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The International 2024 Stats and Meta Wrap Up

RD2L Season 30

Season 30 of the RD2L (formerly known as Reddit Dota 2 League), a casual Draft League

Average wards destroyed per game by Radiant: 4.4421

: 350 (86 Picks, 264 Bans)
: 46.67%
: Core Safelane
: 8.03
: 5.59
: 12.0
: 1.42
: 639.1
: 712.8
: 1.90
: 908.0
: 200.7
: 677.3
: 44.3
: 0.920
: 49.7
: 8.88
: 41:15
Best allies
Worst allies
Worst counters
Best counters
Picks and bans
MatchesContest RateRankRev-RankPickedWinratempBannedWinratemb

Recent matches

7482870499 - WSSG ⚔ TeHo - Series 2 - Game 3 - WSSG.Smashe - NoneRadiantdragon_knightlife_stealergyrocoptergrimstrokedawnbreakeraxefaceless_voidskywrath_mageoraclepangolierLost58:28
7482829735 - WSSG ⚔ TeHo - Series 2 - Game 2 - WSSG.Smashe - Support OfflaneDirekunkkaphantom_assassinvipergyrocoptertreantdragon_knightspectrespirit_breakerbristlebackoracleWon41:52
7471771323 - CF ⚔ WSSG - Series 1 - Game 2 - WSSG.Smashe - Support OfflaneRadiantpucklife_stealergyrocoptermagnataurphoenixmorphlingsand_kingvengefulspiritwindrunnerpugnaWon34:34
7471732682 - CF ⚔ WSSG - Series 1 - Game 1 - WSSG.Smashe - Support OfflaneRadiantnecrolyteursagyrocoptertreantprimal_beastqueenofpainskeleton_kingfuriongrimstrokemuertaWon40:24
7463495790 - MS ⚔ Elite - Series 2 - Game 1 - MS.It's Turbo Time! - Support OfflaneRadiantjuggernautvipergyrocoptercentauroraclenecrolytefaceless_voidskeleton_kingabaddonphoenixLost33:47
Last hits #37353868076 - CnB ⚔ A&J - Series 1 - Game 2 - 1,180Yankee -
Last hits / min7353868076 - CnB ⚔ A&J - Series 1 - Game 2 - 19.22Yankee -
Hero Damage / min #57307067860 - VILE ⚔ LDA - Series 1 - Game 2 - 2,169.72MG.Kinkstur -
Damage to buildings #37377536788 - WLI ⚔ DIEYETI - Series 1 - Game 2 - 30,473Mallard.Tokc -
Rampage with lowest networth difference in a losing match #27452018318 - CnB ⚔ NP - Series 1 - Game 2 - 15,511ITN.M4RC3 -
Rampage with highest networth difference in a losing match #67452018318 - CnB ⚔ NP - Series 1 - Game 2 - 15,511ITN.M4RC3 -
Last hits #3 (North America)7353868076 - CnB ⚔ A&J - Series 1 - Game 2 - 1,180Yankee -
Last hits / min (North America)7353868076 - CnB ⚔ A&J - Series 1 - Game 2 - 19.22Yankee -
Hero Damage / min #5 (North America)7307067860 - VILE ⚔ LDA - Series 1 - Game 2 - 2,169.72MG.Kinkstur -
Damage to buildings #3 (North America)7377536788 - WLI ⚔ DIEYETI - Series 1 - Game 2 - 30,473Mallard.Tokc -
Highest averages
Neutral camps stacked #53.32
Hero Damage / min #5926.83
Neutral camps stacked #5 (North America)3.32
Hero Damage / min #5 (North America)926.83
Draft stageMatchesPicksWinrateRatioBansWinrateRatio
Core Safelane6373.26%49.21%Matches
Support Offlane66.98%66.67%Matches
Support Safelane33.49%0.00%Matches
Core Offlane22.33%0.00%Matches
Core Midlane11.16%0.00%Matches


RegionPositionContest RatePickrateMatchesRatioWinrateLink
North AmericaTotal45.22%11.11%86100.00%48.84%Link
North AmericaCore Safelane8.14%8.14%6373.26%49.21%Link
North AmericaCore Midlane0.13%0.13%11.16%0.00%Link
North AmericaCore Offlane0.26%0.26%22.33%0.00%Link
North AmericaSupport Offlane0.78%0.78%66.98%66.67%Link
North AmericaSupport Safelane0.39%0.39%33.49%0.00%Link


