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Spectral Wrapped 2024

Ranked Meta - Last Week

Immortal Ranked stats for the past 7 days, data provided by Stratz.com

Average creeps kills per game by Radiant: 927.2180

Aether Lens
Medium items
: 77.32
: 149767
: 12.30%
: 23:19
: -0.02%
: 18:28 - 29:07 (10:39)
: 56.33%
: +7.22%
: 56.13% (-0.20%)
: 55.94% (-0.39%)
Heroes with highest purchase rates
Heroes with best purchase ranks
Heroes with worst purchase ranks

Most notable timings records

Match Hero Timing Difference from median
8158129159 - batriderBatrider07:5722:45
8158543367 - nyx_assassinNyx Assassin12:1022:19
8151078985 - lichLich08:4221:12
8155129740 - tuskTusk13:4620:41
8157225550 - lionLion06:5620:32
8153401650 - magnataurMagnus08:3819:54
8158102582 - jakiroJakiro08:2219:29
8154046046 - dark_willowDark Willow10:0118:19