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RD2L Season 11

Season 11 of the RD2L (aka Reddit Dota 2 League), a casual Draft League

Вардов разрушено в среднем за игру Силами Тьмы: 3.6051

Сводка | Сетка | Профили ☰ | Карточки
МатчСилы СветаСилы ТьмыДлительностьВсего убийствЗавершён
3082354653Cleaning Ladies (CLEAN)Give em the Business (GetB)42:527102:25:47 28.03.2017
3096686772Day Drinking Night Stalkers (glug)Give em the Business (GetB)33:523601:02:37 4.04.2017
3111080988PastoralSurgeons (PS)Give em the Business (GetB)54:077201:56:42 11.04.2017
3124895529Get off my Lawn (GOML)Give em the Business (GetB)34:447801:06:33 18.04.2017
3138501882FearfulStyluses (FS)Give em the Business (GetB)42:446601:22:42 25.04.2017
3152182240NO MEXI'S ALLOWED (MEXI)Give em the Business (GetB)25:374301:13:19 2.05.2017
3082295184Give em the Business (GetB)Cleaning Ladies (CLEAN)44:175901:18:47 28.03.2017
3096732019Give em the Business (GetB)Day Drinking Night Stalkers (glug)1:24:046001:51:42 4.04.2017
3111038154Give em the Business (GetB)PastoralSurgeons (PS)25:223001:06:58 11.04.2017
3124940175Give em the Business (GetB)Get off my Lawn (GOML)43:117001:59:57 18.04.2017
3138551299Give em the Business (GetB)Dire45:017802:22:57 25.04.2017
3152220625Give em the Business (GetB)NO MEXI'S ALLOWED (MEXI)39:044801:57:10 2.05.2017