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League of Lads Season 5

Season 5 of League of Lads, an amateur league for players in the (5.6k - 7.3k) bracket, where the teams contend for the ultimate bragging rights in the North American amateur scene

Вардов разрушено в среднем за игру Силами Света: 4.6071

Сводка | Сетка | Профили ☰ | Карточки
МатчСилы СветаСилы ТьмыДлительностьВсего убийствЗавершён
5596020287Nebula (NBLA)PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)33:324701:07:07 2.09.2020
5600226795FREE LOGICAL (FL)PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)14:131902:24:18 5.09.2020
5607644771Mr.Trickz and The Manlets (MM)PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)33:185301:05:09 10.09.2020
5623893784The Law (LAW)PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)49:459112:14:15 21.09.2020
5628020595Albert and the Puppets (Bert)PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)24:404801:06:25 24.09.2020
5637849798Marty Chang Slayers (MCS)PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)46:536002:20:39 1.10.2020
5654589502Mike and the Muppets (Mupp)PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)36:396912:38:20 13.10.2020
5596056340PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)Nebula (NBLA)31:006702:04:23 2.09.2020
5600170317PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)FREE LOGICAL (FL)54:278201:06:18 5.09.2020
5607680919PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)Mr.Trickz and The Manlets (MM)42:085802:03:28 10.09.2020
5623857217PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)The Law (LAW)48:357311:05:33 20.09.2020
5628045474PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)Albert and the Puppets (Bert)18:263001:49:35 24.09.2020
5637808886PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)Marty Chang Slayers (MCS)41:407501:15:20 1.10.2020
5639141790PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)Mike and the Muppets (Mupp)36:565101:12:59 2.10.2020
5639176820PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)Mike and the Muppets (Mupp)55:067902:06:04 2.10.2020
5654619351PeepoGlad (PeepoGlad)Mike and the Muppets (Mupp)38:264801:38:08 13.10.2020