:0007:08
8072511273 - tidehunterTidehunter00:2506:56
8069861714 - broodmotherBroodmother00:0406:45
8078428482 - alchemistAlchemist-01:2006:18
8071471257 - ogre_magiOgre Magi00:0406:15
8073422353 - abyssal_underlordUnderlord00:2806:04
8075797537 - marsMars00:3406:03
8069286004 - storm_spiritStorm Spirit02:1305:58