CocknBallCocknBall (CnB)210.00%0.29%1100.00%0.29%
Club FurryClub Furry (CF)110.00%0.29%00.00%0.00%
The Spirits Of DotaThe Spirits Of Dota (SOD)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.29%
-BangBang--BangBang- (BB)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.29%
Teens Love Huge ClocksTeens Love Huge Clocks (TLHC)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
Ducks Fly TogetherDucks Fly Together (Quack)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.29%
 lllIlIIIlIlIlIIIlllIll lllIlIIIlIlIlIIIlllIll (Lilit)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
Sausage CuddlersSausage Cuddlers (SC)200.00%0.00%20.00%0.57%
smack it dont quack itsmack it dont quack it (empgay)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.57%
Zet RektZet Rekt (Zet)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
WeLostThisBrosWeLostThisBros (WLB)11366.67%0.86%850.00%2.29%
:ti4silver::ti4silver: (Ti4S)31100.00%0.29%2100.00%0.57%
targets rehabilitation centertargets rehabilitation center ()100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
peepoignorepeepoignore (peepoignor)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.29%
FlavortownFlavortown (BBQ)610.00%0.29%50.00%1.43%
Fear's Side HoesFear's Side Hoes (Hoes)110.00%0.29%00.00%0.00%
Army of ApesArmy of Apes (ApeLord)310.00%0.29%250.00%0.57%
MiltMilt (MILT)1700.00%0.00%1752.94%4.86%
Boomer as FuckBoomer as Fuck (BaF)21100.00%0.29%10.00%0.29%
Don't Blow it Don't Blow it (DB)110.00%0.29%00.00%0.00%
Dotally HandicappedDotally Handicapped (SEND HELP)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
Just The TipJust The Tip (JTT)200.00%0.00%2100.00%0.57%
PMA GAMERS :)PMA GAMERS :) (PMA)41100.00%0.29%366.67%0.86%
Yup BirdYup Bird (YUP)400.00%0.00%450.00%1.14%
The "Timber Hearth" Asylum 4 KidsThe "Timber Hearth" Asylum 4 Kids (DEPRESSION)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.29%
MeeposexualsMeeposexuals (MS)220.00%0.57%00.00%0.00%
Pony PalsPony Pals (PONE)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
Team Vile GirthTeam Vile Girth (VILE)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.57%
Custodial EngineersCustodial Engineers (CuEn)42100.00%0.57%250.00%0.57%
Team Placeholder Team NameTeam Placeholder Team Name (404)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
Yo, Banana Boy!Yo, Banana Boy! (YBB)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
Wasted.Pirates (2005)Wasted.Pirates (2005) (cweature)11100.00%0.29%00.00%0.00%
Chase and the AgentsChase and the Agents (AGENTS)11100.00%0.29%00.00%0.00%
Filthy CasualsFilthy Casuals (FC)42100.00%0.57%250.00%0.57%
North American Rejects 4.0North American Rejects 4.0 (NAR v 4.0)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
Situation HandlersSituation Handlers (Handled)8250.00%0.57%650.00%1.71%
A Sleepy Golden FoxA Sleepy Golden Fox (SGF)3250.00%0.57%10.00%0.29%
Fluffy Hat EnjoyersFluffy Hat Enjoyers (FLUFFY)210.00%0.29%10.00%0.29%
MooseMoose (Moose)800.00%0.00%837.50%2.29%
Korean Raid BossKorean Raid Boss (KrB)62100.00%0.57%475.00%1.14%
Longo's Dongo AdventureLongo's Dongo Adventure (LDA)220.00%0.57%00.00%0.00%
Team NaraTeam Nara (NARA)110.00%0.29%00.00%0.00%
Himbo Cat DadsHimbo Cat Dads (PUSSYLUVRS)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
big brain cheesersbig brain cheesers (bbc)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.29%
Pudge FP no ban plsPudge FP no ban pls (PFP)4366.67%0.86%10.00%0.29%
Alc's BackpackAlc's Backpack (EZ MMR)5475.00%1.14%10.00%0.29%
Mathematical CapybaraMathematical Capybara (capybara)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
Coahres CuckoldsCoahres Cuckolds (cuck)200.00%0.00%20.00%0.57%
Major Ocean PictureMajor Ocean Picture (MOP)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
Team DisbandTeam Disband (CHRE)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.57%
Crouching Tiger Hidden DagonCrouching Tiger Hidden Dagon (CTHD)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.57%
Toilet JorkToilet Jork (TOILET)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
Carl's Financial Consulting LLPCarl's Financial Consulting LLP (Carl)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.57%
