Teams | Players
This page contains all basic data about league participants (players or teams) as cards. To find match with specific player or team use document inner search (usually Ctrl+F).
Midas.Costabile (Core Safelane)
Midas.v6.48b (Core Midlane)
Midas.fcr (Core Offlane)
Midas.hyko (Support Offlane)
Midas.wij (Support Safelane)
8 - 87.50%
8 - 75.00%
5 - 80.00%
4 - 50.00%
4 - 100.00%
3 - 66.67%
2 - 100.00%
DEM.vigossvigossvigoss (Core Safelane)
DEM.g (Core Safelane)
DEM.BenjiMon, Looking for me? (Core Safelane)
DEM.Im tryhard (Core Midlane)
DEM.Fatzin (Core Offlane)
DEM.such is life (Support Offlane)
DEM.Kr1sSt娇小 (Support Safelane)
3 - 0.00%
3 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
Infinity.Wits (Core Safelane)
Infinity.PiPi (Core Midlane)
Infinity.Oscar (Core Offlane)
Infinity.Genek (Support Offlane)
Infinity.Love being hated (Support Safelane)
6 - 50.00%
4 - 50.00%
4 - 75.00%
3 - 33.33%
3 - 33.33%
2 - 100.00%
2 - 50.00%
MK.Bambú (Core Safelane)
MK.Azumi (Core Midlane)
MK.Dae (Core Offlane)
MK.RedMonster (Core Offlane)
MK.Mariori (Support Offlane)
MK.Lovely (Support Safelane)
2 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
1 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
Qhali.Tiburoncin (Core Safelane)
Qhali.Faker (Core Midlane)
Qhali.YiSuS (Core Offlane)
Qhali.jackboy (Core Offlane)
Qhali.ChaikaTrabant (Support Offlane)
Qhali.AC/DC I Hey Love (Support Safelane)
Qhali.555 (Support Safelane)
4 - 75.00%
4 - 50.00%
3 - 66.67%
3 - 33.33%
3 - 66.67%
3 - 66.67%
2 - 50.00%
Lava.Euphoria~ (Core Safelane)
Lava.wokeuplikethis* (Core Midlane)
Lava.Arkano (Core Offlane)
Lava.Demon (Support Offlane)
Lava.Austin (Support Safelane)
3 - 0.00%
3 - 33.33%
3 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
MK.Bambú (Core Safelane)
MK.Azumi (Core Midlane)
MK.Dae (Core Offlane)
MK.RedMonster (Core Offlane)
MK.Mariori (Support Offlane)
MK.Lovely (Support Safelane)
2 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
2 - 0.00%
x5.^^ (Core Safelane)
x5.SebaS (Core Midlane)
x5.Hermit (Core Offlane)
x5.Madness. (Core Offlane)
x5.Yanbura (Support Offlane)
x5.xd (Support Offlane)
x5.nuages (Support Safelane)
6 - 83.33%
5 - 80.00%
4 - 75.00%
3 - 66.67%
3 - 66.67%
2 - 100.00%
2 - 100.00%
[S].DCMC (Core Safelane)
[S].MJ (Core Midlane)
[S].Ryu (Core Offlane)
[S]. (Support Offlane)
[S].Shaka (Support Safelane)
6 - 83.33%
4 - 100.00%
4 - 75.00%
3 - 100.00%
3 - 100.00%
2 - 100.00%
2 - 100.00%
Infamous.Anakin is gone (Core Safelane)
Infamous.emoandsh1t (Core Midlane)
Infamous.西中洲 (Core Offlane)
Infamous.Tobi´´ (Support Offlane)
Infamous.Talentless (Support Safelane)
4 - 50.00%
3 - 33.33%
3 - 66.67%
3 - 33.33%
2 - 100.00%
2 - 100.00%
2 - 100.00%
INV.2099 (Core Safelane)
INV.%place (Core Midlane)
INV.DarkMago♡ (Core Midlane) oe gil (Core Offlane)
INV.Trooper ~ (Support Offlane)
INV.xts (Support Safelane)
6 - 83.33%
6 - 66.67%
4 - 50.00%
4 - 100.00%
3 - 66.67%
3 - 66.67%
2 - 100.00%
Acatsuki.Sh1do (Core Safelane)
Acatsuki.Rinnegan (Core Midlane)
Acatsuki.vam (Core Offlane)
Acatsuki.Kiri < (Support Offlane)
Acatsuki.Prada (Support Safelane)
3 - 33.33%
3 - 33.33%
3 - 33.33%
3 - 33.33%
2 - 50.00%
2 - 50.00%
2 - 0.00%
Acatsuki.Sh1do (Core Safelane)
Acatsuki.Rinnegan (Core Midlane)
Acatsuki.vam (Core Offlane)
Acatsuki.Kiri < (Support Offlane)
Acatsuki.Prada (Support Safelane)
2 - 100.00%
1 - 100.00%
1 - 100.00%
1 - 100.00%
South.T.wasaaaa (Core Safelane)
South.T.osito (Core Midlane)
South.T.ArzenT (Core Offlane)
South.T.Skar (Support Offlane)
South.T.radiohead (Support Safelane)
4 - 75.00%
2 - 0.00%
2 - 50.00%
2 - 0.00%
2 - 100.00%
2 - 100.00%
2 - 50.00%