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Spectral Wrapped 2024

Pre-TI11 Ranked Recap

Ranked stats of TI11 participants (starting 19 Sep 2022)

Average Roshan kills per game by Radiant: 0.8777

Pairs | Trios | Lane Combos
This section contains stats for most common player trios. Winrate difference is calculated based on average expected win rate of the players together. Expected matches is calculated number of matches the players would be played together randomly based on their play rates. Deviation is difference between expected number of matches and the actual number (higher number is better and means the players are usually played together intentionally, negative values mean otherwise). Percentage is how much of actual matches is the deviation number. Minimum amount of matches for trios is set to 12.
Expected matches
Gard1ck - 4nalog <01 - Lumière - 2661.54%02699.98%
Thiolicor - Gard1ck - 4nalog <01 - 2560.00%02599.99%
Thiolicor - 4nalog <01 - Lumière - 2560.00%02599.98%
Gard1ck - Vitaly - Lumière - 2560.00%02599.99%
Thiolicor - Gard1ck - Vitaly - 2560.00%02599.99%
Thiolicor - Vitaly - Lumière - 2560.00%02599.99%
Thiolicor - Gard1ck - Lumière - 2560.00%02599.99%
Gard1ck - 4nalog <01 - Vitaly - 2560.00%02599.99%
4nalog <01 - Vitaly - Lumière - 2560.00%02599.99%
Thiolicor - 4nalog <01 - Vitaly - 2560.00%02599.99%
TIMS - Yopaj- - JACKBOYS - 2466.67%02499.96%
iNsania - MATUMBAMAN - Boxi - 2373.91%02399.98%
iNsania - Boxi - m1CKe - 2373.91%02399.99%
MATUMBAMAN - Boxi - m1CKe - 2373.91%02399.99%
zai - Boxi - m1CKe - 2373.91%02399.99%
iNsania - MATUMBAMAN - m1CKe - 2373.91%02399.99%
iNsania - zai - Boxi - 2373.91%02399.98%
MATUMBAMAN - zai - Boxi - 2373.91%02399.98%
iNsania - MATUMBAMAN - zai - 2373.91%02399.98%
iNsania - zai - m1CKe - 2373.91%02399.99%
MATUMBAMAN - zai - m1CKe - 2373.91%02399.99%
skem - Fbz - Yopaj- - 2365.22%02399.96%
TIMS - Fbz - JACKBOYS - 2365.22%02399.96%
skem - TIMS - Fbz - 2365.22%02399.97%
skem - Fbz - JACKBOYS - 2365.22%02399.95%
Fbz - Yopaj- - JACKBOYS - 2365.22%02399.95%
skem - TIMS - Yopaj- - 2365.22%02399.97%
skem - Yopaj- - JACKBOYS - 2365.22%02399.96%
skem - TIMS - JACKBOYS - 2365.22%02399.97%
TIMS - Fbz - Yopaj- - 2365.22%02399.96%
Xm - Yang - Erika - 2360.87%02399.99%
Xm - offlane - Frisk - 2360.87%023100.00%
Yang - offlane - Frisk - 2360.87%023100.00%
Xm - Yang - offlane - 2360.87%02399.99%
Xm - offlane - Erika - 2360.87%023100.00%
Yang - offlane - Erika - 2360.87%023100.00%
offlane - Frisk - Erika - 2360.87%023100.00%
Xm - Yang - Frisk - 2360.87%02399.99%
Xm - Frisk - Erika - 2360.87%023100.00%
Yang - Frisk - Erika - 2360.87%023100.00%
old eLeVeN - Dy - lou - 2356.52%02399.99%
Paparazi灬 - Dy - lou - 2254.55%02299.98%
old eLeVeN - Paparazi灬 - Neil - 2152.38%021100.00%
old eLeVeN - Neil - lou - 2152.38%021100.00%
