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RD2L EU Season 14

Season 14 of the European RD2L (aka Reddit Dota 2 League), a casual Draft League

Медиана ЗВМ героев: 385

Сводка | Сетка | Профили ☰ | Карточки
МатчСилы СветаСилы ТьмыДлительностьВсего убийствЗавершён
3897100771Ackchyually (ACKKKKKK)TheWall (TheWall)38:245908:08:58 17.05.2018
3897174566Ackchyually (ACKKKKKK)TheWall (TheWall)41:186409:13:04 17.05.2018
3919996051RenCorner (RC)TheWall (TheWall)29:275607:24:48 28.05.2018
3931675659Literally Anything (LA)TheWall (TheWall)34:047306:23:32 3.06.2018
3954643988Sunday = Best Day (SDBD)TheWall (TheWall)37:067207:41:25 15.06.2018
3983765773Team Vanity (V)TheWall (TheWall)16:243007:26:26 1.07.2018
3995757157Uncle Roran & his Puppers (puppers)TheWall (TheWall)40:317505:49:16 8.07.2018
3995829231Uncle Roran & his Puppers (puppers)TheWall (TheWall)38:299906:45:50 8.07.2018
4007609840Literally Anything (LA)TheWall (TheWall)32:227406:06:10 15.07.2018
4007753685Literally Anything (LA)TheWall (TheWall)39:599308:05:57 15.07.2018
3888076818TheWall (TheWall)Sunday = Best Day (SDBD)42:517106:09:22 13.05.2018
3888184284TheWall (TheWall)Sunday = Best Day (SDBD)40:196907:18:07 13.05.2018
3919928563TheWall (TheWall)RenCorner (RC)28:565106:35:42 28.05.2018
3931596758TheWall (TheWall)Literally Anything (LA)34:185205:31:18 3.06.2018
3944843084TheWall (TheWall)High Privilege (HIGH)43:437105:43:50 10.06.2018
3944934069TheWall (TheWall)High Privilege (HIGH)32:246006:45:31 10.06.2018
3954562391TheWall (TheWall)Sunday = Best Day (SDBD)42:057606:35:42 15.06.2018
3983674486TheWall (TheWall)Chad Gaming (Chad)53:238906:12:04 1.07.2018
4007686669TheWall (TheWall)Literally Anything (LA)34:566307:07:06 15.07.2018