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The International 2024 Stats and Meta Wrap Up

Dota Pro Circuit 2023 Summer Tour - Division I and Major

Division I regional leagues and Bali Major 2023

Total couriers killed: 1853

: 434 (164 Picks, 270 Bans)
: 50.62%
: Core Offlane
: 4.53
: 5.41
: 13.1
: 1.03
: 460.2
: 585.5
: 2.54
: 474.3
: 8.47
: 527.4
: 44.6
: 0.994
: 36.7
: 5.52
: 38:55
Best allies
Worst allies
Worst counters
Best counters

Basic item build

Picks and bans
MatchesContest RateRankRev-RankPickedWinratempBannedWinratemb

Recent matches

7234263112 - Liquid ⚔ GG - Series 2 - Game 1 - Liquid.Boxi - Support OfflaneDirejuggernautlichbroodmotherbatriderember_spiritdark_seerdisruptorshreddertechiesterrorbladeLost48:08
7234063473 - Liquid ⚔ Tundra - Series 4 - Game 2 - Tundra.Sneyking - Support OfflaneRadiantmiranazuusdragon_knightbatridershreddernevermorestorm_spiritenigmarattletrapsilencerLost45:58
7232833846 - Tundra ⚔ GG - Series 2 - Game 2 - Tundra.33 - Core OfflaneRadiantbloodseekerbatriderspirit_breakertechiesarc_wardenjuggernautwindrunnerlionenchantressbroodmotherLost34:22
7232728474 - Tundra ⚔ GG - Series 2 - Game 1 - GG.Seleri - Support SafelaneRadiantfaceless_voidbroodmotherbatriderrubickshreddersventinytidehunterpugnasnapfireWon41:53
7232452945 - Liquid ⚔ 9Pandas - Series 1 - Game 1 - Liquid.Boxi - Support OfflaneRadiantjuggernautbatriderundyingmarsprimal_beastwindrunnerpugnabroodmotheralchemistrubickLost33:51
Deaths #47161835503 - Liquid ⚔ D1H - Series 1 - Game 3 - 17D1H.Davai Lama -
Neutral camps stacked #57187986573 - SKG ⚔ B8 - Series 2 - Game 2 - 16B8.CTOMAHEH1 -
XPM #3 (North America)7183273291 - felt ⚔ ALPHA - Series 1 - Game 2 - 1,019felt.Fayde -
Assists #3 (North America)7177566409 - SR ⚔ felt - Series 1 - Game 2 - 34SR.Fly -
KDA with 0 deaths (North America)7183273291 - felt ⚔ ALPHA - Series 1 - Game 2 - 32felt.Fayde -
Neutral camps stacked #2 (North America)7187986573 - SKG ⚔ B8 - Series 2 - Game 2 - 16B8.CTOMAHEH1 -
KDA with 1+ deaths #2 (South America)7171209895 - THUNDER ⚔ bc - Series 1 - Game 1 - 31bc.DarkMago♡ -
Damage to heroes #4 (South America)7186379917 - MK ⚔ Balrogs™ - Series 1 - Game 1 - 72,828Balrogs™.lalatronii < -
Hero Damage / min #6 (South America)7186379917 - MK ⚔ Balrogs™ - Series 1 - Game 1 - 1,331.81Balrogs™.lalatronii < -
Neutral camps stacked #3 (South America)7187839180 - bc ⚔ EG - Series 2 - Game 2 - 12EG.Wisper -
Neutral camps stacked (China)7185341586 - IG ⚔ XG - Series 1 - Game 2 - 15XG.Kaka -
Deaths #4 (region299)7228749227 - BetBoom ⚔ Tundra - Series 1 - Game 2 - 16Tundra.Sneyking -
Neutral camps stacked #2 (region299)7231152091 - PSG.LGD ⚔ AR - Series 3 - Game 2 - 15PSG.LGD.planet -
XPM #5 (Western Europe)7187382203 - Liquid ⚔ Quest - Series 2 - Game 2 - 976Quest.No!ob™ -
Deaths #2 (Western Europe)7161835503 - Liquid ⚔ D1H - Series 1 - Game 3 - 17D1H.Davai Lama -
Assists #2 (Western Europe)7187382203 - Liquid ⚔ Quest - Series 2 - Game 2 - 32Quest.No!ob™ -
KDA with 1+ deaths #6 (Western Europe)7177253113 - OG ⚔ GG - Series 1 - Game 2 - 26GG.Seleri -
Neutral camps stacked #4 (Western Europe)7186379101 - OG ⚔ D1H - Series 1 - Game 2 - 12D1H.Davai Lama -
XPM #5 (Eastern Europe)7175408381 - TSpirit ⚔ HYDRA - Series 1 - Game 1 - 967TSpirit.Larl -
Deaths #2 (Eastern Europe)7159805023 - Nemiga ⚔ UALEIKUM - Series 1 - Game 2 - 14UALEIKUM.Shergarat (Vladimir) -
Assists #5 (Eastern Europe)7183908466 - Nemiga ⚔ VP - Series 1 - Game 1 - 29Nemiga.Hellscream -
KDA with 1+ deaths #3 (Eastern Europe)7175408381 - TSpirit ⚔ HYDRA - Series 1 - Game 1 - 29TSpirit.Larl -
Damage taken from heroes #2 (Eastern Europe)7181305948 - TSpirit ⚔ Move - Series 1 - Game 2 - 68,892TSpirit.Larl -
Damage taken from heroes #4 (Eastern Europe)7159805023 - Nemiga ⚔ UALEIKUM - Series 1 - Game 2 - 62,220UALEIKUM.Shergarat (Vladimir) -
tranquil_boots Tranquil Boots7187944134 - B8 ⚔ ALPHA - Series 2 - Game 2 - 04:53B8.Lodine -
vanguard Vanguard7187839180 - bc ⚔ EG - Series 2 - Game 2 - 03:16EG.Wisper -
blink Blink Dagger7232452945 - Liquid ⚔ 9Pandas - Series 1 - Game 1 - 11:28Liquid.Boxi -
black_king_bar Black King Bar7175708029 - INF ⚔ Balrogs™ - Series 1 - Game 1 - 15:03INF.4dr <3 Déia -
arcane_boots Arcane Boots7183273291 - felt ⚔ ALPHA - Series 1 - Game 2 - 03:58felt.Fayde -
force_staff Force Staff7220352802 - Aster ⚔ TSpirit - Series 1 - Game 2 - 18:26TSpirit.Collapse -
travel_boots Boots of Travel7173716377 - HYDRA ⚔ UALEIKUM - Series 1 - Game 1 - 22:26HYDRA.Worick -
octarine_core Octarine Core7184954323 - nouns ⚔ ALPHA - Series 1 - Game 1 - 10:37nouns.Moo -
Highest averages
Neutral camps stacked #5 (North America)5.58
Neutral camps stacked #3 (China)6.06
Neutral camps stacked #3 (region299)5.48
Neutral camps stacked #3 (Eastern Europe)4.46
Draft stageMatchesPicksWinrateRatioBansWinrateRatio
Core Offlane5734.76%38.60%Matches
Support Offlane5634.15%53.57%Matches
Core Midlane3621.95%58.33%Matches
Support Safelane137.93%69.23%Matches


