The International 2024 Stats and Meta Wrap Up

Ranked Meta - Last Week

Immortal Ranked stats for the past 7 days, data provided by

Matches without detailed analysis: 58

Drum of Endurance
: 78.65
: 57297
: 4.58%
: 16:23
: 0.56%
: 12:02 - 24:20
: 60.30%
: +10.79%
: 59.19% (-1.11%)
: 66.02% (+5.72%)
Heroes with highest purchase rates
Heroes with best purchase ranks
Heroes with worst purchase ranks

Most notable timings records

Match Hero Timing Difference from median
8058954634 - lichLich06:5619:38
8060998062 - rattletrapClockwerk07:3817:22
8051183333 - vengefulspiritVengeful Spirit06:2516:34
8059502387 - lionLion07:3816:19
8054196895 - venomancerVenomancer05:1116:07
8061377678 - tuskTusk07:0213:31
8055279236 - batriderBatrider05:1612:47
8051322248 - crystal_maidenCrystal Maiden06:4912:04
8055063312 - bounty_hunterBounty Hunter05:4811:11
8058788414 - muertaMuerta09:1910:26