old eLeVeN - Paparazi灬 - Dy - 2152.38%02199.99%
Paparazi灬 - Neil - Dy - 2152.38%02199.99%
Neil - Dy - lou - 2152.38%02199.99%
old eLeVeN - Paparazi灬 - lou - 2152.38%02199.98%
Paparazi灬 - Neil - lou - 2152.38%02199.99%
old eLeVeN - Neil - Dy - 2152.38%021100.00%
Topson - Kuku - ana - 2142.86%02199.93%
DM - RAMZES666 - gpk~ - 2045.00%02099.98%
DM - Xakoda - gpk~ - 2045.00%02099.92%
DM - RAMZES666 - Xakoda - 2045.00%02099.97%
RAMZES666 - Xakoda - gpk~ - 2045.00%02099.96%
laise - Solo - swedenstrong - 1963.16%01999.96%
No[o]ne- - laise - swedenstrong - 1957.89%01999.98%
J - Raven - Armel - 1952.63%01999.93%
DJ - Raven - Jaunuel - 1952.63%01999.94%
J - DJ - Armel - 1952.63%01999.96%
Topson - Xepher - Kuku - 1942.11%01999.96%
No[o]ne- - Solo - 不要急於生活 - 1861.11%01899.99%
laise - Solo - 不要急於生活 - 1861.11%01899.99%
No[o]ne- - laise - Solo - 1861.11%01899.94%
No[o]ne- - Solo - swedenstrong - 1861.11%01899.95%
laise - 不要急於生活 - swedenstrong - 1861.11%018100.00%
No[o]ne- - laise - 不要急於生活 - 1861.11%01899.99%
No[o]ne- - 不要急於生活 - swedenstrong - 1861.11%018100.00%
Solo - 不要急於生活 - swedenstrong - 1861.11%01899.99%
J - DJ - Raven - 1855.56%01899.94%
J - DJ - Jaunuel - 1855.56%01899.95%
J - Jaunuel - Armel - 1855.56%01899.94%
Raven - Jaunuel - Armel - 1855.56%01899.92%
DJ - Raven - Armel - 1855.56%01899.94%
J - Raven - Jaunuel - 1855.56%01899.92%
DJ - Jaunuel - Armel - 1855.56%01899.95%
Topson - Whitemon - Kuku - 1844.44%01899.96%
Topson - Xepher - Whitemon - 1844.44%01899.96%
Topson - Whitemon - ana - 1844.44%01899.93%
Xepher - Whitemon - Kuku - 1844.44%01899.97%
Whitemon - Kuku - ana - 1844.44%01899.94%
Xepher - Whitemon - ana - 1844.44%01899.95%
Topson - Xepher - ana - 1844.44%01899.93%
Xepher - Kuku - ana - 1844.44%01899.94%
Resolut1on - Puppey - W_Zayac - 1770.59%01799.98%
Resolut1on - W_Zayac - Crystallis - 1770.59%01799.96%
Puppey - Nisha - Crystallis - 1770.59%01799.99%
Resolut1on - Puppey - Nisha - 1770.59%017100.00%
Resolut1on - Nisha - Crystallis - 1770.59%01799.99%
W_Zayac - Nisha - Crystallis - 1770.59%01799.99%
Resolut1on - Puppey - Crystallis - 1770.59%01799.97%
Puppey - W_Zayac - Nisha - 1770.59%017100.00%
Resolut1on - W_Zayac - Nisha - 1770.59%01799.99%
Puppey - W_Zayac - Crystallis - 1770.59%01799.97%
Lelouch- - Xavius - eyyou - 1650.00%016100.00%
Lelouch- - Xavius - Force - 1546.67%015100.00%
Lelouch- - eyyou - Natsumi- - 1546.67%01599.99%
Xavius - Force - Natsumi- - 1546.67%01599.99%
Lelouch- - Xavius - Natsumi- - 1546.67%01599.99%
Xavius - eyyou - Natsumi- - 1546.67%01599.99%
Lelouch- - Force - eyyou - 1546.67%015100.00%
Lelouch- - Force - Natsumi- - 1546.67%01599.99%
Xavius - Force - eyyou - 1546.67%015100.00%
Force - eyyou - Natsumi- - 1546.67%01599.99%
Moo - Costabile - Husky - 1442.86%01499.95%
Sam - Davai Lama - Alex - 1435.71%01499.97%
