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RD2L Season 20

Season 20 of the RD2L (formerly known as Reddit Dota 2 League), a casual Draft League

Средняя продолжительность победы Тьмы: 40.5556

Сводка | Сетка | Профили ☰ | Карточки
МатчСилы СветаСилы ТьмыДлительностьВсего убийствЗавершён
5408712873Team SNIPER (TS)Brightside of the Moon (BotM)48:376212:16:26 11.05.2020
5433886599 the fountain of positivity (krappa)Brightside of the Moon (BotM)41:045301:18:39 25.05.2020
5447311975Marine Biologists (MB)Brightside of the Moon (BotM)36:454812:11:12 1.06.2020
5459836843Deep Breaths (DB)Brightside of the Moon (BotM)28:183601:10:42 8.06.2020
5471424960Retards on ICe (REE)Brightside of the Moon (BotM)40:295212:04:55 15.06.2020
5491090520Beep Beep Ima Jeep (BB)Brightside of the Moon (BotM)38:476901:17:02 29.06.2020
5421849507Brightside of the Moon (BotM)WE SMOKIN LARRY BIRD (BIRD)1:04:006712:07:53 18.05.2020
5421922542Brightside of the Moon (BotM)WE SMOKIN LARRY BIRD (BIRD)36:514001:35:41 18.05.2020
5433841516Brightside of the Moon (BotM) the fountain of positivity (krappa)44:517212:09:20 25.05.2020
5447362582Brightside of the Moon (BotM)Marine Biologists (MB)25:153801:17:06 1.06.2020
5459794406Brightside of the Moon (BotM)Deep Breaths (DB)36:114412:11:25 8.06.2020
5471471212Brightside of the Moon (BotM)Retards on ICe (REE)29:393801:15:12 15.06.2020
5481510255Brightside of the Moon (BotM)MOONLIGHT SPARKLES (SPARKLES)29:404312:52:07 22.06.2020
5481540432Brightside of the Moon (BotM)MOONLIGHT SPARKLES (SPARKLES)30:103201:46:11 22.06.2020
5491049249Brightside of the Moon (BotM)Beep Beep Ima Jeep (BB)37:004512:11:08 29.06.2020