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Spectral Wrapped 2024

NADCL Season 6

North American Dota Challengers League Season 6

Median hero bans: 18

Teams | Players
This page contains all basic data about league participants (players or teams) as cards. To find match with specific player or team use document inner search (usually Ctrl+F).
Matches: 15
Winrate: 47%
GPM: 2,377
XPM: 3,055
K/D/A: 32/31/70
Active roster:
Ce.titanic pan flute (Core Safelane)
Ce.24 (Core Midlane)
Ce.STOIC(chatoff) (Core Offlane)
Ce.artisanal gameplay (Support Offlane)
Ce.nkf (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
luna Luna: 5 - 40.00%
mars Mars: 5 - 40.00%
winter_wyvern Winter Wyvern: 5 - 60.00%
tiny Tiny: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
tiny Tiny + luna Luna: 3 - 33.33%
tiny Tiny + dawnbreaker Dawnbreaker: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 4
Winrate: 75%
GPM: 2,529
XPM: 3,346
K/D/A: 41/40/89
Active roster:
SpKi.Leem (Core Safelane)
meme.burr (Core Midlane)
meme.vasquez.gabriel (Core Midlane)
SKD.peter (Core Midlane)
meme.Big Daddy Gabe Newell (Support Offlane)
MRPURRSFANCLUB.Shroomba (Support Safelane)
YodiBrodi.Ryknow (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
morphling Morphling: 2 - 100.00%
pudge Pudge: 2 - 100.00%
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 2 - 100.00%
arc_warden Arc Warden: 2 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
morphling Morphling + pudge Pudge: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 22
Winrate: 68%
GPM: 2,663
XPM: 3,378
K/D/A: 33/26/74
Active roster:
SpKi.Leem (Core Safelane)
LN.dragon's sin (Core Safelane)
SpKi.помойка (Core Offlane)
SpKi.Theyna (Support Offlane)
SpKi.burn it all (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
hoodwink Hoodwink: 6 - 83.33%
luna Luna: 5 - 80.00%
chen Chen: 4 - 100.00%
broodmother Broodmother: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
pugna Pugna + centaur Centaur Warrunner: 3 - 100.00%
kunkka Kunkka + dark_seer Dark Seer: 3 - 100.00%
magnataur Magnus + hoodwink Hoodwink: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 1
Winrate: 100%
GPM: 2,581
XPM: 3,685
K/D/A: 37/38/91
Active roster:
nouns.AotW King (Core Safelane)
nouns.skkip (Core Midlane)
LN.smurf hunter (Core Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
tidehunter Tidehunter: 1 - 100.00%
ancient_apparition Ancient Apparition: 1 - 100.00%
naga_siren Naga Siren: 1 - 100.00%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 1 - 100.00%
Favorite pairs:
Matches: 2
Winrate: 50%
GPM: 2,696
XPM: 3,947
K/D/A: 47/41/110
Active roster:
SKD.Yamada bad (Core Offlane)
MRPURRSFANCLUB.Shroomba (Support Safelane)
YodiBrodi.Ryknow (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
shredder Timbersaw: 2 - 50.00%
lion Lion: 2 - 50.00%
bloodseeker Bloodseeker: 1 - 100.00%
pudge Pudge: 1 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
lion Lion + shredder Timbersaw: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 1
Winrate: 100%
GPM: 2,941
XPM: 3,911
K/D/A: 51/29/134
Active roster:
Favorite heroes:
puck Puck: 1 - 100.00%
sniper Sniper: 1 - 100.00%
faceless_void Faceless Void: 1 - 100.00%
jakiro Jakiro: 1 - 100.00%
Favorite pairs:
Matches: 4
Winrate: 100%
GPM: 2,598
XPM: 3,469
K/D/A: 47/28/101
Active roster:
FrBoJr.Toronto dragon (Core Safelane)
BoG.! (Core Safelane)
BoG.i am dirj (Core Midlane)
BoG.MAR$HAL (Core Offlane)
BoG.あっという間 (Support Offlane)
MRPURRSFANCLUB.Shroomba (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tiny Tiny: 2 - 100.00%
shredder Timbersaw: 2 - 100.00%
drow_ranger Drow Ranger: 1 - 100.00%
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 1 - 100.00%
Favorite pairs:
