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Spectral Wrapped 2023

EPIC League Season 3

Combined report for the 3rd season of Epic League

Matches without detailed analysis: 0

Summary | Grid | Profiles ☰ | Cards
List | Cards | Heroes ☰ | Opponents ☰
5888522730 - EXTREMUM ⚔ Unique - Series 1 - Game 3 - EXTREMUM.G - Support OfflaneDireearthshakerspectreshredderabaddonvoid_spiritbloodseekerstorm_spiritlionenigmaearth_spiritLost30:53
5888443276 - EXTREMUM ⚔ Unique - Series 1 - Game 2 - EXTREMUM.G - Support SafelaneRadiantlionursaabaddonvoid_spiritmarsphantom_lancertidehunterinvokerrubickkeeper_of_the_lightWon25:57