Donations this month: $45.47
Spectral Wrapped 2023

EPIC League Season 3

Combined report for the 3rd season of Epic League

Players in league: 94

Summary | Grid | Profiles ☰ | Cards
List | Cards | Heroes ☰ | Opponents ☰
5900236095 - PC ⚔ Prosti - Series 3 - Game 2 - PC.Dukalis - Support SafelaneDirebatridernyx_assassinwispabaddonmarspucklegion_commanderphoenixoraclemonkey_kingWon27:03
5875681476 - Empire ⚔ PC - Series 1 - Game 3 - PC.Dukalis - Support SafelaneRadiantlunabatriderdoom_bringershadow_demonabaddonphantom_lancerleshracnyx_assassinwispshredderLost38:02