Matches: 2
Winrate: 0%
GPM: 2,155
XPM: 2,951
K/D/A: 22/37/50
Active roster:
BoG.! (Core Safelane)
BUFF.Confused? (Core Midlane)
BoG.i am dirj (Core Midlane)
BUFF.simon (Support Offlane)
LN.Mr. Steal Yo Rune (Support Offlane)
BoG.mathmagician10 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
juggernaut Juggernaut: 1 - 0.00%
puck Puck: 1 - 0.00%
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 1 - 0.00%
windrunner Windranger: 1 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
Matches: 28
Winrate: 46%
GPM: 2,470
XPM: 3,252
K/D/A: 34/34/79
Active roster:
THV.braebrae (Core Safelane)
THV.幽冥魔帝 (Core Midlane)
THV.KooK (Core Offlane)
THV.Ryu (Support Offlane)
THV.yung turtle grandson (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 9 - 55.56%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 7 - 42.86%
shredder Timbersaw: 6 - 66.67%
lion Lion: 6 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit + mars Mars: 3 - 33.33%
tiny Tiny + vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 31
Winrate: 32%
GPM: 2,308
XPM: 2,927
K/D/A: 29/36/66
Active roster:
FryBoys.rem (Core Safelane)
FryBoys.Gunga ginga (Core Midlane)
Chomp.Demo (Core Midlane)
FryBoys.Eroz (Core Offlane)
FrBoJr.MisteryCT (Support Offlane)
FryBoys.Icedancer (Support Offlane)
FryBoys.Yanbura (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 9 - 44.44%
tiny Tiny: 6 - 66.67%
slark Slark: 5 - 20.00%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 5 - 20.00%
Favorite pairs:
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker + hoodwink Hoodwink: 3 - 33.33%
pudge Pudge + vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 3 - 33.33%
batrider Batrider + shredder Timbersaw: 3 - 33.33%
Matches: 1
Winrate: 0%
GPM: 2,097
XPM: 2,817
K/D/A: 26/57/66
Active roster:
BoG.Boost me TI14 (Core Offlane)
BoG.mathmagician10 (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
windrunner Windranger: 1 - 0.00%
venomancer Venomancer: 1 - 0.00%
rattletrap Clockwerk: 1 - 0.00%
doom_bringer Doom: 1 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
Matches: 18
Winrate: 33%
GPM: 2,300
XPM: 3,036
K/D/A: 30/40/70
Active roster:
astronaut.Kaz (Core Safelane)
astronaut.iAnnihilate (Core Midlane)
astronaut.Bungus (Core Offlane)
astronaut.50.Centaur (EU) (Support Offlane)
astronaut.Bloons TD battler (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 6 - 50.00%
winter_wyvern Winter Wyvern: 5 - 40.00%
lion Lion: 4 - 25.00%
tiny Tiny: 4 - 25.00%
Favorite pairs:
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + brewmaster Brewmaster: 2 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny + centaur Centaur Warrunner: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 1
Winrate: 100%
GPM: 2,792
XPM: 3,731
K/D/A: 34/28/84
Active roster:
Favorite heroes:
morphling Morphling: 1 - 100.00%
pugna Pugna: 1 - 100.00%
viper Viper: 1 - 100.00%
tusk Tusk: 1 - 100.00%
Favorite pairs:
Matches: 16
Winrate: 38%
GPM: 2,514
XPM: 3,191
K/D/A: 35/37/78
Active roster:
YodiBrodi.Scourge McDuck (Core Safelane)
YodiBrodi.BreezyR (Core Midlane)
YodiBrodi.bgod (Support Offlane)
YodiBrodi.Alren (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
furion Nature's Prophet: 5 - 80.00%
tiny Tiny: 4 - 50.00%
weaver Weaver: 4 - 50.00%
centaur Centaur Warrunner: 4 - 75.00%
Favorite pairs:
zuus Zeus + furion Nature's Prophet: 3 - 66.67%
weaver Weaver + centaur Centaur Warrunner: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 30
Winrate: 63%
GPM: 2,588
XPM: 3,539
K/D/A: 40/35/95
Active roster:
YodiBrodi.sonofpaint (Core Safelane)
YodiBrodi.BreezyR (Core Midlane)
YodiBrodi.ghoul (Core Midlane)
YodiBrodi.LycheeKing (Support Safelane)
YodiBrodi.Ryknow (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