RegionPositionContest RatePickrateMatchesRatioWinrateLink
North AmericaTotal69.44%26.39%19100.00%57.89%Link
North AmericaCore Offlane12.50%12.50%947.37%33.33%Link
North AmericaSupport Offlane11.11%11.11%842.11%75.00%Link
North AmericaSupport Safelane2.78%2.78%210.53%100.00%Link
AsiaCore Midlane4.23%4.23%317.65%0.00%Link
AsiaCore Offlane15.49%15.49%1164.71%27.27%Link
AsiaSupport Offlane4.23%4.23%317.65%33.33%Link
South AmericaTotal72.31%24.62%16100.00%62.50%Link
South AmericaCore Midlane18.46%18.46%1275.00%66.67%Link
South AmericaCore Offlane1.54%1.54%16.25%100.00%Link
South AmericaSupport Offlane3.08%3.08%212.50%50.00%Link
South AmericaSupport Safelane1.54%1.54%16.25%0.00%Link
ChinaCore Midlane1.37%1.37%15.26%0.00%Link
ChinaCore Offlane8.22%8.22%631.58%50.00%Link
ChinaSupport Offlane12.33%12.33%947.37%44.44%Link
ChinaSupport Safelane1.37%1.37%15.26%0.00%Link
region299Core Midlane3.00%3.00%613.04%33.33%Link
region299Core Offlane4.50%4.50%919.57%44.44%Link
region299Support Offlane12.00%12.00%2452.17%58.33%Link
region299Support Safelane3.50%3.50%715.22%85.71%Link
Western EuropeTotal63.89%29.17%21100.00%52.38%Link
Western EuropeCore Midlane4.17%4.17%314.29%100.00%Link
Western EuropeCore Offlane15.28%15.28%1152.38%36.36%Link
Western EuropeSupport Offlane6.94%6.94%523.81%60.00%Link
Western EuropeSupport Safelane2.78%2.78%29.52%50.00%Link
Eastern EuropeTotal68.49%35.62%26100.00%50.00%Link
Eastern EuropeCore Midlane15.07%15.07%1142.31%72.73%Link
Eastern EuropeCore Offlane13.70%13.70%1038.46%40.00%Link
Eastern EuropeSupport Offlane6.85%6.85%519.23%20.00%Link


