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RD2L Season 24

Season 24 of the RD2L (formerly known as Reddit Dota 2 League), a casual Draft League

Крипов убито в среднем за игру Силами Света: 923.5229

Сводка | Сетка | Профили ☰ | Карточки
МатчСилы СветаСилы ТьмыДлительностьВсего убийствЗавершён
6188299254For The Spazzy Haxorus Lemon Guts (FTSHLG)Ghost Busters (BOO)36:265212:14:45 20.09.2021
6228002513Korean Raid Boss (KrB)Ghost Busters (BOO)49:518601:09:41 18.10.2021
6188332526Ghost Busters (BOO)For The Spazzy Haxorus Lemon Guts (FTSHLG)43:185101:12:30 20.09.2021
6207990496Ghost Busters (BOO)Salt the Earth (Salty)27:093712:04:46 4.10.2021
6208015219Ghost Busters (BOO)Salt the Earth (Salty)52:536312:51:50 4.10.2021
6227971048Ghost Busters (BOO)Korean Raid Boss (KrB)31:264012:13:49 18.10.2021
6251852594Ghost Busters (BOO)Apes in Your Game (APE)47:397512:11:23 1.11.2021
6251894299Ghost Busters (BOO)Apes in Your Game (APE)26:114901:20:00 1.11.2021
6263978825Ghost Busters (BOO)Pizzakiller's Pack of Profligate Perps (PPPP)46:557602:26:10 8.11.2021
6264026273Ghost Busters (BOO)Pizzakiller's Pack of Profligate Perps (PPPP)25:364203:36:30 8.11.2021
6275392158Ghost Busters (BOO)Only Winners (FANS)40:136501:22:45 15.11.2021
6275431057Ghost Busters (BOO)Only Winners (FANS)22:113802:25:14 15.11.2021