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Starting Items feature + Interactive map 7.389(b) update

Midwest Dota 2 League Season 19

Amateur Dota league based in the US Midwest

Average creeps kills per game by Dire: 1050.0000

This grid represents team's winrate against another team. Click on a cell for more info.
Threat of Techies---505050100--050
9" Magenta Fantasy-100-100501005050-100-
Adorned Streamers-0-------00
EEU Last Hope---------0-
EEU Last Hope500----050--0
Dick's Drive-In Dream Team5050---00--50-
Donald! Duck!500---1001001001001000
The Pecking Order050--1001000100--100
Solar Gravity Esports-50--50-00-5050
Yes Chef------0----
Our Pos 1 is Legend1000100100-500-50-50
Lizzo Landscaping50-100-100-100050-50