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RD2L Season 23

Season 23 of the RD2L (formerly known as Reddit Dota 2 League), a casual Draft League

Вардов разрушено в среднем за игру Силами Света: 4.7222

Сводка | Сетка | Профили ☰ | Карточки
МатчСилы СветаСилы ТьмыДлительностьВсего убийствЗавершён
602105640062% of RTZ (62%)Men of the West (MotW)28:545501:05:16 1.06.2021
6042498526Monkey Militia (Monke)Men of the West (MotW)26:563212:07:08 15.06.2021
6052984339RD2L Investment Club (RIC)Men of the West (MotW)36:285201:08:30 22.06.2021
5999285025Men of the West (MotW)Banned (Ban)38:576012:05:21 18.05.2021
5999323070Men of the West (MotW)Banned (Ban)29:324701:14:47 18.05.2021
6009931911Men of the West (MotW)DOTA TEAM (TEAM)34:516712:08:48 25.05.2021
6009959634Men of the West (MotW)DOTA TEAM (TEAM)28:085101:02:18 25.05.2021
6021022076Men of the West (MotW)62% of RTZ (62%)32:465312:08:50 1.06.2021
6031863498Men of the West (MotW)Generic Team Name (GTN)34:103812:06:54 8.06.2021
6031894070Men of the West (MotW)Generic Team Name (GTN)31:244401:02:01 8.06.2021
6042524335Men of the West (MotW)Monkey Militia (Monke)1:02:047412:54:33 15.06.2021
6052952491Men of the West (MotW)RD2L Investment Club (RIC)39:366712:11:00 22.06.2021
6064291083Men of the West (MotW)Seven Idiots (7)1:09:227512:12:35 29.06.2021
6064352838Men of the West (MotW)Seven Idiots (7)1:20:349101:48:41 29.06.2021
6085992829Men of the West (MotW)DaBaby's 2.0 (Dababy?)32:535612:09:08 13.07.2021
6086022764Men of the West (MotW)DaBaby's 2.0 (Dababy?)44:528401:01:38 13.07.2021
6096583081Men of the West (MotW)RD2L Athletics (MONEY)50:355012:03:25 20.07.2021
6096628415Men of the West (MotW)RD2L Athletics (MONEY)40:364901:20:28 20.07.2021
6107100223Men of the West (MotW)Nut Busters (Nut)47:045412:03:49 27.07.2021
6107141261Men of the West (MotW)Nut Busters (Nut)46:425101:14:28 27.07.2021