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Spectral Wrapped 2024
Most impactful items
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In the items component you may see various items stats. Overview shows top of the most impactful items (in general and for a specific hero) based on their effect on winrate, compared to games when the item wasn't purchased, with the highest positive and negative impacts respectively. Notable timings section shows earliest purchase timings for item-hero pairs with the highest winrate gradient per minute.


Item Pickups Winrate When picked
lotus_orbLotus Orb28100.00%+50.31%
mantaManta Style7088.89%+39.21%
basherSkull Basher3187.50%+37.59%
sphereLinken's Sphere2685.71%+36.15%
sheepstickScythe of Vyse7584.21%+35.14%
heartHeart of Tarrasque2483.33%+33.39%
guardian_greavesGuardian Greaves8681.82%+33.18%
Item Pickups Winrate When picked
ghostGhost Scepter11446.67%-4.32%
tranquil_bootsTranquil Boots25946.97%-3.07%
power_treadsPower Treads65248.47%-2.14%
octarine_coreOctarine Core3150.00%-0.03%
force_staffForce Staff19252.08%+2.64%
medallion_of_courageMedallion of Courage20653.85%+4.83%
hand_of_midasHand of Midas10855.56%+5.43%
diffusal_bladeDiffusal Blade3455.56%+5.81%

For heroes

Hero Item Pickups Winrate When picked
bloodseekersange_and_yashaSange and Yasha23100.0%+92.9%
crystal_maidentranquil_bootsTranquil Boots2885.7%+85.7%
templar_assassinblinkBlink Dagger2183.3%+83.3%
phantom_lancerdiffusal_bladeDiffusal Blade2671.4%+71.4%
storm_spiritpower_treadsPower Treads5069.2%+69.2%
sand_kingblinkBlink Dagger1166.7%+66.7%
naga_sirenarcane_bootsArcane Boots3577.8%+57.8%
dragon_knightpower_treadsPower Treads2257.1%+57.1%
Hero Item Pickups Winrate When picked
rubickforce_staffForce Staff1920.0%-33.6%
sand_kingtranquil_bootsTranquil Boots1066.7%-33.3%
visagemedallion_of_courageMedallion of Courage1375.0%-25.0%
linapower_treadsPower Treads3237.5%-21.5%
earthshakertranquil_bootsTranquil Boots3530.0%-15.7%
tuskpower_treadsPower Treads4345.5%-15.0%
rattletraptranquil_bootsTranquil Boots3555.6%-8.7%
bloodseekerhand_of_midasHand of Midas3025.0%-3.6%

Most notable timings records

HeroItemPickupsWinrateGradient (%/min)MedianGames with the best timings
nevermoreShadow FiendmekansmMekansm3537.14%-16.46%12:171668338643 - PSG.LGD ⚔ MVP - Series 1 - Game 2 - (09:05)
gyrocopterGyrocopterphase_bootsPhase Boots6159.02%-15.63%04:351666372636 - CDEC ⚔ MVP - Series 1 - Game 2 - (02:00)
antimageAnti-Magepower_treadsPower Treads2548.00%-13.60%08:171692105377 - EHOME ⚔ VG - Series 2 - Game 2 - (04:35)
bounty_hunterBounty HuntermekansmMekansm1872.22%-13.04%22:421694607827 - EG ⚔ CDEC - Series 2 - Game 2 - (16:19)
bounty_hunterBounty Hunterarcane_bootsArcane Boots4075.00%-12.03%12:011670993670 - IG ⚔ MVP - Series 1 - Game 1 - (07:37)
phantom_lancerPhantom Lancerdiffusal_bladeDiffusal Blade2661.54%-11.86%21:291668338643 - PSG.LGD ⚔ MVP - Series 1 - Game 2 - (15:42)
wispIourn_of_shadowsUrn of Shadows2152.38%-11.49%10:511666308348 - Empire ⚔ VG - Series 1 - Game 1 - (02:24)
dragon_knightDragon Knightblack_king_barBlack King Bar1855.56%-11.41%21:051673341849 - VG ⚔ Newbee - Series 1 - Game 1 - (15:38)
tuskTuskarcane_bootsArcane Boots3666.67%-10.43%09:111666577877 - EHOME ⚔ Empire - Series 1 - Game 2 - (04:25)
crystal_maidenCrystal Maidentranquil_bootsTranquil Boots2864.29%-9.40%11:121673477884 - coL ⚔ Fnatic - Series 1 - Game 2 - (06:03)