Fur Lined CrocsFur Lined Crocs (FLC)510.00%0.29%450.00%1.14%
UwUUwU (UwU)11100.00%0.29%00.00%0.00%
Jason Vas Foundation Picks for the CureJason Vas Foundation Picks for the Cure (JVP4C)720.00%0.57%520.00%1.43%
TegridyTegridy (Tegridy)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.57%
Rundown Clown TownRundown Clown Town (CLOWN)310.00%0.29%2100.00%0.57%
Lou's Big Meat ShackLou's Big Meat Shack (wastedeats)4250.00%0.57%2100.00%0.57%
SexperteaseSexpertease (Sexpertease)200.00%0.00%20.00%0.57%
Sex with anime girlsSex with anime girls (AYAYA)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.57%
The Polloship of GriefThe Polloship of Grief (THOT)11100.00%0.29%00.00%0.00%
Eating Kale While My Wife Sleeps With Other MenEating Kale While My Wife Sleeps With Other Men (EKWMWSWOM)510.00%0.29%425.00%1.14%
Ready Tue LoseReady Tue Lose (RD2L)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
JakiroJakiro (Jakiro)200.00%0.00%2100.00%0.57%
Tighty Whitey GangTighty Whitey Gang (TWG)100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.29%
The OZone LayerThe OZone Layer (OZone<3)200.00%0.00%20.00%0.57%
Paranoid AndroidParanoid Android (bot)52100.00%0.57%366.67%0.86%
Taylor Swift Fans (Real)Taylor Swift Fans (Real) (T.Swift)400.00%0.00%425.00%1.14%
Magnificent GamingMagnificent Gaming (MG)2250.00%0.57%00.00%0.00%
5 Man Midas Every Game5 Man Midas Every Game (5MM)310.00%0.29%250.00%0.57%
West Side Squirtle GangWest Side Squirtle Gang (WSSG)9475.00%1.14%50.00%1.43%
TEAM SPANKYTEAM SPANKY (SPANKY)300.00%0.00%3100.00%0.86%
Ferris Euler's day offlaningFerris Euler's day offlaning (saveferris)210.00%0.29%1100.00%0.29%
Nifuji Support GroupNifuji Support Group (NSG)200.00%0.00%2100.00%0.57%
We Luv IllithidsWe Luv Illithids (WLI)5333.33%0.86%250.00%0.57%
Shocked PikachusShocked Pikachus ((。.o_o。.)")100.00%0.00%1100.00%0.29%
Duck SoupDuck Soup (Mallard)410.00%0.29%366.67%0.86%
Hottest Boys in the Solar SystemHottest Boys in the Solar System (HOT_AF)800.00%0.00%837.50%2.29%
The LaundromatThe Laundromat (Washed)800.00%0.00%837.50%2.29%
Trans rights are human rights.Trans rights are human rights. (ALLY)32100.00%0.57%1100.00%0.29%
Racketeering Dota 2 LeagueRacketeering Dota 2 League (RICO)310.00%0.29%20.00%0.57%
Madge LiteMadge Lite (ML)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.57%
Post Sex Ice CreamPost Sex Ice Cream (PSIC)410.00%0.29%333.33%0.86%
unstoppable tide of islam crashing into your bacunstoppable tide of islam crashing into your bac (ISLAM)310.00%0.29%20.00%0.57%
Unbound F9 KeyUnbound F9 Key (UFK)200.00%0.00%2100.00%0.57%
DOUNSDOUNS (DOUN)910.00%0.29%850.00%2.29%
Team HoboTeam Hobo (TeHo)4366.67%0.86%1100.00%0.29%
Vintage VanguardVintage Vanguard ([V/V])21100.00%0.29%10.00%0.29%
Certified CreamersCertified Creamers (CREAM)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
100 POUND BABY100 POUND BABY (POUNDBABY)610.00%0.29%520.00%1.43%
Pango enjoyersPango enjoyers (Pa)3333.33%0.86%00.00%0.00%
Iceyeti Glutenized my Dog in the TI4 Parking LotIceyeti Glutenized my Dog in the TI4 Parking Lot (FICEYETI)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
Andju & CompanyAndju & Company (A&J)4333.33%0.86%10.00%0.29%
Insert Team NameInsert Team Name (ITN)210.00%0.29%1100.00%0.29%
Noobstradamus and the PredictablesNoobstradamus and the Predictables (NP)21100.00%0.29%1100.00%0.29%
2ez4dz2ez4dz (2EZ4DZ)61100.00%0.29%540.00%1.43%
Old SchoolOld School (OlSc)5250.00%0.57%30.00%0.86%
96' Chicago Bulls96' Chicago Bulls (CHI)700.00%0.00%728.57%2.00%
Team SmacktrickzTeam Smacktrickz (TeSm)210.00%0.29%10.00%0.29%
Cocks out for HarambeCocks out for Harambe (COFH)500.00%0.00%580.00%1.43%
Anti-Funzo PeopleAnti-Funzo People (AFP)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.57%
Sinister GaysSinister Gays (gays)200.00%0.00%2100.00%0.57%
MMM BoatsMMM Boats (ORCA)8250.00%0.57%650.00%1.71%
Farewell KingdomFarewell Kingdom (o/)200.00%0.00%20.00%0.57%
Pinky RemoversPinky Removers (PiRe)600.00%0.00%650.00%1.71%
Dog PoundDog Pound (DogPound)21100.00%0.29%1100.00%0.29%
Team "Team Name" TeamTeam "Team Name" Team (TTNT)100.00%0.00%10.00%0.29%
BulgariaBulgaria (BULG)900.00%0.00%933.33%2.57%


