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League of Lads Season 13

Season 13 of League of Lads, an amateur league for players in the (5.6k - 7.3k) bracket, where the teams contend for the ultimate bragging rights in the North American amateur scene

Побед с Вторым пиком: 54.5833

Сводка | Сетка | Профили ☰ | Карточки
МатчСилы СветаСилы ТьмыДлительностьВсего убийствЗавершён
7218909937Royal Star (RSTR)WHOMPADILLAS WIZARDS (WW)33:384801:10:33 28.06.2023
7218938101Royal Star (RSTR)WHOMPADILLAS WIZARDS (WW)27:514902:01:55 28.06.2023
7229836909Insane Gamers (ISGMRs)WHOMPADILLAS WIZARDS (WW)34:375201:18:12 6.07.2023
7245035833Penjamin City (PC)WHOMPADILLAS WIZARDS (WW)30:024211:49:36 16.07.2023
7245063743Penjamin City (PC)WHOMPADILLAS WIZARDS (WW)40:157912:42:13 17.07.2023
7255824997THE LADIES (LADY)WHOMPADILLAS WIZARDS (WW)35:476602:03:23 25.07.2023
7225978713WHOMPADILLAS WIZARDS (WW)Los Polos Hermanos (pollo)58:098101:11:48 3.07.2023
7226021928WHOMPADILLAS WIZARDS (WW)Los Polos Hermanos (pollo)40:517102:31:17 3.07.2023
7229866607WHOMPADILLAS WIZARDS (WW)Insane Gamers (ISGMRs)48:377302:11:24 6.07.2023