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League of Lads Season 7

Season 7 of League of Lads, an amateur league for players in the (5.6k - 7.3k) bracket, where the teams contend for the ultimate bragging rights in the North American amateur scene

Среднее число выкупов за игру Силами Тьмы: 3.4766

Сводка | Сетка | Профили ☰ | Карточки
МатчСилы СветаСилы ТьмыДлительностьВсего убийствЗавершён
6015996369Lowkey Noobs (LN)Klankers and the Guamments (KG)20:584201:08:59 29.05.2021
6016024224Lowkey Noobs (LN)Klankers and the Guamments (KG)39:547801:48:23 29.05.2021
6022575452The Funny Zone (FZ)Klankers and the Guamments (KG)29:585001:11:09 2.06.2021
6036215373Nebula (NBLA)Klankers and the Guamments (KG)28:516801:32:46 11.06.2021
6036246192Nebula (NBLA)Klankers and the Guamments (KG)47:496402:20:56 11.06.2021
6040926691Rejects (REJECT)Klankers and the Guamments (KG)34:414512:06:28 14.06.2021
6040963655Rejects (REJECT)Klankers and the Guamments (KG)58:596301:05:00 14.06.2021
6042497157role swap (roleswap)Klankers and the Guamments (KG)35:073612:07:59 15.06.2021
6054439685SSHEEEEESH (SHEESH)Klankers and the Guamments (KG)29:533801:37:25 23.06.2021
6054473965SSHEEEEESH (SHEESH)Klankers and the Guamments (KG)33:045902:28:54 23.06.2021
6081305837NEARLY TILTED (NT)Klankers and the Guamments (KG)47:284401:11:41 10.07.2021
6081355773NEARLY TILTED (NT)Klankers and the Guamments (KG)44:216202:22:07 10.07.2021
6098092654role swap (roleswap)Klankers and the Guamments (KG)36:315101:01:31 21.07.2021
6042532706Klankers and the Guamments (KG)role swap (roleswap)49:417301:09:30 15.06.2021
6098060463Klankers and the Guamments (KG)role swap (roleswap)40:334312:04:44 21.07.2021