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Starting Items feature + Interactive map 7.389(b) update

Midwest Dota 2 League Season 19

Amateur Dota league based in the US Midwest

First Pick Dire Winrate: 46.3415

Summary | Grid | Profiles | Cards
This page contains basic information about the team's active roster.
AdSt.Moodboosted - (119207718)
Matches: 6 (0 - 6)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 334.8
XPM: 363.0
Hero Pool: 5
life_stealer Lifestealer: 2 - 0.00%
night_stalker Night Stalker: 1 - 0.00%
disruptor Disruptor: 1 - 0.00%
antimage Anti-Mage: 1 - 0.00%
Core Safelane: 1 - 0.00%
Core Midlane: 1 - 0.00%
Support Safelane: 1 - 0.00%
AdSt.Ken - (159396223)
Matches: 6 (0 - 6)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 438.3
XPM: 528.8
Hero Pool: 6
nyx_assassin Nyx Assassin: 1 - 0.00%
magnataur Magnus: 1 - 0.00%
earth_spirit Earth Spirit: 1 - 0.00%
monkey_king Monkey King: 1 - 0.00%
Core Safelane: 2 - 0.00%
Core Midlane: 1 - 0.00%
Matches: 6 (0 - 6)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 329.5
XPM: 371.7
Hero Pool: 5
witch_doctor Witch Doctor: 2 - 0.00%
phantom_assassin Phantom Assassin: 1 - 0.00%
terrorblade Terrorblade: 1 - 0.00%
axe Axe: 1 - 0.00%
Core Offlane: 3 - 0.00%
AdSt.Mwilky ♥~ - (117615185)
Matches: 6 (0 - 6)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 199.5
XPM: 234.7
Hero Pool: 6
lich Lich: 1 - 0.00%
venomancer Venomancer: 1 - 0.00%
dark_willow Dark Willow: 1 - 0.00%
snapfire Snapfire: 1 - 0.00%
Support Offlane: 3 - 0.00%
AdSt.QoPanda - (135212652)
Matches: 2 (0 - 2)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 224.0
XPM: 265.5
Hero Pool: 2
witch_doctor Witch Doctor: 1 - 0.00%
obsidian_destroyer Outworld Destroyer: 1 - 0.00%
Support Offlane: 1 - 0.00%
AdSt.OtakuMaiden - (189018478)
Matches: 4 (0 - 4)
Winrate: 0.00%
GPM: 208.3
XPM: 235.5
Hero Pool: 4
ogre_magi Ogre Magi: 1 - 0.00%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 1 - 0.00%
crystal_maiden Crystal Maiden: 1 - 0.00%
ancient_apparition Ancient Apparition: 1 - 0.00%
Support Safelane: 2 - 0.00%