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RD2L EU Season 22

Season 22 of the European RD2L (aka Reddit Dota 2 League), a casual Draft League

Убийств Рошана в среднем за игру Силами Тьмы: 0.8679

Сводка | Сетка | Профили ☰ | Карточки
МатчСилы СветаСилы ТьмыДлительностьВсего убийствЗавершён
5854259246Dying for the Cores (DftC)Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)56:387207:16:16 24.02.2021
5865953196MuminTrolls (MuminTrolls)Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)52:188507:13:40 3.03.2021
5879365260passive agressive praying club (prayer)Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)48:077207:29:52 10.03.2021
5879444754passive agressive praying club (prayer)Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)41:396108:44:53 10.03.2021
5892901824The Flying Circus (TFC)Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)32:164507:13:11 17.03.2021
5892973649The Flying Circus (TFC)Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)35:195908:12:49 17.03.2021
5906240116passive agressive praying club (prayer)Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)42:127907:21:24 24.03.2021
5906312666passive agressive praying club (prayer)Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)27:365108:27:26 24.03.2021
59200213094 Sakoh Sized Switerlands or 1 Switzerland Sized (4ssso1sss)Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)40:015706:35:12 31.03.2021
59201949284 Sakoh Sized Switerlands or 1 Switzerland Sized (4ssso1sss)Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)33:244909:14:08 31.03.2021
5945665815WED DRAFT LUL (WDL)Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)1:02:247606:20:08 14.04.2021
5841632898Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)Rinku Hate Club (FURinku)33:377007:13:58 17.02.2021
5841705773Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)Rinku Hate Club (FURinku)38:176508:16:48 17.02.2021
5854342292Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)Dying for the Cores (DftC)35:108208:36:47 24.02.2021
5866031335Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)PolyGone (PolyGon)24:433108:32:06 3.03.2021
5920107265Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)4 Sakoh Sized Switerlands or 1 Switzerland Sized (4ssso1sss)1:01:278507:47:01 31.03.2021
5932898121Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)BASE POLICE (BASED)52:557606:27:26 7.04.2021
5932996594Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)BASE POLICE (BASED)35:286907:50:39 7.04.2021
5945770124Tracy with the ass? (TWAT)WED DRAFT LUL (WDL)33:295907:50:15 14.04.2021