troll_warlord Troll Warlord: 13 - 84.62%
grimstroke Grimstroke: 11 - 90.91%
hoodwink Hoodwink: 10 - 80.00%
lich Lich: 9 - 77.78%
Favorite pairs:
troll_warlord Troll Warlord + hoodwink Hoodwink: 7 - 85.71%
troll_warlord Troll Warlord + grimstroke Grimstroke: 6 - 83.33%
grimstroke Grimstroke + hoodwink Hoodwink: 5 - 100.00%
Matches: 9
Winrate: 44%
GPM: 2,328
XPM: 3,098
K/D/A: 30/36/71
Active roster:
BG.Double King (Core Safelane)
BG.Turtle (Core Midlane)
BG.porkcreatedme (Core Offlane)
BG.自立巷 (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
rubick Rubick: 3 - 33.33%
pangolier Pangolier: 3 - 66.67%
batrider Batrider: 3 - 66.67%
oracle Oracle: 3 - 33.33%
Favorite pairs:
batrider Batrider + hoodwink Hoodwink: 2 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick + pangolier Pangolier: 2 - 50.00%
oracle Oracle + pangolier Pangolier: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 1
Winrate: 100%
GPM: 2,749
XPM: 3,908
K/D/A: 57/27/115
Active roster:
nom.Gojo Satoru (Core Safelane)
nouns.skkip (Core Midlane)
LN.smurf hunter (Core Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
morphling Morphling: 1 - 100.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 1 - 100.00%
lion Lion: 1 - 100.00%
omniknight Omniknight: 1 - 100.00%
Favorite pairs:
Matches: 2
Winrate: 0%
GPM: 1,967
XPM: 2,374
K/D/A: 25/54/48
Active roster:
nouns.AotW King (Core Safelane)
astronaut.Beast (Core Midlane)
BETF.Buying Onions (Core Midlane)
BETF.rocKus (Core Offlane)
BETF.5 pos slave (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
axe Axe: 1 - 0.00%
tiny Tiny: 1 - 0.00%
windrunner Windranger: 1 - 0.00%
obsidian_destroyer Outworld Destroyer: 1 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
Matches: 28
Winrate: 71%
GPM: 2,653
XPM: 3,395
K/D/A: 33/30/79
Active roster:
DD.~Show Me Your Phone~ (Core Safelane)
DD.gamBEtamaker (Core Midlane)
DD.Mzy (Core Offlane)
DD.Bloody Nine (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
techies Techies: 9 - 88.89%
alchemist Alchemist: 9 - 77.78%
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 7 - 85.71%
kunkka Kunkka: 7 - 71.43%
Favorite pairs:
morphling Morphling + techies Techies: 4 - 100.00%
alchemist Alchemist + techies Techies: 4 - 100.00%
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit + magnataur Magnus: 4 - 75.00%
Matches: 7
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,245
XPM: 2,681
K/D/A: 26/23/50
Active roster:
BoG.! (Core Safelane)
BoG.i am dirj (Core Midlane)
BoG.MAR$HAL (Core Offlane)
BoG.あっという間 (Support Offlane)
BoG.Be Like Water (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 3 - 66.67%
enigma Enigma: 3 - 66.67%
broodmother Broodmother: 3 - 33.33%
slark Slark: 3 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit + invoker Invoker: 2 - 100.00%
enigma Enigma + slark Slark: 2 - 100.00%
tiny Tiny + enigma Enigma: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 25
Winrate: 52%
GPM: 2,453
XPM: 3,156
K/D/A: 30/28/74
Active roster:
COPE.gymshark (Core Safelane)
COPE.J3r (Core Midlane)
COPE.Fultz (Core Offlane)
COPE.kira??????????? (Support Offlane)
COPE.zoo keeper from USA (Support Offlane)
COPE.Chola (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
muerta Muerta: 8 - 62.50%
tusk Tusk: 7 - 57.14%
naga_siren Naga Siren: 7 - 71.43%
centaur Centaur Warrunner: 5 - 100.00%
Favorite pairs:
centaur Centaur Warrunner + muerta Muerta: 4 - 100.00%
gyrocopter Gyrocopter + naga_siren Naga Siren: 3 - 66.67%
tusk Tusk + muerta Muerta: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 21
Winrate: 52%
GPM: 2,415
XPM: 3,271
K/D/A: 40/32/92
Active roster:
COPE.Slim (Core Safelane)
COPE.dx (Core Midlane)
COPE.25/8 (Core Offlane)