Yves - Sam - Alex - 1435.71%01499.97%
Yves - Alex - Alone - 1435.71%01499.99%
Sam - Davai Lama - Alone - 1435.71%01499.86%
Yves - Sam - Alone - 1435.71%01499.87%
Sam - Alex - Alone - 1435.71%01499.99%
Yves - Davai Lama - Alex - 1435.71%01499.97%
Yves - Sam - Davai Lama - 1435.71%01499.66%
Yves - Davai Lama - Alone - 1435.71%01499.85%
Davai Lama - Alex - Alone - 1435.71%01499.99%
Affliction - lose yourself to dance - Parker - 1330.77%01399.99%
Leostyle- - Michael - lose yourself to dance - 1330.77%01399.99%
Moo - Husky - Gunnar - 1330.77%01399.93%
Michael - lose yourself to dance - Parker - 1330.77%01399.99%
Leostyle- - Affliction - Michael - 1330.77%01399.94%
Leostyle- - Michael - Parker - 1330.77%01399.87%
Affliction - Michael - lose yourself to dance - 1330.77%01399.99%
Leostyle- - Affliction - lose yourself to dance - 1330.77%01399.99%
Leostyle- - lose yourself to dance - Parker - 1330.77%01399.98%
Moo - Costabile - Gunnar - 1330.77%01399.93%
Affliction - Michael - Parker - 1330.77%01399.91%
Leostyle- - Affliction - Parker - 1330.77%01399.87%
Catyu - Sebas - DrakenN - 137.69%01399.96%
slad1n- - Sebas - DrakenN - 137.69%01399.88%
Doge enjoyer - Moo - Husky - 1233.33%01299.99%
Doge enjoyer - Husky - Gunnar - 1233.33%01299.99%
Doge enjoyer - Moo - Gunnar - 1233.33%01299.99%
Doge enjoyer - Costabile - Husky - 1233.33%01299.99%
Doge enjoyer - Moo - Costabile - 1233.33%01299.99%
Doge enjoyer - Costabile - Gunnar - 1233.33%01299.99%
Costabile - Husky - Gunnar - 1233.33%01299.91%
Kotarō^ZS - Sebas - DrakenN - 128.33%01299.90%
slad1n- - Kotarō^ZS - DrakenN - 128.33%01299.92%
slad1n- - Catyu - Sebas - 128.33%01299.96%
Kotarō^ZS - Catyu - Sebas - 128.33%01299.97%
slad1n- - Kotarō^ZS - Catyu - 128.33%01299.98%
slad1n- - Catyu - DrakenN - 128.33%01299.97%
Kotarō^ZS - Catyu - DrakenN - 128.33%01299.98%
slad1n- - Kotarō^ZS - Sebas - 128.33%01299.91%
Topson - ana - 萧瑟 - 366.67%0399.22%
Fishman - Kotarō^ZS - DarkMago♥ - 2100.00%0299.89%
Chalice - FishMan - Ghost - 2100.00%0299.92%
kaka - NothingToSay - 萧瑟 - 2100.00%0299.56%
Timado - kaka - Bryle - 2100.00%0299.39%
xNova - FishMan - Ghost - 250.00%0299.82%
Kataomi` - Ghost - BoBoKa - 250.00%0299.85%
DuBu - Bryle - JACKBOYS - 250.00%0299.28%
Stormstormer - Kataomi` - Pure - 250.00%0299.59%
Sneyking - MoonMeander - Nine - 250.00%0299.63%
MoonMeander - Costabile - SabeRLighT- - 250.00%0299.61%
Topson - Gard1ck - Kuku - 250.00%0299.61%
Chalice - Somnus - kaka - 250.00%0299.97%
Yves - Fishman - Pure - 250.00%0299.67%
Moo - Husky - dyrachyo - 250.00%0299.70%
Topson - DuBu - Bryle - 20.00%0299.32%
xNova - Somnus - kaka - 20.00%0299.93%
Stormstormer - Timado - Pure - 20.00%0298.70%
y` - laise - NothingToSay - 20.00%0299.56%
33 - LESLÃO - Parker - 20.00%0299.10%
Faith_bian - DuBu - JACKBOYS - 20.00%0299.10%