o/.ME - 2100.00%0.57%
MS.FatSloth - 10.00%0.29%
A&J.Sinister - 20.00%0.57%
zimimon - 10.00%0.29%
WSSG.Smashe - 475.00%1.14%
ALLY.LIGHT ORANGE - 1100.00%0.29%
A&J.Kee - 1100.00%0.29%
2EZ4DZ.Burrahobbit (she/her) - 1100.00%0.29%
SGF.ShinobiLurker - 250.00%0.57%
AFP.AllRoundGoodGuy - 366.67%0.86%
PFP.Frogger - 366.67%0.86%
WLB.minute one meltdown - 10.00%0.29%
POUNDBABY.the snow goose - 10.00%0.29%
THOT.Demo - 1100.00%0.29%
FICEYETI.NightWhisper - 10.00%0.29%
JVP4C.Lapsed Pacifist - 10.00%0.29%
FLC.lemon - 10.00%0.29%
DogPound.mokyo` - 2100.00%0.57%
PiRe.DoomCow33 - 10.00%0.29%
CTHD.Emilia 💔 - 1100.00%0.29%
bot.DrSteel - 1100.00%0.29%
(。.o_o。.)".EmperorOfAsia - 2100.00%0.57%
Blimp in da sky - 1100.00%0.29%
Pa.hungryphenix - 250.00%0.57%
JVP4C.JerBear - 20.00%0.57%
BaF.Sampson (tony soprano arc) - 1100.00%0.29%
CLOWN.Lambert - 10.00%0.29%
Mallard.Tokc - 425.00%1.14%
TeHo.Happyhobo - 366.67%0.86%
PMA.Genuine Maple Syrup - 250.00%0.57%
saveferris.Polo5885 - 10.00%0.29%
MS.It's Turbo Time! - 10.00%0.29%
DIEYETI.keshi - 1100.00%0.29%
ALLY.Sync - 1100.00%0.29%
EZ MMR.Alc - 3100.00%0.86%
Pa.LuvsMufs - 10.00%0.29%
ISLAM.Level 100 Crip - 10.00%0.29%
EKWMWSWOM.Mickle - 10.00%0.29%
TeSm.ButteryGreg - 10.00%0.29%
FC.Space Cowboy - 10.00%0.29%
ApeLord.Droads18 - 10.00%0.29%
Handled.vvodle - 250.00%0.57%
KrB.AcidRain - 1100.00%0.29%
ORCA.ViVi - 10.00%0.29%
ITN.M4RC3 - 20.00%0.57%
cuck.low tier god - 10.00%0.29%
MG.Kinkstur - 425.00%1.14%
DOUN.allow me to bake - 10.00%0.29%
OlSc.Argent - 250.00%0.57%
ApeLord.Gotne - 1100.00%0.29%
RICO.Inebriated Economist - 10.00%0.29%
ORCA.tru - 1100.00%0.29%
NARA.< blank > - 10.00%0.29%
Yankee - 1100.00%0.29%
Carl.Someone's doing Gay without me?! - 10.00%0.29%
bot.PEMDAS - 1100.00%0.29%
NP.Neva Neva Neva - 1100.00%0.29%
[V/V].Melliflox - 1100.00%0.29%