COPE.(BP)Bluntman(Chronic) (Support Offlane)
COPE.AlwaysHope (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tidehunter Tidehunter: 6 - 66.67%
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 6 - 50.00%
lion Lion: 4 - 50.00%
magnataur Magnus: 4 - 75.00%
Favorite pairs:
windrunner Windranger + hoodwink Hoodwink: 3 - 66.67%
lion Lion + magnataur Magnus: 3 - 66.67%
faceless_void Faceless Void + snapfire Snapfire: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 7
Winrate: 57%
GPM: 2,273
XPM: 2,995
K/D/A: 29/37/67
Active roster:
FrBoJr.Toronto dragon (Core Safelane)
FrBoJr.MisteryCT (Support Offlane)
FrBoJr.Narrow way (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tusk Tusk: 3 - 66.67%
ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 3 - 66.67%
tiny Tiny: 3 - 66.67%
warlock Warlock: 3 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
tusk Tusk + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 2 - 100.00%
warlock Warlock + medusa Medusa: 2 - 50.00%
warlock Warlock + tusk Tusk: 2 - 50.00%
Matches: 24
Winrate: 50%
GPM: 2,398
XPM: 3,118
K/D/A: 28/33/62
Active roster:
Chomp.Arms (Core Safelane)
Chomp.Demo (Core Midlane)
Chomp.Mistake? (Core Midlane)
Chomp.Tupang ina (Support Offlane)
Chomp.fuu (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 6 - 50.00%
tiny Tiny: 6 - 50.00%
lion Lion: 6 - 33.33%
centaur Centaur Warrunner: 5 - 80.00%
Favorite pairs:
razor Razor + vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 18
Winrate: 67%
GPM: 2,584
XPM: 3,362
K/D/A: 39/31/90
Active roster:
Chomp.summer (k)night (Core Safelane)
Chomp.Prince Ali (Core Midlane)
Chomp.dead inside (Core Midlane)
Chomp.Merktality (Core Offlane)
Chomp.Patches O'Houlihan (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 10 - 60.00%
puck Puck: 5 - 80.00%
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 5 - 80.00%
doom_bringer Doom: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
puck Puck + brewmaster Brewmaster: 3 - 100.00%
brewmaster Brewmaster + shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 3 - 66.67%
puck Puck + shadow_demon Shadow Demon: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 28
Winrate: 71%
GPM: 2,547
XPM: 3,284
K/D/A: 38/27/86
Active roster:
Ce.Akutober (Core Safelane)
Ce.PMA^_^ (Core Midlane)
Ce.wocka wocka (Core Offlane)
Ce.Turkey (Support Offlane)
Ce.chiefdoggy (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
witch_doctor Witch Doctor: 17 - 82.35%
faceless_void Faceless Void: 9 - 66.67%
treant Treant Protector: 6 - 66.67%
keeper_of_the_light Keeper of the Light: 6 - 66.67%
Favorite pairs:
faceless_void Faceless Void + invoker Invoker: 5 - 60.00%
witch_doctor Witch Doctor + invoker Invoker: 5 - 60.00%
Matches: 21
Winrate: 48%
GPM: 2,516
XPM: 3,401
K/D/A: 36/36/84
Active roster:
PNOUNS.rat (Core Safelane)
PNOUNS.Saadman01 (Core Midlane)
PNOUNS.Mr.Achybones (Core Offlane)
PNOUNS.Froogoss (Support Offlane)
PNOUNS.ynitsed (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 9 - 44.44%
windrunner Windranger: 6 - 50.00%
tusk Tusk: 6 - 50.00%
winter_wyvern Winter Wyvern: 5 - 60.00%
Favorite pairs:
tusk Tusk + winter_wyvern Winter Wyvern: 4 - 50.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit + pugna Pugna: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 20
Winrate: 30%
GPM: 2,473
XPM: 3,166
K/D/A: 37/40/80
Active roster:
PNOUN2.The Chosen One (Core Safelane)
PNOUN2.mentor (Core Offlane)
PNOUN2.Bard (Support Offlane)
PNOUN2.luig (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
pugna Pugna: 9 - 22.22%
alchemist Alchemist: 6 - 16.67%
treant Treant Protector: 5 - 60.00%
windrunner Windranger: 5 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