INVICTUS GAMINGINVICTUS GAMING (IG)19742.86%1.61%1250.00%2.76%
PSG.LGDPSG.LGD (PSG.LGD)215100.00%1.15%1668.75%3.69%
Shopify RebellionShopify Rebellion (SR)22366.67%0.69%1952.63%4.38%
Team LiquidTeam Liquid (Liquid)1120.00%0.46%977.78%2.07%
Team SecretTeam Secret (Secret)730.00%0.69%425.00%0.92%
OGOG (OG)4250.00%0.46%250.00%0.46%
Nemiga GamingNemiga Gaming (Nemiga)7650.00%1.38%10.00%0.23%
Team AsterTeam Aster (Aster)20650.00%1.38%1450.00%3.23%
HokoriHokori (Hokori)10250.00%0.46%850.00%1.84%
Team SpiritTeam Spirit (TSpirit)141353.85%3.00%1100.00%0.23%
Thunder AwakenThunder Awaken (THUNDER)200.00%0.00%250.00%0.46%
9Pandas9Pandas (9Pandas)11450.00%0.92%771.43%1.61%
Aster.AriesAster.Aries (Aries)420.00%0.46%20.00%0.46%
BOOM EsportsBOOM Esports (BOOM)440.00%0.92%00.00%0.00%
Infamous GamingInfamous Gaming (INF)92100.00%0.46%728.57%1.61%
BLEEDBLEED (BLEED )15425.00%0.92%1163.64%2.53%
Team SMGTeam SMG (SMG)510.00%0.23%425.00%0.92%
ExecrationExecration (XctN)1720.00%0.46%1560.00%3.46%
beastcoastbeastcoast (bc)9875.00%1.84%1100.00%0.23%
Evil GeniusesEvil Geniuses (EG)52100.00%0.46%366.67%0.69%
BetBoom TeamBetBoom Team (BetBoom)800.00%0.00%875.00%1.84%
TSMTSM (TSM)4366.67%0.69%1100.00%0.23%
Xtreme GamingXtreme Gaming (XG)11850.00%1.84%3100.00%0.69%
Army Geniuses Mansion Army Geniuses Mansion (AGM)6333.33%0.69%366.67%0.69%
feltfelt (felt)6250.00%0.46%4100.00%0.92%
Tundra EsportsTundra Esports (Tundra)15944.44%2.07%666.67%1.38%
InfinityInfinity (Infinity)8450.00%0.92%40.00%0.92%
B8B8 (B8)7742.86%1.61%00.00%0.00%
One MoveOne Move (Move)410.00%0.23%333.33%0.69%
Azure RayAzure Ray (AR)11875.00%1.84%333.33%0.69%
HYDRAHYDRA (HYDRA)10666.67%1.38%425.00%0.92%
D1 HustlersD1 Hustlers (D1H)10425.00%0.92%650.00%1.38%
TalonTalon (TLN)800.00%0.00%862.50%1.84%
Gaimin GladiatorsGaimin Gladiators (GG)17875.00%1.84%977.78%2.07%
DogChampDogChamp (Dog)300.00%0.00%366.67%0.69%
EntityEntity (Entity)4475.00%0.92%00.00%0.00%
Blacklist Rivalry Blacklist Rivalry (BLR)14366.67%0.69%1136.36%2.53%
Virtus.proVirtus.pro (VP)510.00%0.23%4100.00%0.92%
nounsnouns (nouns)17475.00%0.92%1376.92%3.00%
XerxiaXerxia (Xerxia)4333.33%0.69%10.00%0.23%
Mad Kings EsportsMad Kings Esports (MK)320.00%0.46%1100.00%0.23%
ALPHAALPHA (ALPHA)910.00%0.23%837.50%1.84%
Balrogs  Esports™ Balrogs Esports™ (Balrogs™)710.00%0.23%633.33%1.38%
Quest EsportsQuest Esports (Quest)111100.00%0.23%1090.00%2.30%
Piggy KillerPiggy Killer (PK)71100.00%0.23%650.00%1.38%
Team BrightTeam Bright (Bright)300.00%0.00%333.33%0.69%


GG.tOfu - 1100.00%0.23%
OG.DM - 1100.00%0.23%
TSpirit.Collapse - 650.00%1.38%
IG.项羽 - 10.00%0.23%
IG.Pyw - 650.00%1.38%
Aster.Xxs - 1100.00%0.23%
XG.Kaka - 560.00%1.15%
Nemiga.Hellscream - 450.00%0.92%
Secret.BOOM - 30.00%0.69%
SMG.Masaros - 10.00%0.23%
AR.chalice - 10.00%0.23%
TSM.kasane - 250.00%0.46%
Infinity.Mr.Jeanssss - 250.00%0.46%
TSpirit.Larl - 666.67%1.38%
Xerxia.Rupido - 333.33%0.69%
Tundra.33 - 366.67%0.69%
GG.Seleri - 771.43%1.61%
TSM.Ari - 1100.00%0.23%
AR.fy - 475.00%0.92%
PSG.LGD.planet - 5100.00%1.15%
BLEED .iceiceice - 250.00%0.46%
TSpirit.Mira - 10.00%0.23%
HYDRA.Worick - 475.00%0.92%
Hokori.Alone < - 250.00%0.46%
Tundra.Saksa - 250.00%0.46%
B8.CTOMAHEH1 - 40.00%0.92%
Infinity.Kiri < - 1100.00%0.23%
MK.RedMonster - 20.00%0.46%
Aster.BoBoKa - 333.33%0.69%
Tundra.Sneyking - 425.00%0.92%
Aster.皮球 - 250.00%0.46%
XG.JT- - 250.00%0.46%
D1H.Davai Lama - 20.00%0.46%
ALPHA.Satoshi- - 10.00%0.23%
felt.Fayde - 250.00%0.46%
Aries.Xwy - 10.00%0.23%
PK.Ava阿发 - 1100.00%0.23%
BLR.kpii - 2100.00%0.46%
AGM.db- - 20.00%0.46%
9Pandas.Antares - 250.00%0.46%
UALEIKUM.Shergarat (Vladimir) - 20.00%0.46%
Liquid.Boxi - 20.00%0.46%
Nemiga.Vazya - 10.00%0.23%
D1H.Thiolicor - 250.00%0.46%
INF.4dr <3 Déia - 2100.00%0.46%
BLR.Karl - 10.00%0.23%
SR.Fly - 366.67%0.69%
EG.C.smile < - 1100.00%0.23%
Aries.生死 - 10.00%0.23%
Entity.Stormstormer - 2100.00%0.46%
Infinity.Leostyle^^! - 10.00%0.23%
nouns.Lelis - 250.00%0.46%
bc.DarkMago♡ - 771.43%1.61%
Balrogs™.lalatronii < - 10.00%0.23%
XctN.Shanks - 10.00%0.23%
EG.Wisper - 1100.00%0.23%
BLEED .DJ - 20.00%0.46%
XctN.Bob - 10.00%0.23%
9Pandas.MieRo` - 1100.00%0.23%
AR.天命 - 3100.00%0.69%
Nemiga.Malr1ne - 1100.00%0.23%
BOOM.Fbz - 20.00%0.46%
Entity.Kataomi` - 1100.00%0.23%
bc.Scofield - 1100.00%0.23%
Move.AfterLife - 10.00%0.23%
9Pandas.kiyotaka - 10.00%0.23%
Quest.No!ob™ - 1100.00%0.23%
HYDRA.Cloud - 250.00%0.46%
XG.Dy - 10.00%0.23%
nouns.Moo - 2100.00%0.46%
Entity.Tobi - 10.00%0.23%
B8.Lodine - 3100.00%0.69%
AGM.Jhocam - 1100.00%0.23%
VP.sayuw - 10.00%0.23%
OG.Taiga - 10.00%0.23%
BOOM.Yopaj- - 20.00%0.46%