pugna Pugna + shredder Timbersaw: 4 - 50.00%
pugna Pugna + alchemist Alchemist: 4 - 0.00%
windrunner Windranger + alchemist Alchemist: 4 - 0.00%
Matches: 17
Winrate: 0%
GPM: 1,775
XPM: 2,123
K/D/A: 18/40/35
Active roster:
astronaut.FE!N (Core Safelane)
astronaut.BUDSTER (Core Safelane)
astronaut.Beast (Core Midlane)
astronaut.Renpa (Support Offlane)
astronaut.DraKos_XR (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
invoker Invoker: 4 - 0.00%
jakiro Jakiro: 4 - 0.00%
lion Lion: 4 - 0.00%
spirit_breaker Spirit Breaker: 3 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs:
lion Lion + tidehunter Tidehunter: 2 - 0.00%
jakiro Jakiro + mars Mars: 2 - 0.00%
razor Razor + lion Lion: 2 - 0.00%
Matches: 9
Winrate: 11%
GPM: 2,069
XPM: 2,609
K/D/A: 28/43/61
Active roster:
LN.thv ovrclck (Core Safelane)
THV.787 (Core Safelane)
THV.HeroesOfNewerth (Core Midlane)
LN.smurf hunter (Core Offlane)
THV.Yrral (Core Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
hoodwink Hoodwink: 3 - 0.00%
tusk Tusk: 2 - 0.00%
clinkz Clinkz: 2 - 0.00%
tiny Tiny: 2 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
viper Viper + rattletrap Clockwerk: 2 - 50.00%
clinkz Clinkz + tusk Tusk: 2 - 0.00%
Matches: 29
Winrate: 55%
GPM: 2,432
XPM: 3,101
K/D/A: 34/37/76
Active roster:
DD.mid (Core Safelane)
DD.Ween (Core Midlane)
DD.@kn (Core Offlane)
DD.Vinny (Core Offlane)
DD.Amatsu (Support Offlane)
DD.tv.5716x (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
tusk Tusk: 11 - 72.73%
luna Luna: 9 - 77.78%
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 8 - 50.00%
furion Nature's Prophet: 7 - 71.43%
Favorite pairs:
witch_doctor Witch Doctor + tusk Tusk: 4 - 100.00%
tusk Tusk + ember_spirit Ember Spirit: 4 - 50.00%
luna Luna + tusk Tusk: 3 - 100.00%
Matches: 16
Winrate: 25%
GPM: 2,296
XPM: 3,028
K/D/A: 31/38/68
Active roster:
LiNo.偶像派选手 (Core Safelane)
LiNo.><)))*> (Core Midlane)
LiNo.Sudeep (Core Offlane)
LiNo.prime yapzor (Support Offlane)
LN.Mr. Steal Yo Rune (Support Offlane)
LiNo.emp (Support Safelane)
Favorite heroes:
puck Puck: 5 - 40.00%
centaur Centaur Warrunner: 4 - 50.00%
rubick Rubick: 4 - 25.00%
morphling Morphling: 4 - 50.00%
Favorite pairs:
morphling Morphling + puck Puck: 2 - 100.00%
puck Puck + centaur Centaur Warrunner: 2 - 100.00%
Matches: 20
Winrate: 70%
GPM: 2,694
XPM: 3,598
K/D/A: 42/38/94
Active roster:
SKD.< blank > (Core Safelane)
SKD.peter (Core Midlane)
SKD.Player 259393176 (Core Midlane)
SKD.Yamada bad (Core Offlane)
SKD.Mellow Matematico (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
pudge Pudge: 11 - 63.64%
antimage Anti-Mage: 4 - 100.00%
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 4 - 100.00%
windrunner Windranger: 4 - 100.00%
Favorite pairs:
pudge Pudge + windrunner Windranger: 3 - 100.00%
antimage Anti-Mage + pudge Pudge: 3 - 100.00%
pudge Pudge + grimstroke Grimstroke: 3 - 66.67%
Matches: 3
Winrate: 67%
GPM: 2,766
XPM: 3,828
K/D/A: 46/42/94
Active roster:
nouns.AotW King (Core Safelane)
LN.dragon's sin (Core Safelane)
LN.Electfall1 (Core Safelane)
nouns.skkip (Core Midlane)
LN.smurf hunter (Core Offlane)
LN.Mr. Steal Yo Rune (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
void_spirit Void Spirit: 2 - 50.00%
storm_spirit Storm Spirit: 1 - 100.00%
techies Techies: 1 - 100.00%
vengefulspirit Vengeful Spirit: 1 - 100.00%
Favorite pairs:
Matches: 2
Winrate: 0%
GPM: 1,848
XPM: 2,147
K/D/A: 13/39/24
Active roster:
LN.dragon's sin (Core Safelane)
LN.thv ovrclck (Core Safelane)
LN.Electfall1 (Core Safelane)
LN.smurf hunter (Core Offlane)
LN.Mr. Steal Yo Rune (Support Offlane)
Favorite heroes:
axe Axe: 1 - 0.00%
tidehunter Tidehunter: 1 - 0.00%
luna Luna: 1 - 0.00%
omniknight Omniknight: 1 - 0.00%
Favorite pairs: